Defensive expenditures, welfare and growth in a NorthSouth model A. Antoci (University of Sassari) S. Borghesi (University of Siena)* Overview • Object: link between environmental defensive expenditures, welfare and growth • Definition: expenditures that agents can do to protect against the deterioration of the environment they live in. • Substitution mechanism: replace consumption of “free” environmental public goods with that of expensive private goods that may satisfy the same needs. • Examples: mineral water, double glazing, masks, health expenditures, air conditioners… urban sprawl holidays in some tropical paradise Overview • Empirical estimations: Leipert and Simonis, 1989; Daly and Cobb, 1990; Statistics Canada, 1998; Garrod and Willis, 1999; United Nations, 2003. ↑Environmental degradation ↑ Defensive expenditures ↑ GDP • Related literature: Antoci and Bartolini (1999, 2004); Bartolini and Bonatti (2003); Antoci et al. (2008) • a two-population game: North-South model SET UP OF THE MODEL • 2 hemispheres: North and South • 4 goods: – leisure (1-L) – a free access (renewable) environmental good (E) – good 1: a non-storable produced good that can be consumed to satisfy basic non-environmental needs (subsistence consumption) – good 2: a non-storable produced good that can be consumed as a substitute for the depleted environmental good (substitution consumption) • Goods 1 and 2 produced by labor alone • Production depletes the renewable natural resource • To counterbalance such depletion agents may increase their labor supply in order to afford the substitution consumption SET UP OF THE MODEL • Each agent decides how much to work: – Low (l) → subsistence consumption → Y1 – High (h) → substitution consumption →Y2 U l j = a * ln (1 - Ljl ) + b * ln Y1j + ln E j j N,S U hN = a * ln (1 - LNh ) + b * lnY1N + ln E N c * ES d * Y2N U hS = a * ln (1 - LSh ) + b * lnY1S + ln ES e * Y2S • Northern agents that work high can also enjoy Southern environment • Call x (z) the share of agents that choose to work high in the North (South): 0≤x≤1,0≤z≤1 1 z 0 • 1 Define the payoff differential between working high and low in hemisphere j=N,S U ( x, z ) j • x j j U h ( x, z ) U l ( x, z ) and assume the following “replicator dynamics”: x x(1 x)U N ( x, z ) z z (1 z )U S ( x, z ) Dynamics along the sides DYNAMICS AND WELFARE ALONG THE SIDES OF THE SQUARE Suppose z = 0. • Call A the amount of natural resources that are left in the North after production Y1. A sufficiently low → hN-dominance A sufficiently high → lN-dominance • If A sufficiently low, Northern people want to go on holiday to the South where the environment is better preserved, therefore they are induced to work high. If A sufficiently high, Northern agents do not have such an incentive, therefore they prefer to work low and enjoy their environment. • If there exists a fixed point x x0N (0,1) • then it is always: U N (0,0) U N ( x0N ,0) U N (1,0) • where: U ( x, z ) N N N xU h ( x, z ) (1 x)U l ( x, z ) DYNAMICS AND WELFARE FOR ALL VALUES OF x AND z • If the dynamics of x and z are non trivial (i.e. the time derivatives of x and z and are not always positive inside the square), then the point (0,0) Pareto-dominates any other possible state (x,z) in the North and/or in the South. Intuition for the limit cycle: Leonardo di Caprio and Phi-Phi islands if z is initially low (i.e. the Southern activity level is low), the environment in the South is well preserved and Northern agents are induced to work high. As x increases, however, this damages the Southern environment, leading to an increase in z since more Southern agents work high to afford defensive expenditures. When z is high enough, working high is no longer the best strategy for Northern agents, therefore x decreases, which leads to a reduction in z as well and so on. Concluding remarks • Environmental degradation induces individual defensive expenditures that raise the activity level which, in turn, might further increase environmental degradation. • Both hemispheres may end up in a situation where everyone works “too much”: people work harder to protect against pollution, but they might be better-off by working less and enjoining a cleaner world. This outcome may occur both for “polar” values of x and z (along the square) and for all possible values of x and z (inside the square). • North-South interactions may also generate limit cycles in the model FUTURE RESEARCH: • Positive effect of higher production on the environment (e.g. technique effect) • Positive effect of Northern production on Southern environment (tourism)…..