Draft Evaluation Instrument – Jan 15 version - JAN 22 SUBCOMMITTEE This draft is still a work in progress; the committee already has some further specific changes in mind, based on the most recent round of feedback, and some questions and other issues are not yet settled. Instructor’s Attributes: (summary number, questions 1-4) 1. How clearly did the instructor communicate in class? very clearly somewhat clearly not too clearly not at all clearly 2. Did the instructor generate interest in the subject matter? always most of the time on occasion never 3. Did the instructor treat students with respect? always most of the time on occasion never DOES THE COMMITTEE WANT THIS TO BE HOW CLEARLY THE CONCEPTS WERE EXPLAINED OR HOW OFTEN WERE THE CONCEPTS EXPLAINED CLEARLY? 4. A. How much of the time did the instructor explain concepts clearly? always most of the time on occasion never OR 4. B. How clearly did the instructor explain concepts? very clearly somewhat clearly not too clearly not at all clearly Organization: (summary number, questions 5-8)IS THIS ABOUT BEING ORGANIZED VS DISORGANIZED OR ABOUT BEING WELL-ORGANIZED VS. POORLY ORGANIZED? 5. A Was the course well-organized very well organized somewhat organized somewhat disorganized very disorganized OR 5. B Was the course well-organized very well organized somewhat well organized somewhat poorly organized very poorly organized. 6. Was the grading policy clearly explained? very clearly somewhat clearly not too clearly not at all clearly 7. How clearly did the instructor establish clear learning goals? very clearly somewhat clearly not too clearly not at all clearly 8. How often does the instructor use the assigned text book(s)? Often or Very frequently Sometimes Frequently Rarely Infrequently Never Very infrequently not applicable not applicable 9. Did the instructor clearly establish a high standard of academic integrity on such issues as not collaborating on exams and/or not plagiarizing? very clearly somewhat clearly not too clearly not at all clearly Work: (summary number, questions ??? ) 10. How much did the course assignments, projects, and/or papers help you understand the subject matter? very much somewhat. not too much not at all 11. Was YOUR work graded fairly? DO WE WANT OR NEED THIS IF HAVE 17 & 18? WHAT IF ANSWER CONTRADICTS 17 & 18? IF WE KEEP IT, SHOULD IT BE OVERALL YES/NO? IS GRADING FAIRLY MOST OF THE TIME OR MORE THAN HALF THE TIME ACCEPTABLE? 12. Was the degree of difficulty of the course appropriate to its subject level (3000, 4000, etc.)? too difficult appropriate too easy 13. How does the amount of work in this course compare to other courses you have taken at Baruch? much less somewhat less about the same somewhat more much more Impact: (summary number, questions 14-16) 14. Were you satisfied with the material you learned in this course? very satisfied somewhat satisfied somewhat dissatisfied very dissatisfied 15. Did the course help improve your written or oral communication skills? very much somewhat. not too much not at all not applicable 16. Did the course help improve your analytical or problem solving skills? very much somewhat not too much not at all not applicable Grades: 17. What grade do you expect to receive in this course? A AB+ B BC+ C CD F 18. What grade do you think you deserve for this course? A AB+ B BC+ C CD F Written Comments: The next section of the questionnaire presents open-ended items that invite your comments. Please take a moment to provide invaluable feedback to your instructors and fellow students. Thank you! Your comments in response to Questions 18through 21 will be made available, anonymously, to your instructor. Please consider these questions as an opportunity to provide confidential and constructive feedback regarding your instructor’s teaching and the course. 19. What are the strengths of the instructor? 20. How can the instructor’s teaching be improved? 21. What are the strengths of this course? 22. How can the course be improved? The response to Question 23 will be posted anonymously on the Baruch website and will be made available to the Baruch community. Please share information you would like your fellow students to know about your experience.* 23. What would you like to tell other students about this course? *Inflammatory comments regarding race, age, gender, or physical appearance will not be posted. All vulgarities will be removed from comments before they are posted.