FACT SHEET Minnesota 4-H SS&W Ambassador Program ABOUT THE PROGRAM The Minnesota 4-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife Ambassador Program is a leadership opportunity for youth leaders, grades 9-13th, to promote and enhance the Minnesota 4-H State SS&W Program. Ambassadors positively represent the SS&W Program at state, regional, and local levels. The mission of the program is to: “Collectively, as the Minnesota 4-H SS&W Ambassadors, we are the voice of the youth by leading, encouraging and setting a good example. We strive to build confidence and promote new experiences in the youth through 4-H” (2012 SS&W Ambassador group). EXPECTATIONS Youth will attend a two-day training in which they will learn aspects of the Minnesota 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife Program, develop personal vision statements, and learn skills in public presentation, etiquette, and partnerships development. It is also expected that Ambassadors will be actively engaged in the program and attend state and local events throughout the year. Events may include the National Wild Turkey Federation State Convention, children’s activity at State Shoot, and Governor’s Deer Hunter Opener. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE To be eligible to be a SS&W Ambassadors, youth must: Be enrolled as a Minnesota 4-H member and between 9-13th grade. Be positive role models in their club and county programs. Demonstrate strong interpersonal and speaking skills. Be knowledgeable in the shooting sports and wildlife project areas. © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. Attend the 2015 SS&W Ambassador Training, October 3-4 in Perham, MN. There will be a cost of $75 to help cover costs of hotel and meals. HOW TO APPLY All applications and recommendation forms must be postmarked no later than August 15, 2015. To apply: Review the background information describing the qualifications of ambassadors and the expectations prior to applying. Youth must complete the application and identify two adults who meet the following requirements to provide a recommendation on their behalf: 1. A non-relative 4-H staff member (program coordinator, club leader, state staff, etc.) must complete and submit the SS&W Ambassador Reference Form. 2. An additional adult who is not a 4-H staff member or relative (coach, teacher, organization adviser, etc.) must complete and submit the SS&W Ambassador reference Form. Applications will be reviewed and selected by the SS&W Ambassador advisory committee. Youth will be notified by September 1, 2015. SEND ALL QUESTIONS AND APPLICATIONS MATERIALS TO: Nicole Pokorney, Extension Educator Rochester Regional Office 863 30th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 E-mail: pokorney@umn.edu Phone: 507-536-6304 © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request.