SJSU COLLEGE OF SCIENCE offers Honors in the majors of : • BS in Biological Sciences, Systems Physiology • Chemistry • Computer Science • BS in Geology and Earth Science • Mathematics MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS All programs require all-college GPA 3.0 and 3.5 in courses for the major. HONORS IN THE MAJOR IN COLLEGE OF SCIENCE SJSUMARC U-STAR is a “PhD-prep” Honors Program The goal of the MARC Program is to increase the number of underrepresented (UR)* students who earn PhD degrees in the biomedical/behavioral sciences. Interested students should contact the Program Director, Dr. Leslee Parr, Dept. of Biological Sciences, DH 555, *UR students are defined by NIH as African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Native Alaskans and U.S. Pacific Islanders. Benefits to MARC Students 60% Tuition and monthly stipend of $988.00 Research Supplies–MARC students get financial support for research materials in their faculty mentor’s lab Travel –funding for every MARC research student to attend ABRCMS and/or SACNAS each year. MARC seminar- creates a sense of community and support o progressive set of skills -to help trainees to perform well academically and to do well later in graduate school. o invited speakers graduate school recruiters and previous SJSU MARC graduates who have their Ph.D. or MD/PhD degrees COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENTS African-American Studies Anthropology Communication Studies Economics Environmental Studies Geography History Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Mexican-American Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology Urban & Regional Planning (Minor, or Graduate Program) Please contact the College of Social Sciences for more information: (408) 924-5300, or HONORS IN THE PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS • GPA averaged across all PSYC and STAT greater than 3.5 • GPA averaged across STAT 95, 115, PSYC 117, 120, 121 and (190 or 195) greater than 3.5 • Evidence of distinguished scholarly work as: -completion of PSYC 195, or 199, or -Publication/1st-author regional conference Students must apply for Honors in the psychology major. PSI CHI THE INTERNATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY IN PSYCHOLOGY OPPORTUNITIES: International recognition for academic excellence in psychology Gain a sense of community with other psychology members Valuable research/career opportunities; AWARDS AND GRANTS. APPLICANT REQUIREMENTS - Must be enrolled as student at SJSU - Second-Semester sophomore - Major/minor in psychology - Overall GPA 3.0 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS HONORS PROGRAMS GARY J. SBONA HONORS PROGRAM *Real world business experience for course credit *Apply classroom learning to real business issues *Graduate with Honors from COB *Network with top Silicon Valley firms *Team up with the best students in the COB *Courses offered in both spring and fall for Accounting & Finance, and Marketing *Org & Mgmt and MIS offer year long programs GARY J. SBONA HONORS PROGRAM WILLIAM DEVINCENZI, DIRECTOR, BT 460 To apply: Must have 3.25 GPA and faculty recommendation; be a second semester student; provide resume, essay, transcript of grades to honors faculty (now online) Earliest you can apply, Nov 2014 for spring 2015 semester (A & F, & Marketing only); April 2015 for fall 2015 for all four departments. To graduate with Honors from COB Must have 3.5 GPA in major; complete two honors semesters; write scholarly paper Website THOMPSON GLOBAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM WILLIAM DEVINCENZI, DIRECTOR, BT 460 Gain International work experience All expenses paid plus a salary Crown Worldwide Group, HQ in Hong Kong Locations visited include: London, Milan, Dublin, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong South Africa, Australia Experience, history, culture For application reqm’ts, see website Website: (click on Thompson Global Internship Program) Global Leadership Passport Program School of Global Innovation & Leadership, College of Business, SJSU • Unique program to SJSU • Helps you develop global leadership skills and a global mindset via: – GLLab training modules (assessments & simulations) – Personal Development Plan and Roadmap – Taking advantage of global events, programs, speakers, etc. on campus – Leadership/Social Innovation projects Global Leadership Advancement Center Why is the Global Leadership Passport Program so useful? You will be well prepared for: • Working effectively with diverse classmates • Study Abroad opportunities • Working Abroad • Working in a global organization • Life-long learning in your career Contact: for more information. Global Leadership Advancement Center Honors in the College of Engineering • Engineering & Technology Honor Societies – Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society • Top 1/8 of Juniors and Top 1/5 of Seniors eligible to join – Discipline Specific Honor Societies Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical) Chi Epsilon (Civil) Epsilon Pi Tau (Technology) Sigma Gamma Tau (Aerospace) Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical) • Student Chapters of Professional Societies (sample listing of groups) American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers Institute of Industrial Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Women Engineers Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists Black Alliance of Scientists and Engineers Society of Plastics Engineers Direct Questions to Jared Tuberty, Executive Director, Engineering Student Success Programs, Honors in the College of Engineering • Additional Opportunities – Global Technology Institute • Summer program to explore intersection of Engineering and Entrepreneurship through 3-week experience in Taiwan – Applications open later in Fall semester – Engineering Ambassador Program • Outreach events to K-12 and Community College Students both in the greater Bay Area as well as hosting visiting groups here in College of Engineering – Info sessions will occur in September/October • Be on the lookout for new opportunities Direct Questions to Jared Tuberty, Executive Director, Engineering Student Success Programs, HONORS IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT TO APPLY: Completion of 9 units if upper division ChAD coursework with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.5, and Completion of CD 101 or Stat 95 (or equivalent) with a grade of A- or better. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:: • BA Honors Thesis (ChAD 199: Honors Thesis) or other publication • 3.5 GPA in all ChAD courses • 3.0 GPA in all other courses. CONTACT: or 408] 924-3718 English Departmental Honors Contact: Andrew Fleck •E L I G I B I L I T Y : 3 . 0 G P A / 3 . 5 M A J O R G P A •R E Q U I R E M E N T S : C O M P L E T E E N G L I S H 1 9 0 •B E N E F I T S : C L O S E I N T E R A C T I O N W / S E N I O R FACULTY AND COLLABORATION WITH HIGH ACHIEVING PEERS Phi Sigma Iota THE INTERNATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE HONOR SOCIETY LOCAL AND NATIONAL LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENT NATIONAL NETWORK OF COLLEAGUES Eligibility: Major or minor in a world language or related field Have completed 45 semester hrs or equivalent GPA of 3.0 or higher Rank in upper 35% of class For more information contact the Department of World Languages and Literatures HUMANITIES HONORS PROGRAM • Multidisciplinary team-taught program. • Completes ten GE requirements by accomplishing 24 units of coursework over four semesters. • Currently serving approximately 320 lower division students in majors across all colleges. Minimum Requirements: *unweighted H.S. GPA 3.0 *SAT Critical Reading score 550, or other test equivalent. Contact: NEW! ADVANCED HONORS IN SCIENCE, SOCIAL SCIENCE & HUMANITIES (HUM 177A/177B) TEAM-TAUGHT, TWO-SEMESTER (9 UNITS) SEQUENCE THAT COMPLETES SJSU STUDIES AREAS R, S AND V. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: • All college GPA 3.0 • Successful completion of WST requirement • Successful completion of 100W, or • Enrollment in 100W during the semesters of 177A/B WE STILL HAVE OPENINGS FOR THIS COURSE! Contact: ASPIRE PROGRAM *Funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education, ASPIRE is a Student Support Services/TRiO project *Provide support services for underrepresented students *Academic advising *Major and career exploration *Financial support and literacy *SJSU heuristic information – the “P’s” *Graduate school exploration and preparation ASPIRE PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY Enrolled SJSU student U.S. citizen or permanent resident Must meet one of the following criteria: First generation in college Low income Students with disabilities CONTACT: MANUEL SALAZAR (408)924-2540 SJSU Salzburg Program SALZBURG GLOBAL SEMINAR 113 SJSU Salzburg Fellows Educating Global Citizens to Globalize SJSU 122 SJSU Salzburg Scholars 8/27/14 SJSU Salzburg Program Honors @ SJSU SJSU Salzburg Program SALZBURG GLOBAL SEMINAR Selection Criteria Excellence Leadership Leverage http://www. 8/27/14 SJSU Salzburg Program Honors @ SJSU McNair Scholars Program This program helps first generation, and/or low income and underrepresented students get into graduate school (Ph.D. Programs) The goal is to increase diversity at the professoriate level. McNair Scholars Contact Information: Dr. Maria Elena Cruz SSC Room 522 San Jose State University Phone: 408-924-2631 Front Desk Phone: 408-924-2540 Our Website: Peer Connections - Mentoring Peer Mentors are your guides to the college experience. They assist you with a wide variety of questions and concerns, including: • Effective studying, note-taking, & test-taking • Time & stress management • Personal situations • Adjusting to life at SJSU • Navigating the university experience • And more! 26 Peer Connections - Tutoring Peer Tutors assist you with course content and learning strategies for a wide variety of • Math undergraduate courses, including: • • • • • • Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Statistics And more! For more information, check out our website: 27 OTHER ALL-CAMPUS HONOR SOCIETIES PHI KAPPA PHI Contact: GOLDEN KEY Contact: Associated Students for information Black Masque Honor Society Honoring Excellence at SJSU Since 1930 1st honor society for women at SJSU (opened to men in the 1970s) Founded on principals of building lifelong friendships and honoring academic achievements Limited to 13 members each year Cumulative GPA of 3.2 to be eligible contact us at: Black Masque Honor Society Honoring Excellence at SJSU Since 1930 Build lifelong friendships; have fun; create great memories Develop leadership and group skills (project management, teamwork, communication, event planning) Be involved with campus and community Stay connected with us! /BlackMasque @BlackMasqueSJSU Scholarship opportunity for members only Network with active alumni group @BlackMasqueSJSU Study Abroad Opportunities Please contact for many possibilities!