SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2014-2015 Department: Electrical Engineering Program: B.S. Electrical Engineering College: Engineering Website: Program Accreditation (if any): ABET through 2016 Contact Person and Email: Robert H. Morelos-Zaragoza, Date of Report: June 1, 2015 Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program uses the ABET Student Outcomes (a) through (k) with additional Student Outcome (l) as the Program Learning Outcomes (PLO). These Student Outcomes are listed on all course syllabi and posted on the EE Department website at as shown below: The graduates from the Department of Electrical Engineering have the following abilities, knowledge, characteristics and skills: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (l) a competence in one or more technical specialties that meet the needs of Silicon Valley companies. 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) The five University Learning Goals are listed below: 1. ULG #1 - Specialized Knowledge: Depth of knowledge required for a degree, as identified by its program learning outcomes 2. ULG #2 - Broad Integrative Knowledge: Mastery of each step of an investigative, creative, or practical project. Understanding of the implications of results or findings from a particular work in 1 societal context 3. ULG #3 - Intellectual Skills: Fluency in the use of specific theories, tools, technology, and graphical representation. Skills and abilities necessary for life-long learning: critical and creative thinking effective communication, conscientious information gathering and processing, mastery of quantitative methodologies, and the ability to engage effectively in collaborative activities 4. ULG #4 - Applied Knowledge: Ability to integrate theory, practice, and problem-solving to address practical issues. Ability to apply their knowledge and skills to new settings or in addressing complex problems. The ability to work productively as individuals and in groups 5. ULG #5 - Social and Global Responsibilities: Ability to act intentionally and ethically to address a global or local problem in an informed manner with a multicultural and historical perspective and a clear understanding of societal and civic responsibilities. Diverse and global perspectives through engagement with the multidimensional SJSU community The mapping of BSEE PLOs to the University Learning Goals is shown in the table below. BSEE Program Learning Objectives (PLOs) (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (l) a competence in one or more technical specialties that meet the needs of Silicon Valley companies. 1 X X ULGs 2 3 4 X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses The levels of attainment of courses to the EE Program Learning/Student Outcomes are shown in the table below. In the table, the numbers (1 to 5) represent the levels of support such that blank (or 0) means "no support," 1 is minimum support and 5 is the highest support 2 Areas or Courses GE Area A: Basic Skills GE Area B: Science & Mathematics1 GE Area C: Humanities & the Arts GE Area D: Social Science GE Area E: Human Understanding & Development SJSU Studies R: Earth & Environment2 SJSU Studies S: Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. SJSU Studies V: Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding SJSU Studies Z: Written Communication II2 MATH 30, 31, 32, 133A PHYS 50, 51, 52 or PHYS 70, 71, 72 CHEM 1A ENGR 10 CMPE 46 / EE 30 ENGR 100W MATE 153 EE 030 EE 097 EE 098 EE 101 EE 102 EE 110 EE 112 EE 118 EE 120 EE 122 EE 124 EE 128 EE 132 EE 140 EE 160 EE 198A EE 198B Technical Electives3 a Program Learning/Student Outcomes b c d e f g h i j 2 4 See footnote #1 3 4 2 3 3 2 k 3 3 3 See footnote #2 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 2 3 3 5 3 5 See footnote #2 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 4 3 5 3 5 4 5 5 3 5 2 5 5 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 3 4 4 5 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 5 3 3 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 5 5 5 4 1 GE Area B covered within required courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry SJSU Studies R and Z covered within required course ENGR 100W 3 Students are required to take 4 Technical Elective courses 2 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule The overall assessment, evaluation, and implementation schedule for the EE undergraduate program is shown in the figure below. The figure only shows the schedule for the assessment of the Program Educational Objectives and the Program Learning/Student Outcomes, whereas course assessments are 3 performed every semester. Activity Analysis SP 2013 SO PEO Fall 2013 SO PEO SP 2014 Fall 2014 SP 2015 Fall 2015 SP 2016 Fall 2016 SO SO SP 2017 Fall 2017 SP 2018 Fall 2018 Evaluation Implementation The Overall Program Assessment Schedule 5. Student Experience The current set of EE Program Educational Objectives is available from the university catalog and also posted on the EE Department website at The Student Outcomes are listed on all course syllabi and posted on the EE Department website at The Program Educational Objectives are determined and evaluated through a regular consultation and examination process that involves four core constituents: Students, Alumni, Industry, and Faculty. The determination and evaluation of the PEOs by these constituents will automatically guarantee that the PEOs meet the needs of these constituents. The alumni and industry are the two main constituents used for the assessment of the Program Educational Objectives, but inputs from all four constituents are all included for consultation and analysis. Feedback from senior students and direct assessment of courses are the two main activities in the assessment of the Student Outcomes Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (per program and degree) First-time Freshmen: 6 Year Graduation Rates Academic Programs Electrical Engineering New UG Transfers: 3 Year Graduation Rates Fall 2007 Cohort Fall 2010 Cohort Grads : 3 Year Graduation Rates Fall 2010 Cohort Entering % Grad Entering % Grad Entering % Grad Total 46 45.7% 39 43.6% 157 73.9% URM 11 18.2% 5 0.0% 5 80.0% Non-URM 27 51.9% 24 50.0% 31 41.9% Other 8 62.5% 10 50.0% 121 81.8% 7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) Fall 2013 New Students Electrical Degree 1st Fr. UG Transf New Creds Cont. Students 1st UGs Creds Grads Total UGs Creds Grads 4 Engineering Grads Total 92 98 0 192 345 0 213 535 0 405 BS 92 98 0 0 345 0 0 535 0 0 MS 0 0 0 192 0 0 213 0 0 405 8. SFR and average section size (per program) Fall 2013 Student to Faculty Ratio (SFR) 22.5 Average Headcount per Section Lower Division 45.4 39.4 Upper Division 22.9 37.8 Graduate Division 20.5 32.0 Course Prefix Course Level EE - Electrical Engineering Total 34.9 9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) Fall 2013 Electrical Engineering % Tenured/Prob Tenured Probationary Temp Lecturer 62.0% 9.175 7.707 3.421 Part C 10. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions The assessment process for the BSEE program follows an ABET schedule. Each assessment cycle lasts three years and consists of the following three activities (each one lasting year long): 1 – Analysis; 2 – evaluation and 3 – implementation. At the time of this report, the EE department is verifying curriculum changes proposed by student outcome (PLO) champions. The following is a summary of changes to the BSEE curriculum that have been implemented: Course Changes/Actions EE98 Active learning using LTspice tool and a project. Phys 50 prereq changed from D- to C. Differential equations co-req strictly enforced. EE101 Give students four practice exams plus an overall review practice exam at the end. EE102 Statistics topics and a final project incorporated. New textbook. 5 EE110 Active filter design used as examples. EE112 Use of matlab tool and incorporated a final project using it. EE118 Use of Verilog HDL in both lab and lecture. Added CPU design. EE120 New textbook and three new lab experiments with an updated board. EE122 All lab experiments modified. New circuits and LTspice included in the lecture. EE124 Complete redesign of lab experiments. Updated syllabus and new textbook. EE132 More emphasis on PID compensators. EE198A Added Area S assignments. Skill audit is online. EE198B Added Area V assignments. Midterm posters presented in open house. The recommended changes to the curriculum presented below are based on the following ABET’s student outcomes (also referred to as PLOs in this report): PLO Description a An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering b An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs d An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams e An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems f An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g An ability to communicate effectively h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context I A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning J A knowledge of contemporary issues k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice l A competence in one or more technical specialties that meet the needs of Silicon Valley companies. Each PLO has a faculty member assigned to it as a champion. A PLO champion is in charge of two 6 main tasks: (1) to ensure that data for direct assessment is collected, by communicating with the appropriate course coordinators, and (2) to analyze the results and issue recommended changes to courses. List of champions in the current assessment period: Student Outcome (PLO) (a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) An ability to communicate effectively (h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) A knowledge of contemporary issues (k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice Champion Courses Assessed Hamedi-Hagh 112, 110 Ardalan 122, 124 Parent 120, 124 Morelos He Morelos Sirkeci-Mergen 198A 122, 128 198A 198A, 198B Caohuu 198A Morelos 198A, 198B Hsu 198A, 198B Morelos 112, 122 List of implemented curriculum changes to the BSEE program in the current assessment cycle: SO Courses assessed EE110 a Implemented Changes as per Champion Recommendations ∙ Students now take about 10 quizzes ∙ There are five Matlab assignments now in EE112 EE112 EE122 ∙ Rubrics and detailed grading of experiments have been implemented in EE124 lab b EE124 EE124 ∙ EE120: Added a simple EPROM programmer ∙ EE124 Lab: Students design a quadratic integrator and a silicon neuron using analog circuits EE198A ∙ New Canvas rubrics to assess team work EE122 ∙ More data is being collected for EE128 EE128 ∙ EE122 lab experiments have been redesigned EE120 c d e 7 f EE198A ∙ Outcome defined in Canvas allows to export rubric data EE198A ∙ Outcome defined in Canvas allows to export rubric data g EE198B EE198A ∙ Outcome defined in Canvas allows to export rubric data EE198B ∙ Criteria for evaluation of business plan modified EE198A ∙ Proper use of references in business plan (EE198A) and written report (EE198B) has been added to rubrics h i EE198B EE198A ∙ Five-year plan rubric includes lifelong learning j ENGR100W EE112 k ∙ Matlab homework added in EE112 ∙ LTspice grading in EE122 lab. EE122 In the Spring 2014 semester, student outcome champions worked on analyzing data and drafting new recommended actions. These recommended actions were presented to the EE faculty in the Fall 2014 semester. An important change in the (3-year) assessment cycle is to provide champions with templates in which summarizes the list of courses assessed, performance criteria and metrics. This template is used for oral presentation and can be readily included in an assessment report. 11. Assessment Data In the Spring 2013 and Fall 2013 semesters, direct assessment data were collected in the form of samples of student work (homework or exam problem solutions or a lab reports) for every course offered in the BSEE program. The table below lists the assessment methods and metrics (goals) that are used to analyze achievement of student outcomes (PLOs) for the BSEE program. PLO champions and course coordinators establish performance methods and metrics. Based on the results, each champion issues a set of proposed curriculum changes (see above) and presents it to the faculty at large in EE department meetings. PLO a b Method Using student work (quizzes and exams) from EE110 and EE112 courses provided by course instructors Using student lab notebooks and reports in EE122 and EE124 Laboratories Goals 1. At least 60% of students earn 70% or higher scores in Convolution and impulse response 2. At least 60% of students earn 70% or higher scores in Laplace transforms 3. At least 60% of students earn 70% or higher scores in Fourier transform and series 1. At least 80% of the students are able to demonstrate the ability to use instrumentations 2. At least 80% of the students are able Results 1. Criterion 1 is met in EE110 and it is not met in EE112. 2. Criterion 2 is met in EE110 and it is not met in EE112. 3. Criterion 3 is not met in EE112. Goals are met but having concern in student ability in data analysis 8 c d e f g h i j 1. Assess student ability in system design from EE120 lecture midterm exams and final exam, laboratory exercise reports and laboratory midterm, and course final project 2. Assess student ability in component and circuit design from EE124 exams, quizzes, homework assignments, and laboratory projects 1. Coordinator to grade student business plans in EE198A based on a rubric in management and responsibility control 2. Advisor to grade students individual effort in EE198B Using exams and laboratory reports in EE122 Using exams and homework assignments in EE128 Coordinator to grade student business plans in EE198A based on a rubric in ethical issues – Coordinator and advisors to grade student business plans, project proposals, and proposal presentations in EE198A – Project advisors to grade student project reports and presentations in EE198B – All student assignments in ENGR100W (Sp2009) Senior project students answers questions on these issues in the exit surveys Coordinator to grade student reports in EE198A on their "five year plan" based on a rubric in continue education, professional development, reference citations 1. Coordinator to grade student proposals addressing contemporary issues based on a defined rubric 2. All student assignments in ENGR100W (Sp2009) to demonstrate the ability to write a formal laboratory report. 1. At least 50% of the students are able to score at least 50% 2. At least 50% of the students are able to score at least 50% 1. Goals are not met for ability in system design 2. Goals are barely met for component and circuit design. 1. 80% of EE198A students meet expectations 2. 80% of 198B students earn 80% or higher in individual effort 1. Goals are met 2. Goals are met 1. At least 80% of the students are able to solve creatively an engineering problem 2. At least 60% of the students are able to define, analyze, represent, and find a solution to an engineering problem 80% of EE198A students meet expectations 1. Criterion 1 is met 2. Criterion 2 is not met 80% of students earn 80% or higher scores in EE198A business plans, proposals and proposal presentations, and in EE198B reports and presentation Goals are met in EE198A and EE198B but students need to improve ability in reference citations 80% students meet writing scores in inclass writings, homework, formal research assignment, group written report, and exit exam ENGR 100W Goals are all met in ENGR 100W 80% of the students meet the expectations Goals are met 80% of students earn 80% or higher scores Goals are met but students need to improve ability in reference citations 1. 100% of students earn 80% or higher scores in EE198A proposals 2. 80% students meet writing scores in in-class writings, homework, formal research assignment, group written report, and exit exam ENGR 100W Goals are met in EE198A and ENGR100W Goals are not met 9 k 1. Using EE112 exam and homework problems to assess the ability of using MATLAB for system analysis and design 2. Using EE122 exam and homework problems to assess the ability of using PSPICE for solving circuit and for evaluating circuit performance 3. Using EE122 lab to assess student ability in measuring characteristics of semiconductor devices 1. At least 75% of the students with 70% or better scores in using MATLAB 2. At least 70% of the students with 65% or better scores in using PSPICE 3. At least 80% of the students with 70% or better scores in using instrumentations to measure and model device characteristics All criteria are met but it was found that the number of students using MATLAB is relatively low 12. Analysis Direct-assessment data was collected in 2013 and PLO champions presented their recommended actions in Fall 2014. Based on the recommendations issued by PLO champions important changes to the BSEE program curriculum have been made. The implementation of these changes is being corroborated and presented in meetings held in Spring 2015 and Fall 2015. Also in Spring 2015, course coordinators were asked again to evaluate the level of support that each required course in the BSEE program offers to PLOs. Based on this information, in Fall 2015 new courses to be assessed will be determine for the next assessment cycle that begins in 2016. 13. Proposed changes and goals Future activities to improve our assessment process include: ∙ To develop rubrics, one for each course offered, based on three to five course learning objectives and implement them electronically (e.g., Canvas) ∙ To implement electronically (e.g., Google Docs) indirect assessment instruments, such as questionnaires, directed to alumni and employers via email, in order to increase the number of responses. 10