Soci 172 Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender Studies Spring 2011

Soci 172
Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender Studies
Spring 2011
MW 12:00 – 1:15 PM, HGH 217
Dr. James Daniel Lee
Office Location:
DMH 224
(408) 924-5866
Office Hours:
T 4 – 6:45 PM; W 9:30 – 10:20 AM; W 3:10 – 4:20 PM
Course Description
Catalogue: Explores lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex communities.
Analyzes sexual behavior, attitudes, and identities from historical, cross-cultural,
and "insider" and "outsider" perspectives. Presents social reactions to LGBT
movements and persons. Includes current stereotypes, misinformation, and
movements to achieve equality.
Instructor: This seminar course explores the LGBT culture, movement, and LGBT
persons’ lives. “LGBT” is an umbrella term for different groups including nonheterosexuals, gender nonconformists, intersex persons, and transsexuals.
Through course readings and discussions, the course will cover the origins of, and
issues, that affect LGBT communities at both the macro and micro levels. The
course will also address the expectations for and reactions to LGBT persons and
communities, and whether these are based on valid information. Finally, the course
will address the role that others, such as allies and families, play in mitigating the
effects of living in a society hostile to LGBT persons.
1-LGBT Studies, Spring 2011
Required Texts/Readings
Meem, D.T., M. A. Gibson, and J. F. Alexander. Finding Out (ISBN: 978-1-4129-3865-5)
Reid, John. The Best Little Boy in the World. (ISBN: 0-345-34361-1)
Aarons, Leroy. Prayers for Bobby. (ISBN: 0-06-251123-8)
Course Reading Packet:
Other readings assigned in class if deemed necessary.
Assignments and Grading Policy
Attendance and Participation. This course will be conducted as a seminar. This
means that you will learn by participating in an intelligent discussion of course
readings with your classmates and me. Daily class attendance is not required, but
regular participation is. Attendance will not be taken, but contributing to and
witnessing class discussions are important components of your educational
experience. For this reason, my subjective assessment of your participation in class
will be used to determine 20% of your overall grade. Students missing four or more
classes, regardless of the reason, are encouraged to drop the course.
Missing a project or exam without submitting a medical or university excuse may
result in a grade of zero. Excuses must be submitted, and arrangements for making
up work made, by the next class after the excused absence. The nature of makeup exams is at my discretion. If accepted, late projects may, at my discretion, be
assessed a grade penalty.
Course readings are as important for your education as class discussions (reading
actually makes intelligent discussion possible). Reading assignments should be
completed before you come to class. I may assign work in class to encourage you
to read and keep up with the course. The assignments will consist of class activities
or written reactions to questions posed in class. The assignments will affect your
participation grade. One cannot make up a missed class assignment; it will count as
Leading Discussion. Each week, a group of students will be responsible for leading
the discussion of the material. The leadership role has two components that will be
1. The group must submit a summary and reflections paper (around two pages)
covering the readings for that week, due at the beginning of class.
2. The group members will be effective leaders in the class discussion that
The grades for the one or two-page papers will account for 10% of your final grade.
The grades for leading the discussion will be determined by your fellow students
and me. We will each fill out a score card. The highest and lowest scores will be
thrown out, and the average of the remaining scores will be the grade for each
week. The average of all weeks’ scores will determine 20% of your final grade.
2-LGBT Studies, Spring 2011
Short Papers or Projects. You will be required to complete two substantial papers
and/or projects. The papers or projects will consist mainly of applying the readings
and discussions to your experiences related to LGBT persons and places, but some
research may also be necessary. I will give out paper or project assignments at
least one week before they are due. You must present your papers or projects in
class, and the presentations will be a graded component of them. The papers or
projects will account for 30% of your final grade—15% for each one. Hand-written
papers will not be accepted. I will, however, accept papers submitted via e-mail or
on disk. All papers or project text must be backed up so that a second copy can be
turned in if requested. Failure to turn in a back-up copy when requested will result in
a grade of zero for the paper or project.
Exam. The only exam will be a final exam. It will be an essay exam. The final will
be worth 20% of your grade.
Final Grades. The final course grade will be based on your final score out of 100
possible points. Since the grade is based on mastery of the material, it is
theoretically possible for everyone to earn an A.
The grading scale is:
Grades are based on:
98 – 100 A+ 92 – 97 A
90 – 91 A-
20 points
88 – 89 B+
82 – 87 B
80 – 81 B-
Leader - paper
10 points
78 – 79 C+
72 – 77 C
70 – 71 C-
Leader - rating
20 points
68 – 69 D+
62 – 67 D
60 – 61 D-
Paper/Project I
15 points
Paper/Project II
15 points
Final Exam
20 points
100 points
59 and below F
You are expected to conduct yourself in accordance with the highest standards of
academic honesty. The university’s Academic Integrity Policy requires you to be
honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report
all infractions to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. A few
students get into trouble because they are unaware of what constitutes academic
misconduct. Academic misconduct includes cheating, fabrication, plagiarism,
interference (e.g., stealing another student’s work), violating course rules, and
facilitating academic dishonesty. Academic misconduct could result in failure for an
assignment (typically a grade of zero) or for the course or even in expulsion from
the university. The policy on academic integrity can be found at My punishments will be in accordance with
university policies—I will not tolerate academic misconduct.
You are also expected to respect the right of your fellow students to learn. You
should make sure that cell phones, text devices, radios, games, and so forth are
turned off prior to class. You should not talk excessively, interrupt class just to hear
3-LGBT Studies, Spring 2011
yourself talk, ask questions irrelevant to the material at hand, or make odd or
annoying gestures or noises that distract others. Finally, you must maintain a
respectful demeanor toward your fellow students regardless of your personal
assessments of them. Failure to conduct yourself according to the standards set
forth here may result in a lower participation grade. More serious violations may
result in me withdrawing you from the course.
My Commitment to You
Fortunately for me, I get paid respectably to do exactly what I love: research and
teach sociology. On the other hand, you, your family, and the citizens of the state of
California are investing vast resources in your education. You deserve an
experience worthy of that investment. Therefore, I strive to provide you with an
excellent educational experience through effective teaching. It is appropriate for you
to expect me to be an expert in sociology and a master at developing your
understanding of sociology. I commit myself to: (1) help you recognize the
importance of what you are learning; (2) focus on the most important issues; (3)
maintain an atmosphere that facilitates learning; (4) be approachable and
responsive to all students, regardless of background; (5) to structure assignments in
ways that enhance your learning; and (6) to grade in ways that provide accurate
and meaningful evaluations of your performance. If I fail to meet these goals,
please let me know so that I may improve my teaching. After all, “doctor” literally
means “teacher.” If you refer to me by that title, you should expect me to fulfill that
I believe strongly in the right of everyone to have equal access to learning. If you
have a specific disability that may be addressed with academic accommodations,
please notify me as soon as possible. I will work with you to ensure that you have a
positive learning experience. You should inform me of necessary course
adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special
arrangements in case the building must be evacuated. Presidential Directive 97-03
requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register
with DRC to establish a record of their disability. This office is located in
Administration Building, Room 110. I am inclined, however, to address other needs
that may not be verifiable disabilities. Therefore, if you are not registered with DRC,
you should still discuss your issues to see if I may help. Many disabilities require
extended time for exams; my policy is to allow extended time for all students on all
Student Technology Resources
Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center
located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and on the 2nd floor of the Student Union.
Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers
are also available in the Martin Luther King Library.
4-LGBT Studies, Spring 2011
A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from
Media Services located in IRC 112. These items include digital and VHS
camcorders, VHS and Beta video players, 16 mm, slide, overhead, DVD, CD, and
audiotape players, sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and
Learning Assistance Resource Center
The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) is located in Room 600 in the
Student Services Center. It is designed to assist students in the development of
their full academic potential and to motivate them to become self-directed learners.
The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group
tutorials, subject advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and
basic skills development. The LARC website is located at
SJSU Writing Center
The SJSU Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by
professional instructors and upper-division or graduate-level writing specialists from
each of the seven SJSU colleges. Our writing specialists have met a rigorous GPA
requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all
disciplines to become better writers. The Writing Center website is located at
Peer Mentor Center
The Peer Mentor Center is located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall in the Academic
Success Center. The Peer Mentor Center is staffed with Peer Mentors who excel in
helping students manage university life, tackling problems that range from academic
challenges to interpersonal struggles. On the road to graduation, Peer Mentors are
navigators, offering “roadside assistance” to peers who feel a bit lost or simply need
help mapping out the locations of campus resources. Peer Mentor services are free
and available on a drop –in basis, no reservation required. Website of Peer Mentor
Center is located at
Dropping and Adding
You are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops,
academic renewal, etc. Information on add/drops are available at Information about late drop
is available at Students should
be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes.
5-LGBT Studies, Spring 2011
Soci 172 / LGBT Studies, Spring 2011, Course Schedule
The schedule is subject to change with fair notice to the class during class sessions. Additional
reading may be assigned. Reading assignments listed next to each date should be completed
before you come to class on that date. Due dates will not change. FO = Finding Out.
Readings, Assignments
January 26
January 31
February 2
1-Defining Terms
2-The Community
Online 2; FO Chp. 5 Info Sheets Due
FO Chps. 1, 3, 4, 7
February 7
February 9
February 14
February 16
3-The Community
Online 3; FO Chp. 10
Middle Sexes
Library Research
Online 4; FO Chp. 6
February 21
February 23
February 28
March 2
5-Coming Out
1-LGBT Youth
2-LGBT in Family
The Best Little Boy in the World, Reid
Online 6.1
Online 6.2
March 7
March 9
March 14
March 16
March 21
March 23
3-LGBT in School
Online 7.1
Online 7.2; FO Chps. 13, 14, 15
March 28-30
Spring Break
Act like a college student!
April 4
April 6
Online 11.1; FO Chp. 8
Online 11.2
April 11
April 13
Library Research
Online 12
April 18
April 20
3-Ex-gay Movement
Online 13.1
Online 13.2
April 25
April 27
30 Days
5-Marriage and Family Online 14
May 2
May 4
May 9
May 11
May 16
Prayers for Bobby, Aaron
Paper/Project II Due; Presentations
Fri, May 20
9:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper/Project 1 Due, Presentations
Grade Worksheet for Soci 172, LGBT Studies
Leader – paper:
Leader – rating:
Paper/Project I:
Paper/Project II:
Final Exam
Proportional Grade
(percentage with decimal
moved left two places)
_._ _
_._ _
_._ _
_._ _
_._ _
_._ _
Possible Points
for Section
x 20
x 10
x 20
x 15
x 15
x 20
Earned Points
for Section
= ____
= ____
= ____
= ____
= ____
= ____
To calculate final grade:
Enter proportional grades for each section, multiply by
possible points for each section, and enter the product of
earned points for each section. The final grade is the sum
of earned points.
To calculate “current” grade:
Enter proportional grades for each graded section,
multiply by possible points for each section, and enter
the product of earned points for each section. Add up the
earned points for each graded section, and divide the sum
of earned points by the sum of possible points for each
graded section. The quotient is the “current” grade.
Example for “current” grade:
A student who has a participation of 90 (usually a guess), Leader – paper grade of 80,
Leader – rating grade of 95, and Paper/project I grade of 75 wants to know her current
grade. Using the worksheet, she would get the following:
Leader – paper:
Leader – rating:
Paper/Project I:
Paper/Project II:
Final Exam
Proportional Grade
(percentage with decimal
moved left two places)
_._ _
_._ _
Earned Points
56.25 (18 + 8 + 19 + 11.25)
Possible Points
for Section
÷ Possible Points
÷ 65 (20 + 10 + 20 + 15)
x 20
x 10
x 20
x 15
x 15
x 20
Earned Points for
= 18
= 19
= 11.25
= ____
= ____
= “Current” Grade
= .865 or 86.5%, B