May 20, 2009 To the State Board of Education Commissioners: Good Afternoon Board Members: I come before you this afternoon to discuss the process used to change the educational leadership test. Originally it was test code # 0410 entitled Ed Leadership Administration and Supervision. Sometime in 2004 the test was change to test code # 0101 entitled School Administrator. You provided a grandfather period for people who had taken the original test # 0410 only if they completed their coursework at a college or university in the State of NJ. Yet people who took the new test and completed their coursework via online classes outside of NJ were offered a certificate. Why wasn't this same opportunity not afforded to people who took the old test and completed online programs that met the NJ Department of Educations Regional Accreditations? According to the letter dated April 25' 2005, Assistant Commissioner Mr. Richard Ten-Eyck stated that the test requirement has never been a part of the program approval process. The test requirement is a state certification process not a program requirement. Therefore there is confusion on why an out of state university does not fall under the grandfather period when the college you attend is not a part of the test requirements. A student just needs to make sure that the University or college is a part of the Regionally Accredited Colleges or University that the Dept of Education approves. The way that the grandfather clause was put together discriminates against anyone who completed their coursework outside the State of NJ and finished within the grandfather time period. It also negates all the hard work, money and time that an individual has dedicated to advancing their career in the field of education. Therefore, I am requesting that the same opportunity given to people who completed programs in NJ are afforded to those who completed their coursework outside of NJ and have met the grandfather requirements set forth by the State Department of Education. Please review and contact me at 201-522-4022. Yours in Education, ~G.~~. Charles A. Ferrer Sr. & -0- & _& & Application Status Check Note: - Results Your unique Tracking number on the system is 130094 In all correspondence with NJDOE, please indicate your unique tracking number Number of Applications found : 1 Application Number 1 iDate Received 7 /20/2007 Endorsement ertificate Type iRequest Type Status Comments Denied Assianed on: 0 0106 - SUDervlsor Standard rertificate 0101 - School CE - ertificate Administrator Pending for Test Assigned on: 0 Score 2/20/2009 --- p. c ....... ,... ".".. .1Un ~'I U~ U~: U'/a "- ;; { (fJ . ~ ,. 'bU l1f ~~ Jusef DEPAJtfMENr 01' EO\JCATION . PO Box 500 'l1IINTON, NJ 0862S.QSOO RICHARD]. CoDE't A.d/llg Gcwnl4l' Wtt.L1AM L. llBRERA ComnliJsiDr.rr . ~prl12S, 2005 ., TO; FROM ; SUBJECT: Deans ~ .. i1&:tors of ~~~tor Professional Preparation Programs .Richard !r~yck, Assistant Commissi~ner Divisi :Kfu"~onal Programs ~ Assessment SChool AdministratorlPrlncipaI New Jersey Approved College Preparation ~8r~ . . ., Issues have been ridsed reganling the grandfatherlng of students that is authoIized in ~.J.A.C. 6A.:9.12.1(b). The language reads as follows:, 6A:9-12.1 Use..o/requirement$ , .' (b) Colleges and universitie.r shall provide the Office with a list of those students that have matriculated tn New Jersey administrative preparation programs approved by the Department prior to January 20, 2004: This ~ those srudents that mmriculated in the approved programs in fall 2004 and spring 2005. The list of students, shall be submltted to the' OfftC8 no later than March 31, 2005. Those candidates must compiete all requirements. specified under jormer N.J.A.C. 6:11;. 9 by September 1,2007. 'Candidates that,do not complet~ all of~he requirements sp~cified under former N.J.A..C. 6:11-9 by Septemb,er 1. 2007 shall fulfill the requiremsnU in this subchapter. . .. . .. What has been interpreted as an inconsi~tency is .that the students' ~est results on the Educational Leadership: Adn:dnistration and Supecvision (BAS) test have not been ~m~ili~~ '. '. . {~\ . y /. . A memorandum, dat~ August 10,'2004, ouilines the palicies al1d prOCedures in the application of the new School Leaders Series of tests that became effective on September 1, 200.4. The August memorandum indicated that the 9ffice would accept the EAS test to fulfill' the test requirement for those candid.a~es who have tak~n the BAS test www.nj.govleduc:ation N= Jersey Is An Eqtllll" Opportul1 Uy Employer. Print~ on Rtcycled ~ Rccyclll~le Paper .' UVtl ",VI "'..,........... "'.""-..................................... --- J~n 27 05 09:07a --- p.3 2 no 1ater than June 2005 and who have. completed aU requirements for certification no later than August 31,2005. Concerns have been raised that the polioy outlined in tho August. 10, 2004 memorandum. are inconsistent with the code citation a.t N.J.A.C~ 6A:9-12.1(b). It should be noted that at no time has the test requir~eo.t. been a pan of the p~ogram approval process. The .test requirement always bas been: a state certification requirement, not a . program requirement. While there is no inconsistency, there is confusion. I have considered the problems that the August 10, 2004 policy may be causing the New Icrsey college programs who have given advisement to students regardtilg the testing issues and have dis~sed this with. Michael Klavon. director. Office of Licensure and Credentials. We agree that a fair compromise is to allow students who fa]] under the grandfather in N.J.A.C. 6A:9-12.1(b) who havo taken the EA.S test no later than ]tme 2005 and achieved a score of 540 or higher, to use that score to satisfy the test requirement if they complete the approved program and' arc recommended fot certification to the Office of Licensure and Credentials no later than August 31, 2007. issue. Hopefully. this represents a fair and reasonable approach to the resolution of this RCf:MKK.:ps:t.ostlapprowd prop."'" mat'O c: Commissioner William L. Librera Dwight Pfennig Senior Staff Jay Doolan Michael Klavon Brian Robinson Lois Smith Peggy Smith "." . t..': I - -- --- ---- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PO Box 500 TRENTON, NJ 08625-0500 WILLIAM L. LIBRERA Commissioner JAMES E. MCGREEVEY Governor . To: County Superintendents of Schools From: Joan E. Brady, Director Office of Licensure and Credentials Subject: Educator Testing Pro gram Policies and Procedures Date: August 10, 2004 As you are aware, in June 2004, the State Board of Education adopted a resolution to increase passing scores on the tests that are required for certification, to adopt tests for the new elementary school with subject matter specialization endorsements, and to adopt new tests .for the principal and school administrator endorsements. The adopted resolutions become effective on September 1,2004. . There have been many questions about the application of and timelines for these new requirements. This memo provides an outline of the policies and procedures that apply to the test requirement: Increased Test Scores: (1) Candidates who apply for certification either directly to the Office of Licensure and Credentials or to the county offices of education whose applications are received in either office September 1, 2004 or later, are subject to the new test scores, regardless of when the test score was obtained. A candidate who tested as late at August 7, 2004 and earned a score that would have been passing on August 7, 2004 but not as of September 1, 2004, and the application was received September 1, 2004 or later, will be subject to the new passing score and will have to test again; (2) Candidates who apply for certification either directly to the Office of Licensure and Credentials or to the County offices of education whose applications are received in either office by August 31, 2004, are fully eligible for the certificate and have already tested and earned a score equivalent to or higher than the former passing score will have met the test requirement; (3) Candidates who apply for certification either directly to the Office of Licensure and Credentials or to the county offices of education whose applications are received in either / education New Jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer. Printed on Recycled and Recyclable Paper - -- office by August 31, 2004 and are fully eligible for the certificate but have not yet tested will have to meet the new passing score; ,--,' (4) Candidates who apply for certification by August 31, 2004 and are not fully eligible for the certificate, are subject to the new passing score. This is true even if they previously tested and met the former passing score. If requirements are not completed and the application for certificate is not submitted to the Office of Licensure and Credentials or the county office of education before scores are raised again, the candidate is subject to the scores in effect at the time of application. ' Chart I which is attached, provides a visual guide for determining candidate satisfaction of test score requirements. ' New Middle School Tests: All candidates applying for the elementary school with subject matter specialization endorsements must pass the middle school 'tests or the required subject area content test. All candidates for grades 5,- 8 world language endorsements must complete the Praxis content knowledge test and the oral proficiency requirement. New School Leaders Tests: Effective September 1, 2004 the test requirement for the Principal Certificate of Eligibility (CE) has been changed from the Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision Praxis II test to the School Leaders Series, School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). The test requirement for the School Administrator Certificate of Eligibility (CE) has been changed from the Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision Praxis IT test to the School Leaders Series, School Superintendents Assessment (SSA). ' Candidates for either the principal or school administrator CEs that have taken the Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision Praxis II test prior to July 1, 2005 and received a passing score of 540 or higher, meet the test requirement as long as they are fully eligible for certification. The candidate's application must be received no later than August 31,2005. Chart II which is attached, provides a visual guide for determining candidate satisfaction of test requirements for school leaders. jeb :testingpo liciesandprocedures Enclosure c. Dwight Pfennig Gloria Hancock Richard Ten Eyck Albert MonilIas J. Michael Rush Judith Weiss Judith Cifone M.uJ. ',hYL ~ b.t W by Ju~ 2DD5 (ptt$) ...; l1i~'1 blL -Po't'" ~ tM-l-. by ~. ~\, lDD'5. 2 -- - - - ltpp\~ . '~ ft. YI~ -~ ~~ SERIES PR i- ProfessionalAssessmenls for BeginningTeachers') Telephone: (609) 771-7395 EXAMINEE ADDITIONAL SCORE REPORT College Where Relevant Training Was Received: Undergraduate Major: HISTORY Graduate Major: (I) Educational level: EARNED BACt£LOR'S CREDITS GPA: HD.LIAH PATERSON .. IVERSITY DEGREE PLUS ADDITIONAL 3.0 - 3.49 CHARLES A FERRER 421 EAST 33RD STREET APT 2 PATERSON N.J 07504 1701 Test Date 01/15/2000 03/04/1995 Test Code 0410 0510 Test Name ED LEADERSHIP ADMIN AND SUPERVISION Your Highest Score 590 653 600 GENERAL KNOHL.EDGE Score, will be available for reporting for ten yea,.,. Refer to enclosed Interpretive leaflet for additional Information. Possible Score Range 250 990 - - Score Recipient CodeCs) 695 MESSAGE CODES I INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED OR INCORRECTLV GRIDDED. 2j"J Copyrl,ht . 18ft by Educ8ll0nal T88tlnt Servlc.. All rI,lIte ................. IWeI. EDUCATIONAl. TESTING SERVICE, ETS, the ETS 1080, .nd THE PRAXIS SERIES: PROFESSIONAl. ASSESSMENTS I!!a FOR BEGINNING TEACHERS .nd 118 1080 .,. ..,I818m tnd.marb or Educ8llonal T.ltlnt S.rvlc.. The mod.mlzed ETS 1080 I. . tred.lNlrk or Educ8llonal T88tlnt - ---- S.rvlc.. ~ 5101U-15530.PXEAFf .08130'11 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA llON PO Box 500 TRENTON, NJ 08625.Q500 LUOLLEE. DAVY Commissioller JON S. CORZINE Govemor 10/2212007 Mr. Charles Ferrer Sr. 74 WEST HALEDON AVE. Haledon, NJ 07508 TR# 130094 County: Passaic SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR An evaluation of your credentials has been completed for school administrator certification. To qualify for the school administrator certificate of eligibility (CE) you will need to present evidence of meeting the following requirements: Master's Degree Requirement . Completed. Required Graduate Study . Completed. Test Requirement . Not completed - Please contact Education Testing Service (ETS) to register for the School Superintendent Assessment (SSA, # II 020). You must request to have your score sent to New Jersey by coding R7666. You must also include your social security number when completing your answer sheet. Only official score reports sent directly from ETS are accepted for certification. Not coding the NJ Dept. of Education (R7666) or listing your social security number may delay certificate issuance. To qualify for the standard school administrator's license, the following requirements must be met after a CE has been issued: Offer of Employment . An offer of employment in a position requiring the school administrator endorsement in a school or district which has agreed to sponsor the principal residency. Residency Program . Satisfactory completion of the school administrator residency program under provisional certification. . COMMENTS . It is your responsibility and to your advantage to review the specific requirements for your sought area of certification in the New Jersey Licensing! Code (NJ.A.C. 6A:9). which mav be found at TO A VOID DELAYS: When ALL requirements are met. Please submit ALL necessary documentation together in a single packet with a CODY of this letter to the attention of your examiner as named below. If possible. please have transcripts sent to YOU first and then forward them in the sealed envelope(s) together with any other documents. If a fee has been charged. Please submit the balance with a money order or certified check made out to the Commissioner of Education. Please be advised that all fees. including! money left on file, are nonrefundable. Examiner: THIS EV ALVA TION IS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES CURRENTLY IN EFFECT. REQUIREMENTS, PASSING TEST SCORES, AND FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. - - --- -- - ----------- ---- ~ --- -- --- - --- April 29, 2008 To: The Commissioner of Education From: Lauren Chavis-Ferrer and Charles A. Ferrer Sr. Re: Supervisory and Administrative Certification We are writing this letter to you to make you aware that we were denied our supervisors certification from the State of New Jersey. When I spoke to Heather Hice, she told me we needed six more credits in supervisory or curriculum courses. When I explained to her that my mends have the same amount of credits we do and they were given their certificates, she told me that Grand Canyon did not have enough courses and that we need to look at the University of Phoenix or a school in NJ to get six more credits. Well, we have done our research. University of Phoenix has the same courses as Grand Canyon University which is also an approved University by the Paterson Board of Education and the Department of Education. Secondly, our mend was offered her supervisory and administrative certificate and she attended the University of Scranton. She also has the same amount of credits and courses in which we both have taken and she was awarded her supervisors certificate. We have also submitted our paperwork for our administrator's certification. I am waiting for my paperwork to go through since I have just taken the state test in January, but the state is saying that my husband has to retake the test because of the changes the state has done with the test. Charles took his test awhile ago. According to ETS, test scores are good for ten years. . If ETS' scores are good for ten years, people should not be penalized because the state has decided to change the test. According to a representative at the NJ Department of Education, my husband was told that if he did his course work through a State of NJ University he would be grandfathered in. A university is a university. As long as you do the coursework and take the test you should be given the certificate you are entitled to. Attached are copies of the paperwork that was submitted plus the paperwork that we researched. Please contact us at 201-522-4022. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Yours in education, Lauren and Charles Ferrer --- ----- ~tate at ~efu Jersev DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PO Box 500 TRENTON, NJ 08625-0500 JON S. CORZINE Governor LUCILLE E. DAVY Commissioner May 23, 2008 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ferrer 74 West Haledon Avenue Haledon, NJ 07508 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ferrer: This is in response to your recent letter questioning the denial of your applications for supervisor certifications. You each completed the Educational Administration program at Grand Canyon University but were denied the supervisor certificate because you did not have a curriculum development elective course and another elective course in either curriculum or supervision. In your letter to me, you raised the question of why such courses at the University of Phoenix and the University of Scranton would be acceptable but not similar courses at Grand Canyon University. Please note that these three programs are similar, but when the department reviews credentials for applicants who have not completed New Jersey approved programs, we must do a course-by-course evaluation. This means that we accept courses based on course -descriptions and course syllabi. In this case, the courses that you took at Grand Canyon may have similar titles to those at University of Phoenix and University of Scranton, but the course content, according to the course descriptions, does not match our code requirements. Therefore, the denial of your supervisor certificates will remain in effect. You can remedy this deficiency by completing the Phoenix courses, or courses at another institution which we could review for you in advance. Alternately, you may appeal to the Board of Examiners by written request to: Dr. Robert Higgins, Secretary State Board of Examiners New Jersey Department of Education P.O. Box 500 Trenton, NJ 08625-0500 New Jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer. Printed on Recycled and Recyclable Paper You also inquired about the Praxis test for the school administrator certificate. You took the former test in January 2000, but the education leadership tests changed in New Jersey in 2004. Grandfathering for the old tests was provided for both in and out-of-state applicants for a limited period of time under the new code. However, you applied for the school administrator certificate after the grandfathering period had expired, and applicants must meet the rules that are in effect at the time that their application is completed. Your letter states that Educational Testing Services (ETS) told you that test scores are good for ten years. Such scores are indeed kept on file at ETS for ten years, but this does not mean that they are the appropriate test required for each individual state. The ETS statement means only that ETS regards the scores as valid for ten years, after which they are discarded. The ETS statement has no bearing on our code requirements. I hope that this answers your questions and that you will persist in obtaining your certifications. Please feel free to contact your examiner with any questions you might have about qualifying courses through (Please note that there is a "dot" between "Licensing" and "Requests.") Sincerely, ~~~ LED/JD/CP/RH/sdcCommr Corres/Ferrers I.doc Willa Spicer Jay Doolan Cathy Pine Robert Higgins c: Lucille E. Davy Commissioner ~ 74 West Haledon Avenue Haledon, New Jersey 07508 July 18, 2008 Dr. Robert Hi~ Secretary State Board of Examiners New Jersey Department of Education P. O. Box 500 Trenton, NJ 08625-0500 Re: Charles A Ferrer Sr. Dear Dr. Higgins: This letter is being written to you as a formal appeal from the decision rendered by Commissioner Lucille E. Davy on May 23, 2008. In Commissioner Davy's letter, she made some statements that to my understanding are contradictory to written policy. First of all, she stated the department reviews credentials of applicants who have not completed New Jersey approved programs by doing a course-by-course evaluation. I completed my degree program at Grand Canyon University, which is a New Jersey approved program. This university meets the criteria outlined in your Licensing Code as stated on pp. 223-224. In May 2007, I obtained a Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership from Grand Canyon University. The North Central Association (NCA), one of the six regions recognized by the New Jersey Department of Education, accredits Grand Canyon University. Through conversations with ETS, test scores are kept on file for ten years. There are two different administrators tests. The code # 0410 I took and the new code # 1 01 O. Both tests are still valid for administrator licensure.. There is no statute of limitations anywhere stated in the State of New Jersey policies. As stated by Commissioner Davy, I applied for my school administrator certificate after the grandfathering period. When was that period? According to Commissioner Davy, applicants must meet the roles that are in effect at the time that their application is completed. Where are those roles posted? How can applicants meet the roles if they do not know where to fmd the roles or what the roles state. My test scores where on file with the state since 2000. I should have been notified that I needed to complete my studies within the grandfathering time period. I have not obtained any such letter nor did the district let their employees know of such a policy. It appears to be undo preference in my situation when your own employees are not following procedures printed on the website. There is nothing that states that the State of New Jersey approves programs and courses on a course- by - course evaluation. The Paterson district introduced Grand Canyon University to its employees. The school is accredited and is an approved school by the State of New Jersey but yet there is a prejudice and bias when it suggested that you finish your course work with the University of Phoenix. At the beginning of pursuing this administrative degree, I inquired with the State Department of Education as to whether Grand Canyon University and Phoenix University where approved online programs. I was informed by the State Department of Education that both universities met state guidelines. Since I have researched my predicament, I am requesting to be reimbursed for fees I submitted for my supervisor's certificate since under your guidelines holding an administrators license affords me the opportunity to be a supervisor of curriculum or assistant superintendent. -- - - In closing, I am requesting that my administrative certificates be issued under the same guidelines used during the grandfathering period of the old test I was told that if had completed my course work in the State of New Jersey, I would have been grandfathered and issued my administrative certificate without any complications. Regardless of where I completed my studies, the university I attended is accredited and is one of the six regions recognized by the New Jersey Department of Education and I should not be penalized for attending a university because it was not in the State of New Jersey. If you need to contact me, I can be reached at 201-522-4022. Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter. I remain, Very truly yours, Charles A. Ferrer, Sr. -