Program Assessment Report

Program Assessment Report
Degree Program(s):
Department Chair:
Report Prepared by:
Next Program Review?
Occupational Therapy
Dr. Heidi Pendleton
Dr. Winifred Schultz-Krohn
Note: Schedule is posted at:
Person to Contact:
CCB 203
Heidi Pendleton
(Bldg/Room #)
Does the information (e.g., Mission, Goals, and/or Learning Outcomes) posted on the web (see, ) for this program need to be updated? NO
If yes, please submit changes to
Please complete the schedule of assessment activities below by listing all program Student Learning
Outcomes (SLOs) by number down the left column and indicating when data were/will be collected (C)
and when they were/will be discussed (D) by your faculty. You can also schedule/track program
changes resulting from your assessment activities by indicating an “I” (implemented changes) where
relevant. This schedule is meant to be fluid; providing a proposed schedule for future assessment while
at the same time, providing a record of your efforts as the program planning cycle progresses.
C = Collect data
Semester Sem F
Yr 05
D = Discuss results
Sem S
Sem F Sem S
Yr 06
Yr 06
Yr 07
I = Implement changes (if any)
Sem F Sem S
Sem F Sem S
Yr 07
Yr 08
Yr 08
Yr 09
Sem F
Yr 09
I, C
Sem S
Yr 10
*Note: This template is based on a five-year program planning cycle. If your program planning follows another cycle
(e.g., based on accreditation), please feel free to add (or subtract) columns as necessary.
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Revised: 04/07/2008
Program Assessment Report
Student Learning Outcome #1
Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
a. [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2007: Students will achieve a grade of C or better on the interview assignment including the
written analysis. Data to be collected by George in two sections of the required OCTH 126 class.
Data collected in OCTH 126 on BS/MS students, 38 of 43 students completed this assignment with a
grade of C or better.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
Discussion: SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the
OCTH 126 course. Discussed need to require students to meet current departmental writing standards.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
Discussion: SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the
OCTH 126 course. Discussed need to require students to meet current departmental writing standards.
Student Learning Outcome #2
 Demonstrate a capacity for problem solving and critical analysis
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2007: Students will achieve a grade of C or better on the activities of daily living analysis
assignment. Data to be collected by George in two sections of the required OCTH 126 class.
Data collected on OCTH 126 on BS/MS students and 43/43 completed this assignment with a grade of C
or better.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
Discussion:SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the
OCTH 126 course.
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Program Assessment Report
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
Discussion:SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the
OCTH 126 course.
Student Learning Outcome # 3
 Understand and be able to articulate the nature of occupation, adaptive skills, and roles of
productive living
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Fall 2006: For the BS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing the
nature of occupation, adaptive skills and roles of productive living. Data collected by Glogoski in the
required OCTH 110 class with 44/44 students achieving a C or better on this paper.
For the MS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing the nature of
occupation, adaptive skills and roles of productive living. Data collected by Andonian in the required
OCTH 206 class with 35/36 students achieving a C or better on this paper.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
Discussion: Outcome was successfully met and faculty will continue collecting data on this SLO.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
Discussion: Outcome was successfully met and faculty will continue collecting data on this SLO.
Student Learning Outcome # 4
 Understand occupational therapy’s theoretical base and models of practice
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Fall 2006: For the BS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing
occupational therapy’s theoretical base and models of practice. Data collected by Glogoski in the required
OCTH 110 class with 44/44 students achieving a C or better on this paper.
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Program Assessment Report
For the MS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing occupational
therapy’s theoretical base and models of practice. Data collected by Andonian in the required OCTH 206
class with 35/36 students achieving a C or better on this paper.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
Discussion: Outcome was successfully met and faculty will continue collecting data on this SLO.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
Discussion: Outcome was successfully met and faculty will continue collecting data on this SLO.
Student Learning Outcome #5
 Articulate the importance of history and the philosophical base of the profession
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2008: Data collected in OCTH 204 using direct measure on written assignments. Criteria was set
at a C or better for performance.
Data collected on all enrolled students by Professor Killingsworth and all students met criteria.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 204
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 204
Student Learning Outcome #6
Demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of the roles of sociocultural, socioeconomic, diversity factors,
and lifestyle choices in contemporary society
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
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Program Assessment Report
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2008: Data collected in OCTH 235 using direct measure on written assignments. Criteria was set
at a C or better for performance.
Data collected on all enrolled students by Instructor Smith and all students met criteria.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 235
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 235
Student Learning Outcome #7
Demonstrate the ability to apply occupational therapy theory, and standardized and nonstandardized
evidence-based assessments of clients’ performance in all areas of occupation to achieve expected
outcomes related to occupation
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Fall 2007: Demonstrate the ability to apply occupational therapy theory, and standardized and
nonstandardized evidence-based assessments of clients’ performance in all areas of occupation to
achieve expected outcomes related to occupation.
Data to be collected in OCTH 244 by course instructors: This is the faculty run clinic course where all
students must successfully pass the competency evaluation with a performance of an equivalent of a
letter grade of a “B” or better. Please see competency evaluation form addressing Evaluation of Client
and Communication Skills.
All 29 students enrolled in this course met the competency evaluation at a satisfactory level using the
OCTH 244 competency form. Please see attached OCTH 244 competency form.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 244
course. Curriculum sequence changes made to support student success in meeting this SLO by having
all students take this course in the final year of the program.
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Program Assessment Report
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 244
course. Curriculum sequence changes made to support student success in meeting this SLO by having
all students take this course in the final year of the program.
Student Learning Outcome #8
Provide occupationally-based interventions determined by the needs of the client and the evaluation
data, in collaboration with members of the intervention team (client, family, caregivers, and health care
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Fall 2007: Provide occupationally-based interventions determined by the needs of the client and the
evaluation data, in collaboration with members of the intervention team (client, family, caregivers, and
health care providers).
Data to be collected in OCTH 244 by course instructors: This is the faculty run clinic course where all
students must successfully pass the competency evaluation with a performance of an equivalent of a
letter grade of a “B” or better. Please see competency evaluation form addressing Communication Skills
and Treatment Application.
All 29 students enrolled in this course met the competency evaluation at a satisfactory level using the
OCTH 244 competency form. Please see attached OCTH 244 competency form.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 244
course. Curriculum sequence changes made to support student success in meeting this SLO by having
all students take this course in the final year of the program.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 244
course. Curriculum sequence changes made to support student success in meeting this SLO by having
all students take this course in the final year of the program.
Student Learning Outcome #9
Demonstrate professional behavior that upholds the ethical standards, values, and attitudes of the
profession in establishing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship with clients
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Revised: 04/07/2008
Program Assessment Report
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Fall 2007: Demonstrate professional behavior that upholds the ethical standards, values, and attitudes of
the profession in establishing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship with clients.
Data to be collected in OCTH 244 by course instructors: This is the faculty run clinic course where all
students must successfully pass the competency evaluation with a performance of an equivalent of a
letter grade of a “B” or better. Please see competency evaluation form addressing Professional Behavior
and Professional Growth and Attitude Development
All 29 students enrolled in this course met the competency evaluation at a satisfactory level using the
OCTH 244 competency form. Please see attached OCTH 244 competency form.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 244
course. Curriculum sequence changes made to support student success in meeting this SLO by having
all students take this course in the final year of the program.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 244
course. Curriculum sequence changes made to support student success in meeting this SLO by having
all students take this course in the final year of the program.
Student Learning Outcome #10
Demonstrate basic research skills including the use of statistics, tests, and measurements
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2008: For the MS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper
demonstrating basic research skills. This paper is a literature review and research proposal. Data
collected on all enrolled students by Professors Glogoski and Cara in the required OCTH 295B class. All
students met criteria.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
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Program Assessment Report
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data on this SLO through
assignments in the OCTH 295B course for the final written project. Departmental Writing Standards were
established to be used in all courses within the OT curriculum. These standards to be required of all
students beginning Fall 2008.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
SLO is important and no change in the SLO is needed. Continue to collect data through the OCTH 295B
course. Departmental Writing Standards were established to be used in all courses within the OT
curriculum. These standards to be required of all students beginning Fall 2008.
Student Learning Outcome #11
Exhibit the ability to use appropriate educational methods to address the needs of consumers
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2007: Students in the BS program will achieve a grade of C or better on the teaching an activity
assignment. Data to be collected by George in two sections of the required OCTH 126 class.
Data collected in OCTH 126 on 2 assignments where on one assignment 42/43 students achieved a
grade of C or better and on the other assignment 43/43 students achieved a grade of C or better.
Students in the MS program will achieve an equivalent of a letter grade of B or better on the teaching
portfolio assignment. Data to be collected by Schwartz in the required OCTH 220 class.
All MS students enrolled (21 students) achieved a B or better on this assignment.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
Identified SLO is important and no change is needed. Continue data collection through stated courses.
The criteria for meeting the SLO in OCTH 220 was changed from performance at an equivalent of a letter
grade of “C” or better to a letter grade of “B” or better in keeping with graduate level expectations.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
Identified SLO is important and no change is needed. Continue data collection through stated courses.
The criteria for meeting the SLO in OCTH 220 was changed from performance at an equivalent of a letter
grade of “C” or better to a letter grade of “B” or better in keeping with graduate level expectations.
Student Learning Outcome #12
Apply principles of management and service delivery in the provision of occupational therapy to
individuals and organizations
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Revised: 04/07/2008
Program Assessment Report
Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the
following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s)
occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with
the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report.
Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what
were the results?
Spring 2007: Students will achieve a grade of B or better on the final comprehensive project in the
required OCTH 230 class. Data to be collected by Jabri/Southam
All MS students (52 enrolled) achieved a B or better on this assignment.
What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion
surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this
Identified SLO is important and no change is needed. Continue data collection through stated courses.
The criteria for meeting the SLO in OCTH 230 was changed from performance at an equivalent of a letter
grade of “C” or better to a letter grade of “B” or better in keeping with graduate level expectations.
Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department
take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process
changes, resources requests, etc?
Identified SLO is important and no change is needed. Continue data collection through stated courses.
The criteria for meeting the SLO in OCTH 230 was changed from performance at an equivalent of a letter
grade of “C” or better to a letter grade of “B” or better in keeping with graduate level expectations.
Fall 2008 Performance Data: Describe the direct assessment (performance) data that will be collected
fall 2008 (‘C’ in F06 column of Table 2), how much and by whom. Be specific. For example: Instructor
for MATH 188 (30 students), Stone, gave 3 embedded exam questions and in his summary report
indicated the % of students who met or did not meet SLO #2.
Data collected, how much, by whom
For the BS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing the
nature of occupation, adaptive skills and roles of productive living. Data to be collected by
Koketsu in the required OCTH 110 class.
For the MS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing the
nature of occupation, adaptive skills and roles of productive living. Data to be collected by
Andonian in the required OCTH 206 class.
For the BS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing
occupational therapy’s theoretical base and models of practice. Data to be collected by Koketsu
in the required OCTH 110 class.
For the MS program all students must achieve a grade of C or better on a paper describing
occupational therapy’s theoretical base and models of practice. Data to be collected by Andonian
in the required OCTH 206 class.
Fall 2008 indirect measures: No data collection planned.
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