Program: School of Social Work
Date: 1/26/08
Prepared by: Laurie Drabble phone: 408-924-5836
Are samples, results, rubrics, etc for this report archived in the location listed on the Cover page?
______x______ YES _______________ NO
C= Collect data D= Discuss data among faculty I= implement program changes based on data
C, D, or I
Content or results of activity
B 3.1
B 4.1
B 4.2
D and I
D, I,
Collecting qualitative and quantitative assessment of student learning related to the School’s transcultural perspective and subsequently held several faculty retreats (06/07 academic year) to better define the model and infuse throughout curriculum. Faculty successfully applied for LPP grant to further this work. Prior to Fall 07, faculty planned strategy to provide orientation to the model in Fall of
07 for incoming students. Also, new teaching modules were developed in the
Spring and Summer 07 for piloting in three core classes (HBSE, Policy,
Practice) in both the BASW and MSW programs.
Implemented modifications in “capstone” course and assignment based on indirect assessment (exit survey data and focus group feedback). Collected, analyzed and discussed direct assessment of student performance on projects in Fall 07/Spring 08. Students exceeded benchmark; no additional changes made at this time.
M 2.1 C, D Collected direct assessment of student learning through embedded test questions (Fall 06). Analyzed and discussed data with faculty; students
M 3.2 C, D,
M 4.2 C exceeded benchmark. However, evaluation of student learning by field instructors were somewhat under the benchmark.
Collected direct assessment of student learning through embedded test questions (Fall 06). Student learning exceeded benchmark. However, indirect measure of student mid-point survey below benchmark.
Created matrix to measure student achievement of foundation objectives related to basic research knowledge and skills; collected data from multiple sections of foundation research class.
Please report assessment activities completed in the fall 2007 semester (collect data, analyze data, discuss results among faculty, or implement changes. This table should match planned activities for fall
2007 in Table 2.
C= Collect data D= Discuss data among faculty I= implement program changes based on data
B 1.1 (transcultural)
B 1.2 (diversity)
B 1.3 (values/ethics)
B 2.1 (theory)
B 2.2 (self-eval)
B 2.3 (communication)
B 2.4 (Gen practice)
B 3.1 (PPO)
B 3.2 (Policy)
B 3.3 (History)
B 3.4 (orgs)
B 4.1 (critical thinking)
B 4.2 (research)
M 1.1 (transcultural)
M 1.2 (diversity)
M 1.3 (values/ethics)
M 1.4 (c-ethics)
M 1.5 (c-multisystems)
M 2.1 (theory)
M 2.2 (self-eval)
M 2.3 (communication)
M 2.4 (Gen perspective)
M 2.5 (c-theory)
M 2.6 (c-consultation/ autonomous practice)
M 2.7 (c-interventions)
M 3.1 (PPO)
M 3.2 (Policy)
M 3.3 (History)
M 3.4 (orgs)
M 3.5 (c-policies)
M 3.6 (c-communities)
M 4.1 (critical thinking)
M 4.2 (research)
M 4.3 (c-conduct research)
M 4.4 (refine practice)
C, D, or
Content or results of activity
Pilot new curriculum modules on transcultural perspective
Pilot new curriculum modules on transcultural perspective.
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Modified ScWk 175, collected direct data through capstone.
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Modified syllabus for ScWk 175, the BASW capstone course, was restructured to strengthen integration to critical thinking and research skills through development of a program proposal
Conducted special session on transcultural perspective during orientation. Piloted new curriculum modules on transcultural perspective in three foundation MSW practices.
Pilot new curriculum modules on transcultural perspective.
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat, faculty meetings and sequence. Reviewed syllabus. Integrated use of additional case applications of theory in course. Case examples distributed to instructors in all sections.
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Based on indirect data and qualitative student feedback, instituted new mechanisms to facilitate consistency of teaching and content between sections.
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Collected additional direct assessment data on core policy analysis assignments across different policies classes (scores for specific assignment)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Discussed in retreat and faculty meetings (no change needed)
Please describe how the activities planned for the spring 2008 semester will be executed.
Spring 2008 assessment plan
(should match schedule in Table 2):
B1.1, B1.2,
B 3.3., B 4.1,
B 4.2
M 3.2
M 3.5
M 4.2
Execution of plan
In the Spring of 08, we are continuing to implement program changes in relation to teaching our transcultural perspective. We also plan to conduct a special assessment of pilot modules developed for this purpose with support of an LPP grant.
Review findings from capstone student projects
(matrix of student performance related to each of the identified objectives)
In Spring 08, we plan to collect direct assessment data on student learning related to foundation year policy objectives (using scores on policy analysis assignment embedded in class).
D Analysis and discussion of direct measure of student performance related to advanced year policy analysis (based on data across difference concentration year policy classes).
D Analysis and discussion of student achievement of advanced research objectives based on direct measures using capstone research project.
Table 1: BASW Assessment Outcomes by Program Objective
BSW Program
Measure Outcome
B1.1 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of diversity and competence in applying a transcultural perspective.
B1.2 Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to work effectively with diverse populations, particularly populations that are disenfranchised, oppressed or marginalized.
(Benchmark , mean of 4.0; 80% at or over 4.0)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (1a):
Ability to form and sustain appropriate relationships with clients, co-workers, staff and administration.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (1b):
Evidences ability to interview persons of different ages with empathy, purpose and focus.
Exit Survey (1):
80 percent of seniors will agree/strongly agree with statement #1 that the program prepared them to
“Understand issues related to diversity and apply a transcultural perspective to understanding social work issues and problems.”
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (6a)
“Evidence ability to interact, communicate and work with clients or client groups from backgrounds different from those of the student and other marginalized, oppressed, populations-at-risk”.
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.42)
82 percent rated 4.0 or better (M=4.26)
93 percent rated 4.0 or better (M=4.24)
90 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.43)
Exit Survey (2): Work effectively with diverse populations. 88 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.44)
BSW Program
Measure Outcome
B 1.3 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the values, ethics and principles of the social work profession and will practice accordingly.
B 2.1 Students will be able to use theoretical frameworks to understand human development and behavior across the life span and the interactions between individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
B 2.2 Students will be able to engage in self-reflection and use of supervision and consultation in practice.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5c):
Evidences ability to practice within the ethics and values of the social work profession.
Exit Survey (3): Analyze and apply social work values, ethics and principles at multiple system levels.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2c):
Conceptualizes and articulates the rationale and theoretical framework behind: assessment, choice of intervention, strategies, techniques, and case plan implementation.
Exit Survey (4): Understand theories related to human development across the life span and the interactions between individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
(Benchmark , mean of 4.0; 80% at or over 4.0)
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.45 )
95 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.19)
72 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.98)
88 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.19)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5a):
Ability to carry out a professional role in a dependable and accountable manner including promptness and consistency in work with clients and community, timely completion of written reports, and conscientious observation of agency hours.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5b):
Provides regular process recordings as a learning tool to maximize benefit or weekly individual supervision.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5d):
Evidences self-awareness and assessment of one’s strengths and acceptance of responsibility for one’s own learning.
Exit Survey (5): Engage in self-reflection and use of supervision and consultation in practice.
83 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.30)
73 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.15)*
83 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.32)
90 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.40)
BSW Program
Measure Outcome
B 2.3 Students will be able to demonstrate skills for effective communication with diverse clients, colleagues and communities.
B 2.4 Students will be able to apply transcultural, generalist social work knowledge and skills of practice with systems of all sizes).
B 3.1 Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge of issues related to power, privilege, oppression, and diversity that impact social services and how to advocate on behalf of clients and communities from a social justice perspective.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4a):
Evidences ability to interview and/or interact with clients, client groups, or staff members who are from sociocultural backgrounds different from the student.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4b):
Evidences ability to communicate effectively, orally, and in writing.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4c):
Evidences competence in: listening and attending; reflections and acceptance of feelings; paraphrasing and summarizing content; confrontation; recognition of strengths; incorporating cultural and/or ideological perspectives of clients, and reinforcing functional behavior.
Exit Survey (6): Communicate with diverse clients, colleagues and communities
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2a):
Appropriately gathers information and formulates written assessments about individuals, families, groups, or community situations.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2b):
Able to make assessment of situation and prioritize interventions at the appropriate level and target group.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2d):
Formulates plans and goals with clients and client groups that includes cultural and/or ideological perspectives and works with client/groups on the basis of mutually arrives at contracts.
Exit Survey (7): Apply the knowledge and skills of generalist social work practice with systems of all sizes.
(Benchmark , mean of 4.0; 80% at or over 4.0)
90 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.35)
83 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.17)
82 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.18)
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.42)
82 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.28)
87 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.15)
82 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.22)
79 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.14)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (6b):
Evidences ability to collect and analyze demographic and community data relevant to understanding the agency’s client population, those served and those populations-atrisk not served by present policy and funding levels.
Exit Survey (8): Understand issues related to power, privilege, oppression and how to advocate on behalf of clients and communities from a social justice perspective.
80 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.36)*
88 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.36)
BSW Program
Measure Outcome
B 3.2 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of current social policies, ability to analyze policies, and knowledge of strategies for influencing social policy.
B 3.3 Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to interpret the history of the social work profession and its contemporary structures and issues.
B 3.4 Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to function effectively as practitioners within the structure of a social services organization and service delivery system and, as needed, facilitate improvements and change.
B 4.1 Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to employ critical thinking skills and information literacy to locate, evaluate and use reliable knowledge to inform effective social work practice.
B 4.2 Students will be able to critically review empirical literature and understand strategies for investigating issues, problems and solutions relevant to social work, particularly as they impact disenfranchised, oppressed, or marginalized populations.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (7a):
Evidences ability to critically analyze agency policy and community resources in reference to services provided to populations-at-risk; identify service needs and policy needed to facilitate policy change; and become familiar with or initiate strategies for constructive change at the appropriate level of intervention.
Exit Survey (9): Have knowledge of current social policies, ability to analyze policies, and knowledge of strategies for influencing policies.
Capstone project written assignment- Score on sections
(1) research the nature and extent of the problem and its impact on the group selected and (2) describe historical approaches to addressing these problems
Exit Survey (10): Understand the social work profession’s mission and philosophy within current and historical contexts.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (3a):
Has become familiar with agency policies, organization, rules, and procedures and the services provided
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (3b):
Evidences ability to define roles and relationships of agency personnel, define one’s own role as a service provider, and uses supervision appropriately.
Exit Survey (11): Work effectively within organizations and service systems and facilitate improvements and change, as needed.
Capstone project written assignment- Score on sections
(4) use the format of a logic model to develop a program with various components and describe expected outcomes; (5) describe the evidence base available to support their program components
Exit Survey (12): Use critical thinking and information literacy skills to locate, evaluate and apply knowledge to social work practice.
Capstone project written assignment- Score on sections
(1) research the nature and extent of the problem and its impact on the group selected; (5) describe the evidence base available to support their program components; and
6) describe a policy that supports their program as well as a potential funding source.
Exit Survey (13): Critically review empirical literature and understand research methods used for investigating social work issues.
80 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.13)*
64 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.86)
83 percent good or exemplary
(benchmark of
88 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.40)
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.47)
91 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.47)
77 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.98)
100 percent of students rated good or exemplary
(benchmark of
84 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (4.19)
92 percent of students rated good or exemplary
79 percent of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.06)
* Indicates items with more than 10 percent of field instructors “unable to assess” or missing data in original analysis. Scores in table exclude missing data.
Table 2: MSW Assessment Outcomes by Foundation Program Objective (Benchmark 4.0)
M1.1 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of diversity and competence in applying a transcultural perspective.
Field Instructor evaluation (3c): Demonstrate ability to recognize and understand cultural differences and appreciate diversity.
Old Field Instructor (4a & 4b): Transcultural competence (knowledge & skills)
Exit Survey (1): Understand issues related to diversity and apply a transcultural perspective to social work issues and problems.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (3c):
Demonstrate ability to recognize and understand cultural differences and appreciate diversity.
(Benchmark , mean of 4.0; 80% at or over 4.0)
92.3 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.35)
96.5 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.37) (knowledge)
93.0 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.30) (skill)
68.9% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.90)
92.3 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.35)
M1.2. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to work effectively with diverse populations, particularly populations that are disenfranchised, oppressed or marginalized.
M 1.3 Students will be able to analyze and apply social work values, ethics and principles in relation to diverse contexts and at multiple system levels.
Exit Survey (2): Work effectively with diverse populations
65.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.82)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (1a):
Demonstrate understanding of the structure and function of field practicum in social work as it relates to the MSW program, the agency, and the consumer community.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (1b):
Demonstrate awareness and understanding of students’ own learning needs and personal values that affect practice, and the ability to separate personal, professional and student roles.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (1c):
Engage in purposeful professional interaction with clients, field instructor, other students, and staff in the field setting and with other community agencies.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (1d):
Analyze and apply social work values and ethical principles in relation to diverse contexts.
Exit Survey (3): Analyze and apply social work values, ethics, and principles at multiple systems levels
Old Field Instructor (1a & 1b):
Professional social work values and ethics in practices
(knowledge & skill)
88.9% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.22)
81.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.15)
81.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.26)
88.9% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.26)
74.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.93)
89.7% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.36) (knowledge)
86.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.28)(skill)
BSW Program
M 2.1 Students will be able to apply and critically analyze theoretical frameworks supported by empirical evidence to understand individual development and behavior across the life span and interactions between individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
M 2.2 Students will be able to engage in self-reflection and use supervision and consultation in practice.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4c):
Collect data and utilize theoretical frameworks supported by empirical evidence to assess the strengths and needs of client systems of varying sizes utilizing a bio-psycho-social framework.
Old Field Instructor (10a & 10b):
Integration of theory and practice
Exit Survey (4): Understand, analyze, and apply theories related to human development across the lifespan and the interactions between individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Embedded Test Questions in HBSE Exam: 1 true/false &
5 multiple choice questions (definition of theory, concepts associated with ecological/systems theory and privilege).
(Benchmark , mean of
4.0; 80% at or over 4.0)
56.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (the remainder of 43.5% were 3.0/good) (M= 3.83)
87.0% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.17) (knowledge)
85.2% (of students rated 4.0 or better M= 4.13) (skill)
68.0% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.91)
Over 80% of students correctly answered each question
(range 85% - 100%)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2d):
Demonstrate ability to utilize agency structures for learning
85.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.30) and growth including supervision and consultation.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5a):
Ability to identify gaps in knowledge and skill and develop and implement a plan to appropriately use supervision.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5b):
Ability to work within a scope of practice while still acknowledging and assessing gaps in knowledge and skills.
77.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.15)
85.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.22)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (5c) 77.8% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.19)
Separate personal, professional and student roles, and articulate their own learning needs and tactics for
having those needs met in the field setting
Old Field Instructor (9a &9b):
Professional identity/transformation
Exit Survey (5): Engage in self-reflection and use of supervision and consultation in practice
85.7 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.45)
81.8 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.25) (skills)
74.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.96)
BSW Program
M 2.3 Students will be able to demonstrate skills for effective communication with diverse clients, colleagues and communities.
M 2.4 Students will be able to demonstrate use of a transcultural generalist perspective to systems of all sizes
Measure (Benchmark , mean of
4.0; 80% at or over 4.0)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (3a):
Demonstrate ability to communicate and interact effectively with individuals across the lifespan.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (3b):
Demonstrate ability to communicate and interact effectively with families, groups, organizations and communities.
Old Field Instructor: (3a,3b,5a,5b,6a,6b,7a,7b):
Professional practice requirements (3)
Direct service assignments: Individuals (5)
Direct service assignments: Families (6)
Direct service assignments: Groups (7)
92.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.19)
85.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.22)
91.1% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.30)(3a-knowledg)
80.0% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.18)(3b-skills)
91.1% of students rated 4.0 or better M=4.32) (5a-Individual)
90.9% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.36) (5b-Individual)
80.8% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.00) (6a-Families)
70.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 3.84) (6b-Families)
83.7% of students rated 4.0 or
Exit Survey (6): Communicate with diverse clients, colleagues, and communities. better (M= 4.18) (7a-Groups)
85.4% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.23) (7b-Groups)
74.6% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.99)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4a):
Demonstrate basic interviewing skills, such as clarifying,
88.9% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.30) interpreting, reframing and active listening.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4b):
Apply purposeful use of self in interaction with clients and client groups.
74.1% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.11)
74.1% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.07)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4d):
Demonstrate skills in case recording, writing reports and assessments, and meeting agency requirements for documentation necessary for professional learning and accountability.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4f):
Demonstrate skills in goal setting, contracting with client systems of varying sizes.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4g):
Apply a problem solving approach within an ecological systems framework in implementing interventions at the micro, mezzo and macro levels.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4h):
Identify and utilize community resources on behalf of clients and client systems.
Exit Survey (7): Use a generalist perspective to understand and develop interventions with systems of all sizes.
85.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.15)
77.8% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.96)
88.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.35)
68.0% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.81)
BSW Program
M 3.1 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of issues related to power, privilege, oppression, and diversity that impact social services and skills of advocacy on behalf of clients and communities from a social justice perspective.
M 3.2 Students will be able to demonstrate know-ledge and skill in analyzing and influencing social policy.
M 3.3 Students will be able to critically analyze the social work profession’s mission and philosophy within contemporary and historical contexts.
M 3.4 Students will be able to work effectively in organizational and service systems and, as needed, facilitate systemic improvements and change.
Measure Benchmark , mean of 4.0;
80% at or over 4.0
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4i):
Demonstrate knowledge of issues related to power,
80.8% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.19) privilege, oppression, and diversity in advocating on behalf of clients and communities from a social justice perspective.
Old Field Instructor (8a &b):
Community practice
85.7% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.32) (knowledge)
82.1% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.25)(skills)
Exit Survey (8): Understand issues related to power, privilege, and oppression and how to advocate on behalf of clients and communities.
70.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.98)
Exit Survey (9): Understand how to analyze and influence social policy
Exit Survey (10): Understand the social work profession’s mission and philosophy within current and historical contexts.
Embedded Test Questions in Policy Exam: 8 true/false questions related to history, policy, political institutions.
57.4 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.67)
76.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.02)
85% of students scored 88% or above (range 75% - 100%)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2a):
Demonstrate understanding of the agency setting as a system of service delivery and subsystem of human services.
88.9% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.26)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2b):
Demonstrate understanding of how agency structure impacts and defines the social work role in the organizational setting.
85.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.19)
Demonstrate ability to participate collegially with other professions and work effectively with team members.
Old Field Instructor (2a&b):
Agency purposes and functions including service delivery systems
Exit Survey (11): Work effectively in organizations and service systems and, as needed, facilitate improvements and change. better (M=4.30)
89.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (M= 4.33) (knowledge)
89.5% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.25)(skills)
67.2 % of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.79)
BSW Program
M 4.1 Students will be able to employ critical thinking skills and information literacy to locate, evaluate and use reliable knowledge to inform effective social work practice.
M 4.2 Students… critically review empirical evidence and understand strategies for investtigating social work issues and problems, particularly as they impact disenfranchised, oppressed, or marginalized populations.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (4e):
Employ critical thinking skills and information literacy to locate, evaluate and use reliable knowledge to inform effective social work practice.
Exit Survey (12): Use critical thinking and information literacy skills to locate, evaluate, and apply knowledge to social work practice.
Exit Survey (13): Critically review empirical evidence and understand strategies for investigating social work issues.
85.2% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=4.15)
73.8% of students rated 4.0 or better (M=3.98)
71.3% of students rated a 4 or better (M=3.89)
Table 3: MSW Assessment Outcomes by Concentration Program Objective
M 1.4 Students will be able to identify and apply strategies to resolve professional ethical dilemmas in accordance with the values of the social work profession.
M 1.5 Students will be able to apply a transcultural and multisystems perspective in the context of a specific field of practice (aging; children, youth, and families; school social work; or health and mental health).
Primary Direct Measure(s) Benchmark
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 5a:
Incorporate social work values and ethics in multi-systems level interventions with Latinos, African Americans, Asian
Americans, and other diverse, oppressed, marginalized, and disenfranchised individuals, families, groups, and communities.
96 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 5b:
Demonstrate skills to resolve professional ethical dilemmas.
96 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Old Field Instructor 1a & 1b:
Professional social work values and ethics in practices
(knowledge & skill)
Exit Survey (1): Identify and apply strategies to resolve professional ethical dilemmas
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 2a:
Apply advanced diagnostic and analytic skills to intervene with families at the various phases of the life cycle from a transcultural multi-systems perspective
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 2c:
Differentially develop, select, and apply interventions from a
91 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.42) multi-systems perspective with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities utilizing a transcultural perspective, with particular emphasis in their field of practice area.
92 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Old Field Instructor (4a & 4b): Transcultural competence
(knowledge & skills)
100 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.58) (knowledge)
100percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.55) (skill)
64 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Exit Survey (2): Use a transcultural and multi-systems perspective in specific field of practice (aging; children, youth, and families; school social work; or health and mental health).
100 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.59) (knowledge)
91 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.52) (skill)
72 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
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BSW Program
M 2.5 Students will be able to evaluate critically the strengths and limitations of theories applicable to multi-systems practice.
M 2.6 Students will be able to engage in selfevaluation and use super-vision and consultation in practice while demonstrating a high degree of autonomy and skill.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance (2e): theoretical frameworks to multi-systems practice. critical self-reflection.
Old Field Instructor (9a &9b):
Professional identity/transformation
Demonstrate advanced-level skills to evaluate and apply
Exit Survey (3): Evaluate and apply theories applicable to multi-systems practice and to a specific field of practice
(aging; children, youth, and families; school work; or health and mental health).
Old Field Instructor (10a & 10b):
Integration of theory and practice
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 1e: Use supervision and consultation as a tool to further engage in
Exit Survey (4): Use supervision and consultation to enhance practice, while maintaining a high degree of professional autonomy and skill.
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
72 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
100 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
95 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
89 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
98 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.56) (knowledge)
98 percent (of students rated 4.0 or better
M=4.52) (skill)
80 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
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BSW Program
M 2.7 Students will be able to differentially select and apply effective assessment and intervention skills in multi-systems practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
M 2.8 Students will demonstrate advanced skills in communication, problem solving, and consultation with diverse systems of varying sizes.
Measure Benchmark
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 2c:
Differentially develop, select, and apply interventions from a multi-systems perspective with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities utilizing a transcultural perspective, with particular emphasis in their field of practice area.
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 2d :
Select and effectively employ interventions that are evidenced-based and grounded in theory.
Old Field Instructor: (3a,3b,5a,5b,6a,6b,7a,7b):
Professional practice requirements (3)
Direct service assignments: Individuals(5)
Direct service assignments: Families (6)
Direct service assignments: Groups (7)
92 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
100 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
98 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.52)( 3b-skills)
95 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
M=4.51) (5a-Individual)
98 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.55) (5b-Individual)
95 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.35) (6a-Families)
95 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.33) (6b-Families)
97 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.43) (7a-Groups)
91 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.37) (7b-Groups)
Exit Survey (6): Select and apply assessment and intervention skills for work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 3b:
Demonstrate advanced skills in communication, problem solving, consultation, and education with diverse systems of varying sizes.
Exit Survey(5): Demonstrate advanced skills in communication, problem solving, and consultation with diverse systems of varying sizes.
75 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
82 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
82 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
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BSW Program
M 3.5 Students will be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of policies and programs in a specific field of practice (e.g., aging; children youth and families; school social work; or health and mental health) as well as skills for analyzing and influencing policies and programs.
M 3.6 Students will be able to apply knowledge and skills from a multi-systems perspective to advocate with, and on behalf of, marginalized communities.
Measure Benchmark
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 4a:
Critically analyze the effect of social policies on client systems and social service organizations and staff, and participate in policy formulations that will affect change at organizational, local, state, or federal levels.
96 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 4b:
Design and implement strategies to modify client environments.
Old Field Instructor (2a&b):
Agency purposes and functions including service delivery systems
Exit Survey (8): Apply knowledge and skills from a multisystems perspective to advocate with, and on behalf of, marginalized communities.
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
100 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.55) (knowledge)
98 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
60 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Exit Survey (7): Demonstrate knowledge of policies and programs, as well as skills for influencing policies and programs, in the context of a specific field of practice (aging; children youth and families; school social work; or health and mental health)
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 3a:
Develop and maintain coalitions, and join in community advocacy efforts with and on behalf of Latinos, African
Americans, Asian Americans, and other diverse, oppressed, marginalized, and disenfranchised, individuals, families, groups, and communities.
96.percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Old Field Instructor (8a &b):
Community practice
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
(M=4.32) (knowledge)
90.0percent of students rated 4.0 or better
69 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
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BSW Program
M 4.3 Students will be able to conduct social work research relevant to the evaluation of practice or the examination of a social work issue.
M 4.4 Students will be able to demonstrate skills for examining empirical support for interventions and for refining and advancing the quality of their practice.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 2b:
Conduct social work research relevant to the evaluation of practice or the examination of social work issues, particularly as they impact disenfranchised, oppressed, or marginalized populations.
91 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Exit Survey (9): Conduct social work research relevant to the evaluation of practice or examination of a social work issue.
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 1a:
Function effectively and professionally within an organizational setting, including the identification of strategies for advancing the quality of their professional skills.
68 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Field Instructor evaluation of student performance 1b : Form relationships with colleagues and staff, & work collaboratively in meeting the needs of specific populations-at-risk
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
Field Instructor evaluation of student 1c : Make viable contributions to advancing service delivery systems
Exit Survey (10): Demonstrate skills for refining and advancing the quality of your practice.
93 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
85 percent of students rated 4.0 or better
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