Table 1: 2015 Summary of BASW Practice Behavior Means (by Data Source), Competency Means, and Percentage of Students who Meet or Exceed Benchmark (3.5 or greater on Field and Exit Survey and 3.0 or greater on Course Assessments a,b,c) EPAS Core Competencies Practice Behaviors (Abbreviated) FI Evals Exit Survey (N=51) Courses (N=) 1. Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly 2. Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice 3 Apply critical thinking 4 Engage diversity and difference in practice 5 Advance human rights and social and economic justice 6 Research informed a. Advocate for client access b. Practice self-reflection c. Professional boundaries d. Demonstrate professional demeanor e. Engage in career long learning f. Use supervision and consultation OVERALL MEAN: 4.67 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice b. Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the NASW Code of Ethics c. Tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts d. Apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions MEAN: 4.49 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Distinguish sources of knowledge b. Analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention c. Demonstrate effective communication MEAN: 4.53 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Recognize structures/values, including understanding of structural contexts/ power and privilege b. Gain self-awareness to eliminate bias (self-reflexivity) c. Understanding how life experience shapes perspectives d. View self as learners/form those work with as informants MEAN: 4.55 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination b. Ability to advocate for social and economic justice c. Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice MEAN: 4.5 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Use practice experience to inform research/evaluation b. Use research evidence to inform and improve practice. 4.55 4.67 4.67 4.76 4.67 4.69 51 51 51 51 51 51 4.54 50 4.56 50 4.42 4.42 50 50 4.53 4.53 4.53 51 51 51 4.57 51 4.57 4.57 4.51 51 51 51 4.55 51 4.49 4.46 51 51 4.25 4.37 51 51 a b EPAS Core Competencies Practice Behaviors (Abbreviated) FI Evals Exit Survey (N=51) Courses (N=) practice/practice informed research MEAN: 4.31 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: 7 Knowledge of HBSE a. Utilize conceptual frameworks to guide practice b. Critique and apply knowledge to understand person and environment MEAN: 4.41 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Analyze for policies that advance social well being b. Collaborate with colleagues/clients for effective policy related action MEAN: 4.26 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: 4.39 4.43 51 51 4.26 4.26 50 50 4.26 50 a. Continuously discover, appraise and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological advancements, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant services b. Provide leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services MEAN: 4.26 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Substantively and affectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. b. Use empathy and other interpersonal skills c. Develop a mutually agreed on focus of work and desired outcomes MEAN: 4.99 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Collect, organize and interpret client data b. Assess client strengths and limitations 4.24 50 4.28 50 4.50 50 4.68 4.60 50 50 4.57 4.61 51 51 c. Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives d. Select appropriate intervention strategies MEAN: 4.57 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: a. Initiate actions to achieve organizational goals b. Implement prevention interventions that enhance client capacities 4.63 51 4.45 51 4.45 4.45 51 51 8 Engage in policy practice to advance social & economic well being 9 Respond to contexts that shape practice 10. 10(a) Engagement 10 (b) Assessment 10 (c) Intervention c c EPAS Core Competencies Practice Behaviors (Abbreviated) FI Evals Exit Survey (N=51) (N=) 10 (d) Evaluation c. Help clients resolve problems d. Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for clients e. Facilitate transitions and endings MEAN: 4.50 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: 4.53 4.59 4.49 51 51 51 a. Critically analyze, monitor and evaluate interventions MEAN: 4.55 % of Student Achieving Competency Benchmark: 4.55 51 Table 2: Perception about quality of courses among BASW students (N=51) STATEMENT When you think about the courses you took in the BASW program as a whole, what percentage of classes met or exceeded your expectations in relation to the quality of teaching? When you think about the courses you took in the BASW program as a whole, what percentage of classes taught skills and knowledge to equip you for entering the social work profession? When you think about the courses you took in the BASW program as a whole, what percentage of faculty demonstrated understanding and application of the transcultural perspective in their teaching and interaction with students? Mean [range: 0-100] 78.10 SD [Range] 80.79 17.08 87.06 15.38 20.38 Courses Table 3: Perception of Coursework among BASW Students (graduating May 2015, n=51) (Originally rated 1 to 4, with 1 = strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 4=agree, 5 = strongly agree) Statement PROGRAM The BASW Student Handbook gave useful information about the program. Members of the front office staff (in the reception area) were courteous and helpful when needed. My experience on obtaining professional and/or personal advice when needed from faculty was positive Faculty members seemed to take a genuine interest in my preparation of the social work profession. The school of social work is fulfilling its mission. I would recommend this program to others. Social work capstone seminar (SW 175) was helpful in integrating social work courses and the field experience. % Agree 43 45 43 40 51 29 43 FIELD EDUCATION My field instructor (FI at the agency) encouraged me to use my strengths in developing social work skills. My field instructor (FI at the agency) was available for supervision when needed. My faculty field liaison (FFL) was available for consultation and problem-solving. Members of the Field Education Program (Field Director/ other staff) were helpful when I needed information and problem-solving support. My field agency gave me instruction on practice methods used in my field placement. My field setting contributed to my overall development in social work practice from a generalist perspective. My field setting provided me with an opportunity to learn basic skills in working with individuals and families. My field setting provided me with an opportunity to learn basic skills in working with groups My field setting provided me with an opportunity to learn about working within organizations and communities. My field seminars were helpful in linking field and classroom learning. * Below benchmark of 80% 30 30 32 38 39 36 23 34 25 45