Selecting Researchable Topics and Questions Chapter 4

Selecting Researchable
Topics and Questions
Chapter 4
 Research Question
Questions about one or more topics or concepts that
can be answered through research
A research question can be about local or global
governments, individuals or organizations, and an
entire society
 Research Topic
A concept, subject or issue that can be studied
through research
Discussion - Question
 Create a research question about the social
impact of living through a natural disaster.
Do you know people who lived through a
natural disaster such as a hurricane, a
tornado, a tsunami, or the like?
In what ways do you think their lives have
Do you think their experiences are typical or
 Hypothesis
A testable statement about how two or more
variables are expected to be related to one another
Research question vs. Hypothesis
A research question is similar to a hypothesis,
except that a hypothesis presents an expectation
about the way two or more variables are related,
but a research question does not
Research projects that have explanatory or
evaluation purposes typically begin with one or more
hypotheses, most exploratory and some
descriptive projects start with a research question
 Focal research
“Studying Women’s Lives: Family Focus in
the 30s ”
Hoffnung had personal experiences and
professional interests that set the stage for her
study of women’s lives
Research provides basic information about the
social world and understandings that can be
applied to creating social policy
Quiz – Question 1
 Identify ethical issues from the focal research.
 How were the ethical issues handled?
 Sources of research questions
The selection of a research question is often
the result of many factors
Personal interests, experiences, values, and
The desire to satisfy scientific curiosity
Previous work -- or the lack of it -- on a topic
The current political, economic, and social
Being able to get access to data
Having a way to fund a study
 Values and Science
Value Free?
th and much of 20th century science
 Research in the 19
was considered “value-free”
 Today, values, both social and personal, are part of all
human endeavors, including science
 Group interests and values can influence research,
especially influential during the creating and
evaluation of hypotheses
 Social and personal values are not necessarily bad
 The danger comes when scientists allow their values to introduce
biases into their work that distort the results of scientific
 Personal Factors
Personal interests often influence researchers’
specific research topics
Having a strong personal interests can lead to
the willingness to the make the necessary
investment of time and energy
Research by Hoffnung (2000)
 Personal interest in career and motherhood
influenced her work
 Research and the Social, Political and
Economic World
Change in society influences amount of
research on topics
E.g. Gender, Sexual Orientation
 Before the 1970s, few studies focused on women, as
a result of the women's movement in the late 1960s
and early 70s, scholars began to study women and
their lives
Current events focus attention: e.g. natural
disasters, swine flu, etc…
 Research Funding
“It is always difficult to raise money for social
science research; after all, it neither directly
saves thousands of lives nor enables one to
kills thousands of people” (Fischman et al.,
 Many research projects are funded through
private foundations, government agencies,
local and state institutions, or corporate
 Research Funding
 Funding research expresses a value choice
The particular values associated with a specific
project affect funding as the appropriations
process for research is part of a larger political
The availability of funding and economic
support can influence a study
The questions asked
The amount and kind of data collected
The availability of the resulting research report
Developing a Researchable Question
 Researchable question
A question that can be answered with
research that is feasible
Developing a Researchable
 Transforming a research question to a researchable
 Narrow down the broad area of interest into something
that is manageable
Developing a Researchable Question
Example: Cell phones
 You cannot study everything connected to cell
 You could study the effect of cell phones on family
 You cannot study all age groups, but you can study a
 You might not be able to study people in many
communities, but you might be able to study one or
 You would not be able to study dozens of behaviors
or attitudes that change overtime, but you could
study some current attitudes and behaviors
 In the community in which I live, how does cell phone
use affect parent-child relationships; more
specifically, how does the use of cell phones affect
parents’ and adolescents’ attempts to maintain and
resist parental authority?
Developing a Researchable
 Reviewing the Literature
The process of searching for, reading,
summarizing, and synthesizing existing work
on a topic or the resulting written summary of
a search
Developing a Researchable
 Reviewing the Literature
Academic Sources
 To start a literature review, you will need to figure
out which literature or sources you want to search
 Books, articles, and government documents are the most
common sources
 Popular literature, including newspapers and magazines,
might be good sources of ideas, but academic journals will
be more useful in your literature review
Developing a Researchable Question
 Reviewing the Literature
 The terms used to search for sources in a literature
 With common keywords you will generate a large
number of sources – you can limit the search to title
and abstracts only
 You can use multiple keywords by including “and”
between terms
Developing a Researchable
Reviewing the Literature
Using the literature in a study
 Helps researcher to identify their own research
question or hypothesis
 Examine what previous researchers have used
 Provide context for your own work
 Provides an overview of the current state of
research and narrows your inquiry
Developing a Researchable Question
 Practical matters
Whether it is practical to complete a study in
terms of access, time, and money
Developing a Researchable Question
 Practical matters
The ability to obtain the information needed to
answer a research question
Developing a Researchable Question
 Practical matters
Research costs
All monetary expenditures needed for planning,
executing, and reporting research
Although many research projects are grant
funded a grant is NOT necessary
Developing a Researchable Question
 Practical matters
Time expenditures
The time it takes to complete all activities of a
research project from the planning stage to the
final report
 Research questions can vary in scope and
 A review of the literature is essential
 Planning a study
Access to data
Quiz – Question 2
We can expect that the interest in certain
research topics will change over time. This is
due to
a. different sources of funding.
b. changing political, social, and economic
c. changing personal factors.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Quiz – Question 3
Some topics that may be interesting and important
but gaining access to the population may be very
difficult. Which of the following presents the
greatest obstacles?
College students living in a dormitory
Individuals who are members of a bowling league
Children who are hospitalized for minor illness
Individuals who are members of a secret cult
Singles who go on singles’ cruises