BE A MEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA 4-H DELEGATION 2016 National 4-H Conference ABOUT THE NATIONAL 4-H CONFERENCE The National 4-H Conference is a working conference in which youth and adults, at the invitation of the US Secretary of Agriculture, assist in the development of recommendations to help guide 4-H Youth Development Programs nationally and in their communities. The Minnesota delegation consists of up to four 4-H youth from across Minnesota. The purpose of the conference is to: engage 4-H youth in personal development experiences that will increase knowledge, resources, and skills; discuss topics affecting youth and 4-H programming nationwide; and empower and mobilize 4-H youth to create positive social change in their communities in a meaningful and genuine way. DATE AND LOCATION The 2016 National 4-H Conference will be held at the National 4-H Conference Center, located just outside of Washington, D.C., April 9-14, 2016. For flight transportation purposes, the Minnesota delegation may depart as early as April 8, 2016, from the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. They will return on April 14, 2016. COST OF EXPERIENCE Minnesota cost for selected delegate is $990. Nominees are encouraged to seek financial support for the registration fee from their local 4-H Council/Federation and other local community organizations. County 4-H Federations/Leaders Councils are encouraged to help defray some of the cost if their 4-H member is appointed to attend this National Conference. The National 4-H Conference is supported in part by the Minnesota 4-H Foundation. QUALIFICATIONS FOR YOUTH APPLICANTS To be eligible as a Delegate, a youth must: Be 15 years old by January 1, 2016 and cannot be older than 19 by June 1, 2016; and must be at least a sophomore in high school. (Note: Selection preference will be for youth delegate’s grades sophomore and junior in high school during 2015-2016 school year.) Have experience and leadership involvement in local, county, regional, and/or state developmental committees, advisory groups, councils, etc. Be concerned about community issues and motivated to design and carry-out action plans to address identified issues through “Taking it Home” community action plan requirement (Pre-, During-, and Post-Conference expectations). Have flexibility to meet changing situations and have growth potential and a curiosity about situations, people, and events. Demonstrate strong interpersonal and speaking skills. Commit to pre-conference expectation: 1) three conference calls; 2) study and reporting knowledge of Minnesota 4-H program via e-mail; 3) one webinar; 4) study of pre-materials from National 4-H Conference staff, 5) come to a group consensus on “Taking it Home” community action plan expectation whether to accomplish individually or as a group. Complete the application and Paying it Forward “Taking it Home” community action agreement. Share your experience with identified stakeholders through a video presentation designed individually or by all Minnesota youth delegate National 4-H Conference participants. Be willing to receive the resources necessary to make you successful. STEPS TO APPLICATION PROCESS See all registration dates and times that are listed on the website under National 4-H Conference at: All applications and recommendation forms must be postmarked no later than November 16, 2015. To apply: 1. Review the background information describing the qualifications of delegates and summary of expectations prior to applying. 2. Youth must complete the application cover sheet, and the delegate self-recommendation form from their perspective. Youth must also identify two adults who meet the following requirements to provide a recommendation on their behalf: A *non-relative 4-H staff member (program coordinator, club leader, state staff, etc.) must complete and submit the “Delegate Recommendation Form for 4-H Staff”. *4-H Staff must recommend and submit delegate nomination/recommendation form to Diane Lambrecht/Judith A. Conway with deadline date postmarked no later than November 16, 2015. Qualifications for Eligibility are listed above. Please send form directly to Extension staff identified. Youth applicant should not receive this completed form. An *additional adult who is not a 4-H staff member or relative but can be a teacher, coach, organization adviser, or another adult, must complete and submit the “Delegate Recommendation Form for a Non-Relative Adult”. *(Additional Adult) Youth delegate will take responsibility to identify and deliver adult nomination/recommendation form to adult reference of choice (other than relative) as noted in recommendation form. Youth delegate will also follow-up to make sure postmark dates are met. Adult recommendation on delegate nomination/recommendation form is due to Diane Lambrecht/Judith A. Conway with deadline date postmarked no later than © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. November 16, 2015. Form is due directly to Extension staff identified. Youth applicant should not receive this completed form. (Youth Applicant) Youth nominated will fill out delegate nomination/recommendation form and answer questions about themselves from their perspective, including the Paying it Forward “Taking it Home” Agreement. Nomination/recommendation form is due to Diane Lambrecht/Judith A. Conway with deadline date postmarked no later than November 16, 2015. Youth are responsible to make sure that all steps are completed in the application process. Youth should contact their County 4-H Program Coordinator to see if there are additional County requirements. 3. A 15-20 minute conference call conference phone or skype interview will be held by the selection committee with the top 10 applicants. Interviews will take place tentatively during day of either December 7 or 8. Conference call or skype interview will consist of: Interview questions One-minute marketing speech on knowledge of the youth development program (with emphasis placed on telling someone about the 4-H youth development program (with emphasis on telling someone about the 4-H youth development program that does not have knowledge of this program.) One-minute comments on following: identification of a community issue and identifying a possible community action plan that would address the issue ALL MATERIALS SHOULD BE SENT TO: Diane Lambrecht/Judith A. Conway University of Minnesota Extension 4100 220th Street West, Suite 100 Farmington, MN 55024 Phone: 1-651-480-7703 Email: QUESTIONS CAN BE DIRECTED TO: Judith A. Conway University of Minnesota, Extension Center for Youth Development 4100 220th St. West, Suite 100 Farmington, MN 55024 Email: © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. 2016 NATIONAL 4-H CONFERENCE Application Cover Sheet To be completed by youth applicant: Full Legal Name: Preferred First Name: Date of Birth: Male or Female: Grade (2015-2016): Address: City: County: Regional Office: Home Phone: Youth Cell Phone: Zip: Email Address: About your parent/guardian: Full Name: Home Address (if different than above): Home Phone Number: Cell Phone Number: Email Address: About your recommendation form providers: Name of 4-H staff member submitting recommendation: Email Address: Phone: Name of other adult (non-family) submitting recommendation: Email Address: Phone: Write 1-2 paragraphs on your knowledge of the 4-H Youth Development program. © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. 2016 NATIONAL 4-H CONFERENCE Delegate Self-Recommendation Form To be completed by the youth applicant Please complete the following section through the perspective of yourself. Please provide specific examples justifying your ranking. Use additional pages as needed, but please do not use more than one-half page per answer to each question. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. The nominated youth demonstrates leadership skills that set them apart from other teen leaders. Please provide specific examples: 2. The nominated youth has excellent communication skills, especially speaking/presentation skills. Please provide specific examples: © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. 3. The nominated youth works well with adults and peers. Please provide specific examples: 4. The nominated youth would be a positive representative of Minnesota 4-H at the National 4-H Conference. Please provide specific examples: 5. Describe the nominee’s involvement in the 4-H program, school and community organizations. Include leadership positions and activities that were both elected or self-selected. THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 16, 2015, AND SENT TO: Diane Lambrecht/Judith A. Conway University of Minnesota Extension 4100 220th Street West, Suite 100 Farmington, MN 55024 For information about the National 4-H Conference, visit © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. 2016 NATIONAL 4-H CONFERENCE “TAKING IT HOME COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN” Pay it Forward Agreement TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AND PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN: As a National 4-H Conference delegate, before, during and after this experience, I will have the responsibility to: Learn about the democratic process and my role as a citizen. Learn ways to strengthen my communication, leadership, and other citizenship skills. Share ideas, respect, and friendship with youth from my community and other youth from all over the country. Be respectful to the people, places, and property around me at all times. Act in a way that is consistent with being a role model and a representative of my community, club and Minnesota 4-H at all times during this experience. As a National 4-H Conference delegate, I will have the responsibility to prepare before the conference, engage during the conference and to commit to “Taking it Home” community action plan following the experience. I will have the responsibility to do the following: Promoting 4-H to 4-H or larger community Design and deliver a presentation to share your conference experience to a 4-H audience and/or a funding partner. Share what you did, what you learned, and how this experience has changed your ideas on citizenship. Service to the Greater Community Coming home and using what you learned by designing and implementing as an individual or group, a “Taking it Home” community action plan that will provide service to the community. Who would be a good mentor for you with your Pay It Forward Agreement? Name of adult who could mentor me: Relationship to me: Applicant Signature: Date: Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: Date: © 2015 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request.