SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2013-2014 Department: Biomedical, Chemical & Materials Engineering Program: B.S. Biomedical Engineering College: Engineering Website: x Check here if your website addresses the University Learning Goals. (Yes) The program’s educational objectives, which are consistent with the educational objectives of the Accreditation Board on Engineering and Technology, are linked to the university’s learning goals. Program Accreditation (if any): ABET accreditation visit is planned for Fall 2015. Contact Person and Email: Guna Selvaduray; Date of Report: June 27, 2014 Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) The Program Learning Outcomes, which are consistent with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) disciplinary standards and requirements, and the Program Evaluation Components (PEC) for each PLO, are listed below. The PECs for each PLO was identified and developed to ensure that the assessment for each PLO would be relevant to biomedical engineering. The faculty as a group decide and formulate, through several discussions, the specific PECs that are relevant to biomedical engineering, and the level of mastery required, keeping in mind the requirements that can be expected to be placed when our students graduate and enter the professional workforce. The PECs are reviewed annually and modifications made if the faculty as a group think that is warranted. 1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering 1.1 Identify the basic structural and functional principles of human organ systems including repair systems 1.2 Apply conservation laws to biological and medical systems to solve biomedical engineering problems. 1.3 Apply engineering fundamentals and scientific reasoning to model and predict responses at biological interfaces 1 2. Ability to design/conduct experiments and analyze/interpret data 2.1 Design and analyze appropriate experiments to measure or optimize specific engineering properties , incorporating statistical procedures 2.2 Analyze and interpret results of specific and mandatory FDA testing 2.3 Solve closed and open-ended biomedical engineering problems using experimental methodologies 3. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability 3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different and biomedical devices in terms of safety and efficacy 3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the constraints around process/product design based on FDA regulations 4. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams 4.1 Function effectively as both team leader and team member in accomplishing engineering team projects 5. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems 5.1 Troubleshoot a biomedical system by dividing the system into subcomponents and narrow the failure to single subsystem or an interaction 5.2 Simulate the problem by using mathematical modeling tools 5.3 Evaluate the constraints in a biomedical engineering problem and develop solutions 6. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 6.1 Formulate and address ethical issues which arise in solving engineering problems and in the workplace 7. Ability to communicate effectively 7.1 Communicate effectively in informal team settings and through formal and informal presentations, in written and oral formats 8. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context 8.1 Understands consequences of global/societal context of biomedical engineering issues and policies. 9. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning 9.1 Conduct a thorough information search, be resourceful in uncovering information, and critically evaluate information. 2 10. Knowledge of contemporary issues 10.1 Compare and evaluate current and emerging biomedical engineering technologies 11. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice 11.1 Apply appropriate software, modern tools, and techniques for design and analysis of biomedical systems 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) Mapping of the PLOs to the University Learning Goals was initially done by the Biomedical Engineering Program Director, and then reviewed and discussed by the biomedical engineering faculty and adjustments made. Table 1 contains the mapping that evolved as a result of this collaborative review process. Table 1: Mapping of Biomedical Engineering Program Learning Outcomes to University Learning Goals University Learning Goals → Program Learning Outcomes ↓ 1. Apply knowledge of math, science, engineering 2. Design/conduct experiments & analyze/interpret data 3. Design system, component or process within multiple constraints 4. Function in multidisciplinary teams 5. Identify, formulate & solve engineering problems 6. Professional and ethical responsibility 7. Communicate effectively 8. Global/societal impact of engineering solutions 9. Engagement in life-long learning 10. Knowledge of contemporary issues 11. Mastery of modern tools for engineering practice Specialized Knowledge Broad Integrative Knowledge Intellectual Skills Applied Knowledge √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Social & Global Responsibilities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses The courses in which each Program Evaluation Component is assessed, the semester during which it was assessed, and the level at which it was assessed, during AY 2013-2014, is shown in Table 2. The assessment schedule for AY 2014-2015 is expected to be similar to the AY 2013 - 2014 assessment schedule. The specific schedule and the Program Evaluation Component to be assessed will be finalized during the Biomedical Engineering Program meeting during Summer 2014. Table 2: Matrix showing specific courses, semesters, and levels at which Program Evaluation Components are assessed.* Semester Course F 13 BME 115 1 2 1 2 Sp 14 BME 117 2 2 2 Sp 14 BME 173 Sp 14 BME 174 F 13 BME 177 2 F13 ChE 162 F13/Sp14 BME 198A&B Program Evaluation Component 1.1 1.2 3 1.3 2 3 2.1 2 3 2.2 2 3 2 3 2.3 2 3 3.1 2 2 3.2 1 2 2 4.1 1 1 2 5.1 1 2 5.2 1 1 2 5.3 1 2 3 6.1 1 3 3 7.1 1 1 2 2 3 8.1 2 2 3 9.1 1 2 2 3 10.1 1 2 2 2 11.1 1 1 1 1 2 * Relationship to Bloom’s Taxonomy: Level 1 in this table corresponds to Bloom’s Levels I & II, Level 2 corresponds to Bloom’s Levels III & IV, and Level 3 corresponds to Bloom’s Levels V & VI. 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule The assessment schedule that was followed in AY 2013 - 2014 was shown in Table 2. This was our first assessment cycle. The Biomedical Engineering Program was approved by the CSU Chancellor in October 4 2011, and the first intake of first time freshmen and undergraduate transfers was in Fall 2012. As this program is still relatively new, a multi-year assessment plan has not been fully developed at this time. The focus of the program faculty at this time is to prepare the necessary assessment documentation in preparation for an accreditation visit by ABET in Fall 2015. A multi-year assessment plan that describes actions taken as a result of assessment activities, to improve achievement, will be an integral part of the preparations for the ABET visit. The specific assessment tasks that were undertaken and completed during AY 2013-2014 were: - BME 115 – Program Learning Outcomes 1.2 and 2.1 at Level 2; Fall 2013 BME 117 – Program Learning Outcomes 1.2 and 1.3 at Level 2 and 5.2 at Level 1; Spring 2013 and Spring 2014 BME 173 – Program Learning Outcomes 3.1 at Level 2 and 6.1 at Level 3; Spring 2014 BME 174 – Program Learning Outcomes 3 at Level 2 and 5 at Level 1; Spring 2014 BME 198A & B - Program Learning Outcomes 4.1, 10.1 and 11.1 at Level 2, and 2.1, 2.3, 5.3, 7.1 and 9.1 at Level 3; Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 Reports detailing the assessment procedure, analysis of the data, and findings/lessons learned are not included in this report, in the interest of brevity; they are available upon request. The tools used for assessment consisted of a combination of assignments, quizzes, midterm and final examinations, including take-home portions for the final examination, and written reports and class presentations. The general finding, which is not surprising, is that students who completed and submitted their assignments performed better in achieving the PECs in the examinations. In addition to assessment of mastery of the PECs, the students in BME 198A&B (Senior Project) are also assessed by the Industry Advisory Committee during the Senior Project Final Presentation, also referred to as Student Conference Day. The criteria used for this evaluation by external industry professionals, and the average rating, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, is shown in Table 3. The correlation between the Student Conference day evaluation criteria and the PECs is shown in Table 4. The ratings for all of the evaluation criteria employed during Student Conference Day are around 4, with Criterion 3, “Research and properly apply fundamental engineering relationships” being at 3.88. These results indicate that the BME Program faculty have to pay more attention to preparing the students to perform better, with the target being that the average rating should be 4.5 or higher. 5 Table 3: Rating of Senior Project Presentations by External Industry Professionals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Student Conference Day Evaluation Criterion Communicated the biomedical relevance of project or topic Demonstrates thorough understanding of project background, places project in the context of current biomedical technology Research and properly apply fundamental engineering relationships (conservation equations, engineering models, etc.) Develop an experimental design appropriate for testing the chosen parameters, including appropriate statistical analysis of data Demonstrate clear understanding of engineering/design constraints. Apply constraints to project, product, or protocol design Demonstrate understanding of the relevant regulatory protocols (FDA, IRB, IACUC) Effectively communicate multidisciplinary topics to a broad audience Analyze the impact of project outcomes on the local, national, and/or global community Give an effective oral presentation Rating 4.19 4.02 3.88 4.05 4.08 4.06 4.11 4.03 Table 4: Correlation between PECs and Student Conference Day Evaluation Criteria PEC 4.1 5.3 7.1 9.1 ABET Description Function effectively as both team leader and team member in accomplishing engineering team projects Evaluate the constraints in a biomedical engineering problem and develop solutions Communicate effectively in informal team settings and through formal and informal presentations, in written and oral formats Conduct a thorough information search, be resourceful in uncovering information, and critically evaluate information. SCD Evaluation Criteria 7 2, 5 1, 2, 7, 9 2 10.1 Compare and evaluate current and emerging biomedical engineering technologies 2 11.1 Apply appropriate software, modern tools, and techniques for design and analysis of biomedical systems 4 6 5. Student Experience The Program Learning Objectives are consistent with the requirements of ABET. If we are to value ABET accreditation, there is not much room for making changes to the PLOs. The Program Evaluation Components (PECs), however, were developed by the program faculty. Consideration of student feedback in the formulation of the PECs, while being a desired element, can be very difficult to implement as the students, especially undergraduates, do not have sufficient knowledge of the field, which is extremely broad, to be able to provide meaningful input. Input from the program's Industry Advisory Council, has been sought and have been included in the formulation of the PECs. In the future feedback from program alumni will also be sought and considered in any changes made to the PECs. The program alumni have yet to gain sufficient professional experience to be able to provide meaningful input at this time since biomedical engineering is a very new program and the first BS graduate exited our program in May 2012. We expect to do this in about two years from now, i.e., AY 2016-2017, as by that time a sufficient number of students would have graduated from the program and also gained sufficient professional experience to be able to provide meaningful feedback. The university's program assessment process, the ABET accreditation process, and the ULGs will be communicated more proactively to the students. This will be done during the Orientation Meeting that is convened right before the beginning of every Fall semester, and will be repeated in BME 115, the gateway course taken by all biomedical engineering majors. The ULGs, PLOs and PECs will be posted more prominently in the department/program website when the website is revised and updated in the near future. The ABET Program Educational Objectives and University Learning Goals are accessible via the BCME Department website. Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (per program and degree) The IEA Office’s website does not include graduation rates for Biomedical Engineering. In fact, there is no link for Biomedical Engineering. The data provided in Table 3 are based on SJSU’s Commencement Booklet. URM students and Non-URM students were identified by the author, based on personal knowledge. The data shown in Table 5 are expected to increase significantly in the future as the numbers of FTF and UGT have grown significantly. Approximately 40% of the students currently in the program are females. The data for those who have expressed their intent to enroll in Fall 2014 indicate that about 60% are females. Thus, the ratio of female/male graduates will rise significantly. 7 Table 5: Graduation Rates for B.S. Biomedical Engineering Program Academic Year 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Total # of Graduates 1 5 9 Female/Male URM/Non-URM 0/1 1/4 1/8 0/1 1/4 3/9 7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) Table 6 contains the information for new applied, admitted and enrolled students, both FTF and UGTs. The data for Fall 2014 was constructed from information provided by Jared Tuberty, Director, Engineering Student Success Center. Using the Fall 2013 “Enrolled Indicator” as the basis, the number of new students who intend to enroll increased by 48%. Table 6: New Applied, Admitted and Enrolled Students in Biomedical Engineering Applied Admitted Enrolled Indicator Indicator Indicator Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 1 410 12 1 311 9 344 0 48 8 71 The enrollment by gender and ethnicity for Fall 2012 and 2013 are shown in Table 7. As can be seen from the data in Table 7, the increase in enrollment from Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 was substantial, the total going from 94 to 194; this represents an increase of 106%. Given the fact that 9 students graduated in May 2014, and that 71 students will be entering in Fall 2014, the Fall 2014 enrollment is expected to exceed 250. 8 Table 7: B.S. Biomedical Engineering Enrollment by Gender and Ethnicity TOT Fall 2012 UG F M Total Grad Black 1 Asian 8 Hisp 3 White 5 Foreign Fall 2013 Total UG Grad Total 1 1 12 25 13 38 3 9 1 10 3 8 7 9 16 1 6 7 1 8 9 Other 4 2 6 5 3 8 Total 22 15 37 48 34 82 1 1 4 AmInd Black 2 Asian 18 Hisp 1 2 3 1 4 12 30 38 21 59 3 2 5 10 2 12 White 10 7 17 19 3 22 Foreign 1 1 2 2 7 9 Other 1 1 4 1 5 Total 35 22 57 76 36 112 57 37 94 124 70 194 In addition to FTF and UGTs, the Biomedical Engineering Program has also been receiving requests from a significant number of SJSU students who wish to transfer into Biomedical Engineering. In the time period between May 7, 2012 and May 30, 2014, a total of 110 SJSU students applied to change their major to Biomedical Engineering. Twenty six of the 110 applied to change their major after the Fall 2013 census date, and are therefore assumed not to be included in the Fall 2013 total of 194. Nine of the 26 petitions to change major have been approved while the other 17 students are in the process of satisfactorily completing their Study Plan for the change of major. If these Change of Majors are taken into account, the projection is that the Fall 2014 enrollment in the BS Biomedical Engineering Program will be close to 280. 9 8. SFR and average section size (per program) The data available from the IEA website provided is shown in Table 8. Table 8: 2013/14 Course Enrollment (Redistributed) by Semester - FTES FTES Fall 2013 UD Spring 2014 Total UD GRAD Total BME 15.07 15.07 29.80 9.75 39.55 Total 15.07 15.07 29.80 9.75 39.55 The actual enrollment in BME courses for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014, and the current enrollment for Fall 2014 are shown in Table 9. Table 9: BS Biomedical Engineering AY 2013-2014 and Fall 2014 Course Enrollment Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Course Enrollment Course Enrollment Course BME 115 Lecture BME 115 Lab Section 1 BME 115 Lab Section 2 BME 115 Lab Section 3 48 17 16 BME 115 Lecture BME 115 Lab Section 1 BME 115 Lab Section 2 14 20 15 BME 117 BME 173 BME 174 BME 177 BME 198A 34 35 9 BME 198B BME 115 Lecture BME 115 - Lab Section 1 BME 115 - Lab Section 2 BME 115 - Lab Section 3 Fall 2014 Enrollment Wait List 36 12 12 12 37 23 31 9 10 BME 177 BME 198A 40 20 32 9 9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) The data provided by IEA for this section includes the entire department, which consists of three programs, i.e., biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, and materials engineering. Separated data for biomedical engineering does not appear to be reported. The Biomedical Engineering Program currently has two tenure-track faculty members. Professor Benjamin Hawkins joined us in Fall 2012 and Professor Folarin Erogbogbo joined us in Fall 2013. It is expected that Dr. Alessandro Bellofiore will join us in Fall 2014 and be the third tenure-track faculty member. BME 174 – Regulatory, Design and Quality Requirements – is taught by a non-tenured/tenure-track instructor. The nature of the contents of this course requires the instructor to have significant biomedical engineering industry experience, including FDA compliance experience. As the program grows and the numbers of courses that are directly relevant to the practice of biomedical engineering are developed, the number of instructors from industry is expected to grow. We are fortunate in that Silicon Valley has a very large number of biomedical engineering companies, and a good pool of talented and highly qualified individuals to teach this class. Part C 10. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions There is no previous program planning cycle or previous annual assessment report as this is a relatively new program. The most important action that the biomedical engineering faculty are focused on is accreditation of the program. As stated earlier, the ABET accreditation visit is planned for Fall 2015. AY 2014-2015 will be a very busy year as we continue our assessment activities and write the self-study report. In addition, actions to both increase the number, and improve the quality, of the students will continue. 11. Assessment Data The data collected for this report, and presented in the body of the report, come from several sources: (a) Assessment of Program Learning Outcomes by the faculty teaching the BME classes, (b) Appropriate components of the IEA website, as specified in the directions provided for writing this report, (c) New student enrollment data provided by Jared Tuberty, Director, Engineering Student success Center, (d) Data for student enrollment in BME classes from PeopleSoft, and (e) SJSU’s Commencement booklet published at the end of every academic year. 11 12. Analysis Evaluation of achievement of the PLOs and recommended actions are contained in the individual course assessment reports. However, these have not yet been discussed in a holistic manner by the entire faculty, and needs to be. The BME faculty will be meeting during Summer 2014 to discuss and evaluate the information obtained from the AY 2013-2014 assessment activities. This will be used as the basis for future improvements to all aspects of the Biomedical Engineering Program. 13. Proposed changes and goals (if any) Proposed goals and changes will be discussed by the BME faculty during Summer 2014, based on the analysis of the assessment activities during AY 2013-2014. 12