Testimony to NJ State Board of Education Dr. Janet H. Caldwell, June 17, 2009 I am Dr. Janet H. Caldwell, a professor of mathematics at Rowan University where I teach math content courses. I have been recognized for my teaching as the Carnegie Foundation NJ Professor of the Year and by the NJ Section of the Mathematical Association of America. I have received awards from the NJ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey. I have served on national boards and committees for three different national organizations. New Jersey has made progress over the past decade in mathematics at the K-8 level. Our scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have risen significantly to the current levels. NJ is second among all of the states in grade 4 math and sixth at grade 8. Student achievement has been steadily improving, an indication that we are on the right track. And while New Jersey's mathematics standards are not solely responsible for this relatively high performance, they are integral to it. There are many benefits to be gained by developing and adopting national mathematics standards that establish high expectations for all students in the United States. New Jersey's participation in this initiative is welcome, for the national effort can only lead to high national mathematics standards if the states that already have high state mathematics standards, like New Jersey, are active participants in the effort. Our current standards were developed by looking at what other countries are doing in mathematics; the current standards are "world class" and have been rated as among the best of the states by Achieve, the organization playing a leadership role in developing the national standards. They balance conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and problem solving. Further, they provide a logical and psychologically appropriate sequence of topics from one grade to another. And yet, these standards can be better. They can be clearer, and they can and should be more focused. At the invitation of the Department of Education, I served on its writing team, drafting new, improved math standards. We completed our work in December. The mathematics standards published in February by DOE were not based on our work. They should not be used for any purpose. They do not build upon our current standards, they do not reflect the recommendations of the NCTM Curriculum Focal Points nor of the National Math Panel report. They are not internally consistent, they are not developmentally appropriate, and they are less rigorous than our current standards. There are more than 200 indicators that have changed grade levels, each of which will require new field testing of items for the state assessments. This February draft is NOT a balanced approach to learning mathematics; it -- - - - -- focuses almost exclusively on skills. This draft was developed internally by DOE staff with NO input from teachers and administrators. This draft is a sure path to lower math achievement for NJ's students. Since the publication of the February draft, DOE has convened a math task force which has met four times but has made little if any progress in moving towards an acceptable draft of the math standards. No further documents have been made available for review subsequent to these meetings. It is not clear what path the revision of the math standards will take at this point. Developing math standards is hard work. It requires extensive knowledge not only of mathematics content but also of available curricula and of the psychology of learning mathematics. It requires excellent writing skills and the ability to craft statements that are mathematically correct, rigorous, and still clear to teachers and parents. It requires writers who understand how to include basic skills without sacrificing the development of conceptual understanding and problem solving. It also requires a very thick skin, since many will criticize these standards without offering specific suggestions for improvement. The NJ Math and Science Education Coalition convened a well-qualified standards development group which reviewed the December 2008 and February 2009 versions of the standards, and produced a document that seeks to . incorporate the best recommendations of both versions, · achieve a balance between the various perspectives on mathematics standards, · achieve coherence across the standards and across the grade levels, · be consistent with national recommendations, and · maintain topics at the same grade levels as the current standards absent good reason to change grade levels. This document should be used as the starting point for New Jersey's next efforts. This document should be used to evaluate any national mathematics standards that are proposed, and it should be used to develop the next generation of state standards. Two further points merit attention at this time. 1. High school students should be required to take mathematics each year that they are in high school. Many students who fail basic skills math tests in college do so because they took no math in their senior year and have forgotten much of what they once knew. 2. Elementary teachers need to be required to demonstrate their understanding of mathematics. Presently, they are not required to pass any math test or take any college-level math courses. I thank you for your attention and your time and hope that my remarks have been helpful to you in your deliberations. Should you wish to discuss any of these matters further, I would be happy to do so. The~ Nation's NCES 2007-495NJ4 . New Jersey Ma t h em at I cs 2007 Grade 4 Report Card S tat e S nap S hot R e p 0 r t Public Schools The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assesses mathematics in five content areas: number properties and operations; measurement; geometry; data analysis and probability; and algebra. The NAEP mathematics scale ranges from 0 to 500. Overall Mathematics Results for New'JerseY'~'.'illB_~~.n.. ~.... , In 2007, the average scale score for fourth-grade students in New Jersey was 249. This was higher than their average score in 2005 (244) and was higher than . New Jer&'Y (public) 1992a L.<,~R~ their average score in 1992 (227). t 1996a ~ 2003 2005 2007 Nation (public) 2007 , New Jersey's average score (249) in 2007 was higher than that of the nation's public schools (239). Of the 52 states and other jurisdictions that participated in the 2007 fourth-grade assessment, students' average scale score in New Jersey was higher than those in 46 jurisdictions, not significantly different from those in 4 jurisdictions, and lower than that in 1 jurisdiction.' , The percentage of students in New Jersey who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 52 percent in 2007. This percentage was greater than that in 2005 (45 percent) and was greater than that in 1992 (25 percent). , The percentage of students in New Jersey who performed at or above the NAEP Basic level was 90 percent in 2007. This percentage was greater than that in 2005 (86 percent) and was greater than that in 1992 (68 percent). . A1('ag Score I~ 44' 22' 43' 42 22' 34' 40 ~ I !ms' 227 " 227' 239' lID 244' EI1II 249 112' 3' 38' Percent below Basic Percent at Basic, 38 Proficlenl, I and Advanced 42 oIProficient II Advanced 33 ns lli!I Below Basic 0 Basic 43 239 a Accommodations were not pennitted for this assessment. NOTE: The NAEP grade 4 mathematics achievement levels correspond to the following scale points: Below Basic, 213 or lower; Basic, 214-248; Proficient, 249281; Advanced, 282 or above. Performance of NAEP Reporting Groups in New Jersey: 2007E.':":.i!'2.!!!',.'<'."'_"'_;.:',.-;j._: . ...... "" _'.' _ '..I#:'j:i3'i;jii;0:'!;jj::¥:(.(f;ki;:R;<;;iii§ji,'!i;#¥i\i. Reporting groups Male Percent Average Percent of students score below Basic 50 Female 2501 50 247 - i Percent of students at or above Basic 10 90 11 t Proficient 891 ! I --_._j I 25 2 I 79 h. 29 3 I 98 78 i 5 95 63 Black 14 232 j 22 78 Hispanic 20 234 21 2 500 J:: :t: I 11 11 255 267 Advanced 49 57 , In 2007, maleIslander students in New Jersey had an average score that was not Asian/Pacific 8 i 551 White Score I Percent i Percentile s ! 26 significantly different from that of female students. In 1992, there was no significant differenceIndian/Alaska between the average American Native score of male and female students. # :t: :t: :t: :t: 75th 270 ~7 , In 2007, Black students had an average score that was lower than that of White Eligible for National School Lunch Program 29 233 78t 26 2 22 L 26 260 249' 249 students by 23 points. This performance gap was narrower than that of 1992 (38 ......... 94 62 12 50t 69 255 6 250 260' h points). Not eligible for National School Lunch Program 240 229' 229" , In 2007, Hispanic students had an average score that was lower than that of White ~o ......... 25th students by 21 Score points. ThisBetween performance gap was narrower than that of ........ 1992 (32 - - ------------------------------------------------------ .----.- 230 Average Gaps Selected Groups____ ':. ../.... '.;'z.!¥!!.... D"""""'24s' :t:> points). 220 207" 207' 241- ~2 ......... , In 2007, students who were eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch, a proxy for 210 1:1""""'227' ,~ poverty, had an average score that was lower than that of students who were not 200 220' eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch by 22 points. This performance gap was .. - - ........... Accommodations were not permitted narrower than that of 1996 (32 points). o D---C Accommodations were permitted , In 2007, the score gap between students at the 75th percentile and students at the '92 '96 '03 '05 '07 25th percentile was 36 points. This performance gap was narrower than that of NOTE: Scores at selected percentiles on the NAEP mathematics scale indicate how well 1992 (41 points). students at lower, middle, and higher levels performed. ~ i I I I # Rounds to zero. " Significantly different from 2007. ~ Reporting standards not met. t Significantly higher than 2005. 1 Significantly lower than 2005. , Comparisons (higher/lower/narrower/wider/not different) are based on statistical tests. The .05 level was used for testing statistical significance. Statistical comparisons are calculated on the basis of unrounded scale scores or percentages. Comparisons across jurisdictions and comparisons with the nation or within a jurisdiction across years may be affected by differences in exclusion rates for students with disabilities (SD) and English language leamers (ELL). The exclusion rates for SD and ELL in New Jersey were 2 percent and 'percentage rounds to zero' in 2007, respectively.For more intormation on NAEP significance testing see hllc'lInces ed oovlnationsrecortcard/mathematics/interoret-results asc#statistical. . Jurisdictions' refers to states and the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity schools. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and because the 'Information not available' category for the National School Lunch Program, which provides free and reduced-price lunches, and the 'Unclassified' category for race/ethnicity are not displayed. Visit hllo'lInces ed oovlnationsrecortcard/statesl for additional results and detailed information. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various . years, 1992-2007 Mathematics Assessments. ---- i The~ "' M Nation's a th t . New Jersey ' I em a ICS 2007 GradeS The National Assessment of Educational Progress geometry; data NCES 2007,;;,495NJ8" Report Card S tat(NAEP) e S napassesses S hot Rmathematics e p 0 r t in five content areas: numberII properties and operations; measurement;Public Schools analysis and probability; and algebra. The NAEP mathematics scale ranges from 0 to 500. Overall Mathematics Results for New Jersey~~'.'" "','-'"_",,, ",~",'&IR!I""' " In 2007, the average scale score for eighth-grade students in New Jersey was 289. This was higher than their average score in 2005 (284) and was higher than their average score in 1990 (270).' " New Jersey's average score (289) in 2007 was higher than that of the nation's public schools (280). " Of the 52 states and other jurisdictions that participated in the 2007 eighth-grade assessment, students' average scale score in New Jersey was higher than those in 35 jurisdictions, not significantly different from those in 14 jurisdictions, and lower than those in 2 jurisdictions.' " The percentage of students in New Jersey who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 40 percent in 2007. This percentage was greater than that in 2005 (36 percent) and was greater than that in 1990 (21 percent). " The percentage of students in New Jersey who performed at or above the NAEP Basic level was 77 percent in 2007. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2005 (74 percent) and was greater than that in 1990 (58 percent). Percentages at NAEP Achievement Levels and Average Score New Jersey (pubUc AV"',"age Score j 1990a 37 1992a 2003 18" 270 " 272 " 281 " 284 " 1ii!13" 39 21" 38 27 38 27 113" 2005 2007 Nation (public) 2007 Percent below Basic Percent at Basic, Proficient, end Advanced 37 30 6" IDII 289 ImiIII o Proficient iii Advanced [jJ Below Basic 0 Basic 39 I _7 24 a Accommodations were not permitted for this assessment NOTE: The NAEP grade 8 mathematics achievement levels correspond to the following scale points: Below Basic, 261 or lower; Basic, 262-298; Proficient, 299-332; Advanced, 333 or above. 28 0 Performance' of NAEPReporting Groups in New Jersey': 2007.', -","'c:":""'.."Ji""Wh1"Wi"''''''','''''W''''"%irn,,.,Wt,,,,_1mi",;,Iii,',/!f,' 1'.i)"'"ffi."IIII",,'. ,',.1r""""",;;..""'. Reporting groups Male Female --------_._.__.__.-_.__. White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Eligible for National School Lunch Program Percent of students 51 49 Average Percent score below Basic 290 23 288 j 22 ------_. 57 17 19 7 # 27 Percent of students at or above B,asie Proficient 77 43 78 38 Percent Advanced 12 9 co 298 264 271 314 :j: 266 Not eligible for National School Lunch Program 71 297 j "Average In 2007, male students in New Jersey had an average score that was not Score Gaps Between Selected Groups-..,='\' '.>'...'Y_'.':':.:1I!":,.v="'mii"::.'1'.W; 13 45 37 7 :j: 43 Score I 14.j, 87 55 63 93 :j: 57 51 14 20 69 :j: 17 --1'l 861 50 14 30 I :j: i 2I Percentile Mathematics Scores at Selcted Percentiles 500 J: s significantly different from that of female students. In 1990, there was no significant difference between the average score of male and female 320 students. 7Sth 310 " In 2007, Black students had an average score that was lower than that of ~310 -:'4 294" 297" 300 White students by 35 points. In 1990, the average score for Black students ...... SOth was lower than that of White students by 38 points. 290 291 284 286 " In 2007, Hispanic students had an average score that was lower than that 270" 274" 280 " ....... of White students by 27 points. This performa'nce gap was narrower than 270 ............... c 2Sth that of 1990 (37 points). ~ 26261 26S 260 24S" " In 2007, students who were eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch, a 2S8' 250 240248" proxy for poverty, had an average score that was lower than that of students who were not eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch by 31 . - - ............. Accommodations were not points. In 2003, the average score for students who were eligible for permitted free/reduced-price school lunch was lower than the score of those not c ------- CJ Accommodations were permitted o eligible by 34 points. '03 '05 '07 '90 '92 " In 2007, the score gap between students at the 75th percentile and NOTE: Scores at selected percentiles on the NAEP mathematics scale indicate how welt students students at the 25th percentile was 49 points. In 1990, the score gap at lower, middle, and higher levels performed. between students at the 75th percentile and students at the 25th percentile was 49 points. # Rounds to zero. ~ Reporting standards not met. ~ . ...a " Significantly different from 2007. 1 Significantly higher than 2005. L Significantly lower than 200S. , Comparisons (higherllower/narrower/wider/not different) are based on statistical tests. The .OS level was used for testing statistical significance. Statistical comparisons are calculated on the basis of unrounded scale scores or percentages. Comparisons across jurisdictions and comparisons with the nation or within a jurisdiction across years may be affected by differences in exclusion rates for students with disabilities (SO) and English language learners (ELL). The exclusion rates for SO and ELL in New Jersey were 3 percent and 1 percent in 2007, respectively. For more intormation on NAEP significance testing see h1l0'lInces ed oov/nationsreoortcard/mathematicslinteroret,results aSD#statistical. , . Jurisdictions' refers to states and the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity schools. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and because the 'Information not available' category for the National School Lunch Program, which provides free and reduced-price lunches, and the "Unclassified" category for race/ethnicity are not displayed. Visit h1lD'/inces ed oov/nationsreDortcard/statesl for additional results and detailed information. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years, 1990-2007 Mathematics Assessments. 535 teachers respond to Feb 2009 NJDOE written Math Standards 1. Rigor The content is cognitively demanding for the grade/grade level cluster Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 5% 13.0% 28.2% 16.4% 37% and CPls reflect higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy or Norman Webb's Depth of Knowledge. 2. Rigor The standards/CPls represent the content and cognitive demand necessary for students to succeed in credit-bearing college courses without remediation, in other postsecondary education and training and quality high-growth careers. Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 8.1% 20.1% 8.3% 15.9% 37.7% 3. Relevance/Real World Applications The standards/CPls sufficiently focus on the content and skills needed for transfer to ever changing real world situations. Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 4.8% 22.5% 9.4% 19.3% 43.4% 4. Relevance/Global Perspectives The standards/CPls represent content and skills that foster analysis of global perspectives and global dynamics. Strongly Agree 2.9% Agree Neutral Disagree 17.4% 18.3% 17.8% Strongly Disagree 41.1% 5. Coherence/Progression Content and CPls systematically increase in complexity across grades/ grade level clusters. Strongly Agree 10.3% Agree Neutral Disagree 25.3% 11.0% 15.9% Strongly Disagree 37.3% 6. Focus Standards/CPls establish priorities about content and skills to be acquired. Strongly I Agree I Neutral I Disagree Strongly I --- -.- -- --- -- Agree 5.8% 22.7% 11.7% Disagree 41.6% 18.3% 7. Focus Content and skills are manageable at each grade / grade level cluster. Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 8.1% 20.1% 8.3% 15.9% 37.7% 8. Specificity Standards/CPls are an appropriate "grain size" - specific enough to develop and guide curriculum, but broad enough to capture "big ideas" and to allow for a variety of curricular approaches. Strongly Agree 7.0% Agree Neutral Disagree 28.3% 9.3% 19.0% Strongly Disagree 36.4% 9. Specificity CPls provide sufficient detail to convey the level of performance expected and may be assessed using multiple measures (e.g., state test, performancebased tasks, project-based learning, teacher observations). Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 6.2% 28.0% 10.6% 16.4% 38.8% 10. Measurability CPls focus on results by using performance verbs that ask students to demonstrate knowledge and skills (e.g., compare, explain, analyze) rather than process verbs (e.g., understand, appreciate, examine). Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 7.2% 33.6% 10.7% 14.4% 34.2% 11 . Clarity Standards/CPls are communicated in a language that is clear and understandable. Strongly Agree 8.5% Agree Neutral Disagree 28.5% 13.7% 15.2% Strongly Disagree 33.9% - - -- --- - December version February version Comments Recommended Indicators Numerical operations are used to model quantifiable real-world situations. Fluency in computation is essential as numerical operations are used to model quantifiable authentic Change first sentence of February version as in grade 3. Computational fluency involves using efficient and accurate methods for computing that are based on well- . Addition and subtraction of situations. understood properties and number decimals, fractions, and/or mixed . Addition and subtraction of relationships. At this grade level, the numbers decimals, fractions, and mixed focus should be on: Division of a 3-digit number by a numbers . Standard 4.1 - Number and Numerical Operations, Strand B: Numerical Operations - Grade 5 - March 23, 2009 . 2-digit number representing remainders as fractions . Addition and subtraction of Division of a 3-digit number by a decimals, fractions, and mixed 2-digit number representing numbers . remainders as fractions Division of a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number representing remainders asfractions 1. Use appropriate arithmetic operations in problem situations. . Whole numbers - all four basic operations . Decimals, fractions, and/or mixed numbers - addition and subtraction 2. Construct, use, and explain B2. Add and subtract fractions B2. Do not need to specify that the procedures (pencil-and-paper or (including mixed numbers) with mental math) for performing addition and subtraction with fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. different denominators. denominators need to be different that is understood. B3. Use models to show an B3. This has not been in Grade 5 understanding of multiplication and although most teachers start this division of fractions. towards the end of the year - BB2. Use and explain efficient and accurate procedures (modeling, paper & pencil, estimation, and mental math) to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers. - there is so much in Grade 5, though, that this should be omitted and place in Grade 6, as recommended in CFP. B4. Multiply and divide fractions to B4. This should also be postponed to solve problems. grade 6 as recommended by CFP there is too much in grade 5 and this 10 3.Use an efficient and accurate pencilandpaper procedure for division of a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number. Represent remainders as fractions . fractions should be expected at this grade level, as in indicator BB3. people ate l/3, 1/4, and 1/5 of a pie, what portion of the pie remains?) B5. Add and subtract decimals and estimate to verify the reasonableness of the results. B5. Broaden this to include mental math. BB4. Use and explain efficiellt and accurate procedures (modeling, paper & pencil, estimation, and mental math) to add and subtract decimals. B I. Solve problems involving multiplication and division of any whole numbers. B I. "Any whole numbers" is too broad - we don't want every student to have to be able to multiply 4 digits by 5 digits or divide 8 digits by 2 digits. BBl. Use and explain efficient and accurate procedures (modeling, paper & pencil or mental math) to divide numbers up to 1000 by numbers less than 100, representing remainders as fractions. The "multiplication" part of B 1 is addressed in indicator BB3 at Grade 4. The "problem solving" part of B 1 is addressed in indicator BB3. At each grade level, as students learn new operations or apply them to new numbers, they should be learning about how those operations might best be applied. BB7 here is parallel to BB5 at Grade 3. 4. Select and apply the appropriate method of computation from among pencil-and-paper, mental math, or use of a calculator or computer to solve real world problems. Not needed 5. Add or subtract fractions and decimals using estimation strategies. 6. Determine whether a given estimate is an overestimate or an underestimate. 7. Determine the reasonableness of an answer by estimating the result of operations. BB7. Select and use appropriate computational methods (e.g., estimation, mental math, calculators, or pencil-andpaper) to solve problems involving all operations on whole numbers. and addition and subtraction of fractions, depending on the context and numbers involved. This indicator should be included. BB5. Determine whether a given estimate is an overestimate or an underestimate. B6. Use estimation to decide whether answers are reasonable in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. B6. This is too limited - want students to use estimation with fractions & decimals too. BB6. Use estimation to decide whether answers are reasonable in problems involving computations with whole numbers, and addition and subtraction of decimals and fractions. B7. Use mental arithmetic to add or subtract simple decimals. B7. This is included in indicator BB4. 11