SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALITY, RECREATION, AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT HRTM 134 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT HR REPRESENTATIVE - EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION ANALYSIS GUIDELINES Setting / Context: Imagine that you are a new employee, asking the HR representative what you should know to be successful in your new job. Select and interview an organization’s HR representative, inquiring about the various policies governing that organization’s employees. Any organization will do, provided that it is large enough to have a dedicated HR department. You also may wish to obtain the HR policy manual for reference purposes: to clarify information provided by the HR manager, or verify its accuracy. Then, select and interview an employee of the same organization, and ask about her/his knowledge of organizational policies. In other words, what do they recall their HR representative telling them about their rights and responsibilities as a new employee, and where to go for help. Write a paper comparing and contrasting the HR representative’s information as provided with the employee’s understanding of the information s/he is aware of. There is one overall question to ask the HR director: if I was a new employee, what would you tell / give / show me to fully orient me to your agency? The one overall question to ask the employee is: when you were first hired, what did HR tell / give / show you? After asking the main question, ask follow-up questions to both the representative and the employee about why they include something we haven’t discussed, or why they missed something we did discuss. Those questions are variable, depending on your chosen agency. Then, you compare and contrast the three sets of information, explaining what is similar among them and what is different. The paper should be whatever length is necessary to fully discuss the answers to your questions. This is an individual assignment, worth 50 full points. Submit the paper to me by email – in MS-Word format – according to the course calendar Grade Content Format A All rubric items No format errors, as included / addressed described in rubric Spelling & Grammar No spelling and grammar errors Team Contribution Learner has made full contribution B Minor rubric items missed or wrong Few, or minor format errors Few spelling or grammar Missed minor errors deadline or task C Several, or major missed / wrong items Several and major missed / wrong items Missing most or all rubric items Many, or major format errors Many spelling or grammar errors Missed major, or several minor tasks Many and major format errors Notable spelling or grammar errors Missed major and several minor tasks Format mostly, or entirely ignored Writing does not meet university standards Learner has made no meaningful effort D F