Woody Biomass Background

Woody Biomass Background
Some History
• 1970’s energy crisis results in government
subsidies and research
• 1978 Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act
(utilities must buy energy from other
• During 1980’s, 6,300 megawatts of new
wood fired capacity added (from 200
megawatts in late 1970’s)
And then…
• 15 plants in CA alone are bought out and
closed by utilities (to reduce costs
associated with buying their power;
Bergman and Zerbe 2005)
• During the 1990’s not many new plants
are built
• It is believed that this is due to limited tax
credits, increased conventional power
capacity and overall low fuel costs
• Resurge in interest in biomass
• Costs of energy is increasing
• At the same time forest fires are
increasing and forest fuels reduction
needs have reached epidemic levels in
some parts of the country
• Great public interest in renewable energy
• Public concern about CO2 etc.
US energy use
US Energy Use (Scary Numbers)
About 100 Quads per year (DOE 2000)
A quad is a quadrillion BTU’s
100,000,000,000,000,000 BTU’s is US use
100,000,000,000 MMBTU’s
US Energy Use (Scary Numbers)
About 100 Quads per year (DOE 2000)
A quad is a quadrillion BTU’s
100,000,000,000,000,000 BTU’s is US use
100,000,000,000 MMBTU’s
• Roughly the energy in 5,882,352,941
cords of aspen (just for comparison)
• MN cut less than 3,000,000 cords of
pulpwood in 2001
We will not be replacing all energy
consumption with biomass, but it
can be part of the picture
What is Feasible
• About a 30% replacement of energy needs
using ag residue/products and forest
residue (Perlack et al. 2005)
• Total forestland unutilized residue at this
point (368 million dry tons)
• Ag land (998 million dry tons) this is based
on several changes that we will not
Mike Math (obviously sort of gross
13.8 mmbtu per oven dry ton
368 million dry tons in US of wood residue
5,078,400,000,000,000 btu
About 5 quads in all wood residue in US
(about 5% of current use)
1. Benefits of wood
2. Problems
3. Potential users
1. Benefits of Wood
Domestic and LOCAL source
Renewable and carbon neutral (?)
Low heavy metal emissions
Extremely low sulfur dioxide emissions
Low ash with good reuse potential
Benefits of Wood
• Domestic and LOCAL source
– MN imports most of its energy (no coal, oil or gas
deposits) resulting in large amounts of money
leaving the state
– The US has a low level of self-sufficiency in
energy production
Renewable and carbon neutral (?)
Low heavy metal emissions
Extremely low sulfur dioxide emissions
Low ash with good reuse potential
Benefits of Wood
• Domestic and LOCAL source
• Renewable and carbon neutral (?)
– Generally, wood is a renewable resource if the site
is not degraded by the harvest
– Wood uses CO2 to grow and harvest removes
less CO2 than is stored on the site, generally
carbon used equals or exceeds carbon harvested
• Low heavy metal emissions
• Extremely low sulfur dioxide emissions
• Low ash with good reuse potential
Benefits of Wood
• Domestic and LOCAL source
• Renewable and carbon neutral (?)
• Low heavy metal emissions
– Mercury levels are very low in wood
– Other heavy metals are low
– Land application of ash is possible and
• Extremely low sulfur dioxide emissions
• Low ash with good reuse potential
Benefits of Wood
Domestic and LOCAL source
Renewable and carbon neutral (?)
Low heavy metal emissions
Extremely low sulfur dioxide emissions
– Generally there are very low levels of sulfur in
– Low sulfur coal is generally more expensive than
high sulfur coal
– Scrubbing to reduce sulfur emissions is
• Low ash with good reuse potential
Benefits of Wood
Domestic and LOCAL source
Renewable and carbon neutral (?)
Low heavy metal emissions
Extremely low sulfur dioxide emissions
Low ash with good reuse potential
– Wood with bark is usually less than 2 % ash and wood itself is
less than 1 %
– Wyoming coal from Powder River Basin (an example) is 5%
– This results is 2-5 times as much ash
– While both fly ash (free-$40 per ton) and bottom ash (free to $6
per ton) have markets, their disposal (particularly bottom ash) is
usually not a cashflow, it is usually a cost
• Collection
– Existing concentrated sources already used
– Dispersed sources require new technology or
different operation of equipment while
• Freight
• Storage
• Burning
• Collection
• Freight
– Shipping is one of the highest costs, often 50
miles is quoted as the maximum freight (this
is subject to a lot of debate however)
• Storage
• Burning
• Collection
• Freight
• Storage
– Chips have limited storage life
– Bundles have much longer storage but
require an additional step in the processing
– Other methods?
• Burning
– Wood as a “chunk” is as strange fuel (part is cooking,
part is having volatiles produced and part is charcoal
all at the same time, therefore it is hard to control)
– In most large plants it has to be pulverized
– In nearly all cases, moisture of the material reduces
harvestable heat. Wood is generally to high moisture
without some natural or artificial drying.
Potential Users
• Heat
• Electric
• Co-gen
• Biomass for energy is a very viable energy
source for the US
• There is a large resource out there
• As energy prices increase, the economic
viability of these fuels is also increasing
• However, care needs to be taken not to
repeat errors from the 1980’s
• 1 KWh = 3413 BTU
1 therm = 100,000 BTU
• 1 kilowatt hour of electricity = 3,413 Btu
1 cu. ft. natural gas = 1,008 - 1,034 Btu
1 therm gas = 100,000 Btu
1 gallon crude oil = 138,095 Btu
1 barrel crude oil = 5,800,000 Btu
1 gallon gasoline = 125,000 Btu
From CO Biomass