Perkins 2016-17 Application Summaries Accounting

Perkins 2016-17 Application Summaries
TOP 0502
The equipment installation will substantially improve the teaching and learning environment of the classroom by
providing a collaborative learning studio for faculty and students. Class sections with Supplemental Instruction will
receive priority assignment for this classroom. In addition, this room will be used to support our outreach to students
through our financial literacy initiatives. These are interactive faculty and student lead seminars where students “learn
by doing.”
The proposed collaborative studio classroom will transform the oldest and least functional classroom in our building. It is
a high volume room, used all hours of the day for accounting classes.
$1,971 –Egan Team Board
$1,862 – Epson Projector and Wall
$1,533 – Dell Computer
$2,190 – Extron Controller and
switcher w/amplifier
$548 – Epson Document Camera
$1,643 – Computer table w/arm for
$2,738 – Bi-Pole, Speakers, misc
cables, delivery, installation
$12,483 - Total
Broadcasting TOP 0604.30
The equipment we desire to purchase is being used not only by colleges students will transfer to but also by industry
professionals. By providing students access to industry standard equipment, they are more engaged with the training as
it is more relevant and meaningful to their transfer and career goals. Creating new media content is also a focus of the
broadcasting program. The adivsory board recommended we implement and support a sportsbroadcasting program as
this is an area of high growth.
$28,284 - Carbonite Switcher
$36,766 - XPression CG & Graphics
$11,881 - Services
$20,657 XPression Studio GO
$2,245 – Panel Casing
$10,403 – Installation, System design,
maintenance, misc cables, connectors,
$15,325 – Leightronix UltraNEXUS HD
$2,929 – Xpression Graphics Package
$128,389 - TOTAL
Cosmetology TOP 3007
The main goal of the Cosmetology Department is to provide sudents with an experiential learning environment, while
being in compliance with the State Board of Cosmetology. After completing the program and passing the Cosmetology
State Board Exam, the students will be ready for immediate acceptance into the job market at entry level positions.
Working and safe equipment is essential for this process. By receiving a new reception workstation students will be able
to learn soft skill and greet the clientele with safe and modern equipment. The airbrushes will give the students the
ability to learn advanced makeup skills.
$5,232 – Airbrush kit (15)
$2,738 – Reception desk
$7,970 – TOTAL
TOP 0707
This year request is for improving the learning environment and providing faculty with up-to-date teaching tools to
support students success and retention in classroom and online delivery environments. This year program improvement
is focused on improving teaching and learning tools in classrooms and online delivery environments. The goal is to
increase student retention and success rate with better listening, doing more of critical thinking, and analysis during
lectures. The Department is always looking into introducing new technology to students. Smart boards and electronic
writing pads are not new tools in education; in fact they are already in use in other institutions, even in high schools.
The CSIS department strives to bring up-to-date technology in our classrooms with new hardware and software
programs. Requesting smart boards and electronic writing pad is just another means to stay current with the everchanging technology.
$834 – Cintiq Pen Display
$4,052 – Egan TeamBoard (2 @ $2026
$3,664 – Epson Project + Wall mount
(2@ $1832 ea)
$950 – Doc Cams (2 @ 475 ea)
$350 – Cabling (2@175 ea)
$3285 – Misc cables, connectors,
hardware, delivery, installation
(2@$1643 ea)
$13,136– TOTAL
Our plan for the 2016-2017 Perkins Fund is to purchase an IMac 21.5 inch Retina 4K display with AppleCare to heighten
the experience for our graphics and video editing students working on the Mac platform, an HP LaserJet 700 for lab
printing - giving us the capability of enlarging test documents and classroom materials to 11x17 for students with low
vision and including a 3 year extended service on this vital printer, a Canon Image Formula High Speed Sheetfed Scanner
to produce timely scans of textbooks and handouts for students with print disabilities, and 3 Microsoft Surface Pros and
4 year warranties to have the ability to send out note-takers to classroom to produce efficient notes for students
needing note-taking accommodations.
$1,808 – iMac + Applecare
$2,831 – HP LaserJet Printer and
$6,640 - Scanner
$4,807 – Surface Pro (3 @ $1,602
$16,085 - TOTAL
TOP 1305
Having a lead tutor/mentor and a dedicated counselor will provide the resources needed to strengthen the academic
and technical skills of students participating in the Early Childhood Education program. Through one on one and/ or
group tutoring, peer mentoring and counselor sessions. Dedicated counselor will assist students in developing an
educational plan, students who follow their education plan; avoid taking unnecessary classes which could delay reaching
their academic and career goals. We began the National Association for the Education of Young Children- Early
Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation ( NAEYC-ECADA) Self-study in Winter 2016 which will lead to NAEYC
accreditation site visit of our ECE AS and AS-T degree by Spring 2017. Our hope is that by seeking this higher level of
professional standards, our program will become more effective in reaching all types of students. One of the
components in this Accreditation is creating KEY Assessments and using the data collected to improve practices.
$6,545 – NAEYC/ECADA
$59,450 – Part time counselor
(includes benefits)
$55,080 – Tutor/mentor (18hr per
week plus benefits)
$121,075 - TOTAL
Entertainment Technology/Animation TOP 0614.14
We are working diligently with our industry advisors to make certain that our curriculum is up-to-date and reflects
current practices. We are also actively pursuing increased internship opportunities with local production companies and
studios. Our hope is that these efforts along with the requested technology upgrade will help give our students the
competitive edge they need to be successful in the industry. We are requesting an upgrade of the primary software
application we use for career training in the areas of animation and videogame preproduction.
$7,200 – TV Paint license (30 @238
$7,200 - TOTAL
Film (Digital Film Production) TOP 0612
A dolly is a FUNDAMENTAL piece of equipment that we need in order to teach all of our film production classes and
carry out our film shoots. A dolly is as important for our film production program as having a film camera. It is a standard
piece of equipment found on professional sets in the film and television industries and on every film school that has an
advanced film production program comparable to ours.
$98,296 – Panther Dolly set and
$98,296 - TOTAL
Graphic Design
TOP 1030
The mission of SMC's Graphic Design program is to provide students with the professional skills necessary for entry-level
employment within the design field. Our curriculum offers comprehensive study and practice of contemporary and
emerging media fields. We are requesting to purchase high-end laptop computers and a mobile charging cart to provide
greater instructional flexibility. We are also requesting 3D printing and scanning equipment to support our product
design and tangible design curriculum. The technology and equipment improvements we are requesting would
effectively help us achieve that goal of providing students with professional level practice, curriculum and technology.
$82,059 – MacBook Pro (30 @
$2,735 ea)
$2,285 – Charging Cart
$4,817 – CubePro Trio
$434 – CubePro PLA Cartridge (4 @
$108 ea)
$437 – iSense for iPad 3D Scanner
$633 – iPad Air and Protection plan
$90,665 - TOTAL
Interior Architectural Design TOP 1302
The major trend in interior architectural design is the increasing importance of BIM software and digital fabrication.
Building Information Modelling or BIM is now the standard process of designing architectural spaces collaboratively
using one coherent system of digital models as opposed to traditional CAD drawings. Along with this, the industry has
come to rely on 3D printing and digital fabrication technology to quickly visualize design prototypes.
Implementing 3D printing technology in our advanced courses will assist us in developing articulation agreements with
local undergraduate programs. As our students become more technically adept, they will become more competitive and
have a better chance to perform at levels that four-year schools expect and require. We are also requesting the funds to
rent floor space at the largest design conference in the country, Dwell on Design. This annual 3-day event represents the
best industry outreach opportunity for our program.
$4,947 – 3D CubePro Trio
$434 – CubePro PLA Cartridge (4 @
$108 ea)
$5,147 – Dwell on Design Table
$10,528 - TOTAL
TOP 1012
There were three main issues that the photography board overwhelmingly wanted to see curriculum improvements:
tethered capture, teach Capture 1 Pro software and create more motion/video content. The fashion board demanded
more technology curriculum - period.
Our current iMacs were purchased during the 2010-2011 year. We replaced 15 hard drives this past year and we
currently have three unusable computers. These computers cannot keep up with the size and scope of our current
curriculum and student projects. We, two years ago, upgraded computer ram in order to squeeze out more life from
these computers and it worked, but we now find that the only solution is upgrade to current technology that is capable
of handling our needs. iMacs will be used for both Photo and Fashion.
The three MacBook Pro's are for students to learn and experience tethered shooting. Most of our students do not own
a laptop style computer that can handle tethered shooting and they do not own Capture 1 Pro software. These three
MacBook Pro's will expand our curriculum into this much needed area.
The requested repair budget would allow us to maintain this coming year’s anticipated repairs in both photo and
The purchasing of improved / upgraded computers and repair supplimental funds directly matches our program in
keeping current with industry standards, expanding into more software based curriculum and allowing for all current
curriculum to be taught and experienced by our students.
We are requesting six pro level tablets with stylus’ in order to give our students a more real world experience in learning
how to use this valuable tool. We currently have tablets that are not industry standard and require a much higher
degree of accuracy that they only give our students the minimal level of skill attainment. We would like to increase this
skill to better match retouching part of our industry.
$136,054 – 27 inch iMac (35 @
$3,887.25 ea)
$6,515.25 – iMac Protection plan (35 @
$186 ea)
$19,635 – MacBook Pro (3 @ $6,545 ea)
$821 – MacBook Protection Plan (3 @
$274 ea)
$2,789 – NEC 24” Display (3 @ 930 ea)
$5,913 – 13” MacBook Pro (3 @ $1,971
$821 – Protection Plan (3 @ $274 ea)
$2,300 – Intuos Pro Medium (tablet)
(6 @ $383 ea)
$49.24 - Nibs set of 10 (3 @ $16.41 ea)
$8,760 – Repair funding
$95 – Apple Thunderbolt FireWire
Adapter (3 @ $31.76 ea)
$95 – Apple Thunderbolt Protection
$64 – Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter
(2 @ $31.76 ea)
$183,911 – Total
TOP 1230.10
The nursing program encourages students to further their nursing education by entering programs to obtain their
Bachelor's of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN). Having a current curriculum that is reflective of a contemporary society
has merit in placement in a BSN program at many colleges. The implementation of a New Curriculum using C - MAP will
assist the faculty with meeting the demands of development of a new curriculum. The revision of the curriculum will
assist the faculty in achieving our full accreditation status from ACEN. C - MAP will assist with student learning outcomes
and make this more visiable to the accrediting board. Purchasing of the New Born Tory and the Alaris IV infusion Pump
will assist the students with competencies centered on essential technology for safe and effective nursing care.
$13,250 – Infusion Pump (4 @ $3,312
$32,303 – Curriculum Mgmnt (CMAP)
$36,803 – Newborn Tory Simulator
$82,355- TOTAL
Respiratory Therapy
TOP 1210
Members of the advisory board committee continue to highlight that graduates need to have deeper knowledge in
mechanical ventilation. The committee feels that the students are not ready to start work by the time they graduate
and students require longer training than usual. SMC respiratory therapy program does not have sufficient ventilators
in-house ( we have one). All of the hands-on training is provided by our consortium partner, East Los Angeles College
(ELAC). SMC students do not have access to mechanical ventilators on our campus except while taking RT on the ELAC
campus. If SMC RT students want to get hands on they travel to ELAC which is both inconvenient for SMC students and
ELAC as well. In addition, the committee noted the need to prepare students for out-patient settings like pulmonary
function lab (PFT lab) and sleep labs.
$53,446 – Servo-I ventilator
$65,489 – Servo-U ventilator
$2,379 - Shipping
$766 – Daystar Meter (2 @ $286 ea)
$121,314 - TOTAL
Sustainable Technologies
TOP 0946.10
This VTEA application seeks to provide 360-degree camera hardware that will separate the STP program from all the
others by providing enhanced pedagogy and classroom technology adoption to provide immersive experiences related
to solar installation, energy efficiency, recycling and resource management employment. This VTEA application includes
purchase of batteries, conductors, and related equipment to allow for much greater and complex systems using multiple
batteries. Together with last year’s purchase of charge controllers and other off-grid system components, these
purchases will allow for robust storage-based electrical systems for both bimodal and stand-alone systems. We are
requesting funds to purchase a solar combiner box with rapid shutdown capability, and fuse holders and C TAP
connectors for inclusion in custom-built combiner boxes.
$849 – Solar Combiner Box
$602 - Cable/Bolt cutter
$731 – Battery Terminals
$766 – Daystar Meter (2 @ $286 ea)
$766 – Ricoh Theta S (2 @ $389 ea)
$138 – Battery Charger
$377 - Nitrile and chemical gloves (30
$2,521 – Battery Cables
$447 – Ground Electrode and lugs
$260 – Fuse Holder
$49 - C TAP Connectors
$336 – Zigbee Dev Kit
$2,006 - PLC Trainer
$1,183 – Rechargeable Solar Battery (4
@ $361 ea)
$153 – Scales (2 @ $76 ea)
$5,000 – Grid Alternatives
$2,500 - Guest Speaker
$1,500 – Survey Instrument
$1,500 - Conferences
$22,143 – Total
Technical Theatre
TOP 1006
Environmentally friendly technology, outreach, recruitment, and collaboration, along with new course development are
the major issues raised by our Advisory Board.
Environmentally Friendly Technology: The purchase of the LED fistures (Q101388 - 9 S4 LED 4 color Ellipsodal Reflector
Spotlights (ERS) with lenses) will go a long way to support our commitment to green technology, while giving students
more hands-on experience closer to industry standards.
While we received a dozen of these fixtures last year, it would be advantageous to acquire 8 more, bringing the total to
20 fixtures (Q101386 - 8 D60XTI Lustr LED wash fixtures).
$12,609 – LED Spotlight with lense
$16,367 – LED Wash fixtures (8
$44 – Muslin 36sq ft (2 @$22 ea)
$329 – White paint (10 @ $33 ea)
$350 – 108” roll of Muslin (2 @ $175
$197 – Lumber (2 @ $90 ea)
$438 – Mixol Paint tints (2 @ $219 ea)
$749 – Rosco scenic brushes (2 @
$374 ea)
$88 – Rosco paint (2 @ $44 ea)
$318 – Saw kit
$150 – Dr Vac
$1,034 – Compact Drill/Driver (4 @
$258 ea)
$345 – Max Li-ion Brushless ¼”
$33,016 - TOTAL
FY 2016-17
ET – Animation
Graphic Design
Interior Arch Design
New Program Dev - Across Programs
Respiratory Therapy
Sustainable Technologies
Technical Theatre
Indirect (%5)
Amount Requested
Amount Funded