Procedures Check List
Program Name:
Program Director: Phone: Email:
New Study Abroad Programs Only
After initial consultation with Dr. John Wilson, complete Request for Approval of Study Abroad
Program form - submitted to the CGE Study Abroad Advisor.
Approved Study Abroad Programs
Completed Annual Program Budget Approval form - submitted to the CGE Study Abroad Advisor.
Initial Application Fees
– must submitted by the student to the CGE Study Abroad Advisor.
Submit Invoices to CGE Study Abroad Advisor that will then be forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment directly to the vendor.
Submit requests for cash advances and/or currency conversion to the CGE Study Abroad
Advisor - at least 10 business days prior to departure.
Upon return, submit all receipts and any remaining cash to the CGE Study Abroad Advisor within
10 business days using the “Study Abroad Expense Report” form.
If applicable, submit application for VAT refunds to the appropriate agency.
For further information, please refer to the Board of Regents Business Procedures Manual for
Study Abroad Programs – 21.0 through 21.6.
Revised October 2014
Program Name:
Program Dates:
_________Program for Credit ___________Credit Hours
_________ Non-Credit Program ___________CEU’s
***Please attach the Study Abroad Program Proposal***
Program Director Printed Name Date
Department Head Printed Name Date
Dean Printed Name Date
Director Center for Global Printed Name Date
VP for Executive Affairs Printed Name Date
VP for Business/Finance Printed Name Date
Provost Printed Name Date
President Printed Name Date
By signing this form, I certify that this program meets all fiscal and academic standards of my institution.
Revised October 2014
*Please type on this form*
Program Director Name:
Co or Additional Faculty Name(s):
Campus Phone:
Program Name:
Length of Program:
Course(s) to be offered/credit hours:
Proposed Program Location:
Proposed Dates:
Numbers of Students (minimum/maximum):
Program Description
Please provide a brief (50 words maximum) description of the program. Provide rationale for the delivery of this course at the proposed overseas location.
Academic Component
Please develop learning outcomes to assess before/during/after your proposed program. Learning outcomes should assess the following areas: mastery of academic discipline, development of global and cultural competencies, personal development, attitudes.
Methodology – Please provide teaching methodologies used in the delivery of this program, method of evaluation, number of contact hours.
Provide examples of course-related activities/excursions outside the classroom.
Program Director Information
What training/expertise do you have to be able to deliver this program overseas?
Revised October 2014
What experience do you have in the proposed location?
List any people who live in the proposed location who may assist you:
Do you have experience delivering other academic courses overseas? If so, please describe your experience:
If appropriate, describe your language proficiency:
Risk Assessment:
Are there any risk factors that should be noted? (These include risks to the students’ health and physical well-being.) If so, what are they, and how would they be addressed by the program director to insure the safety of the participating students? i.e. Is there a security guard in the dorm? Would you have a curfew for students to be back at the hotel?
Please provide information regarding the nearest hospital and emergency services available; for
example police department, US consulate.
Program Director Presence:
Would the program director be present at the program location during the entirety of the study abroad program? If yes, please describe where the program director will be housed and how students can communicate with the director in case of an emergency.
If the program director would not be staying on site for the duration of the study abroad program; please describe who will be in charge of the students and how emergencies will be handled. Be sure to include any names and contact information for people who will assist you in your absence.
Please note, if the program director will not be staying at the same location and/or present during the entire study abroad program, special approval is needed from the VP of Academic Affairs and the VP of Executive Affairs. To request approval, include a MEMO outlining your reasons for being absent and a detail explanation of how the program will be managed, and emergencies handled in your
Revised October 2014
Program Logistics:
Please identify and describe any partner/host institutions:
Please identify and describe any field trip venues, and include a tentative program itinerary.
Please identify and describe your preferred travel vendors for airline and ground transportation:
Please identify and describe your preferred accommodations for students and faculty in the programs
(hostels, dormitories, hotels, homestays):
Please discuss your student recruitment plan:
Program Budget:
Please use the attached Excel spreadsheet to submit your budget information. An instruction sheet is also attached.
Payment Deadlines:
Please include the dates of when students are expected to make payments. This information will be used to draft a payment agreement for students to sign.
Refund Policy:
Please include what your refund policy will be; this information will also be included in the payment agreement from.
Revised October 2014