Please do not print back to back CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP APPLICATION FORM Name (Last, First, Middle): Tech ID: Email (non-MSU): Cell Number: Attended Internship Orientation: SEMESTER: _______________ YEAR:____________________ Pre-Internship Required Documents Reviewed Approved 1. Faculty Reference Permission Sheet 2. Business Letter of Introduction to internship coordinator 3. Resumé 4. Unofficial Transcript AND DARS Report 5. Graduation Application 6. Personal & Career Goals (long & short term) 7. MEET WITH INTERNSHIP COORDINATOR & REVIEW ITEMS 1-6 ABOVE. 8. Employer Acceptance Letter 9. Job Description with specific job duties listed 10. List of Learning Activities (job duties) with PERCENTAGES OFFICE USE ONLY NOTES: INTERNSHIP SEMESTER:___________ YEAR:____________ # OF CREDITS:_______ PERMISSION TO REGISTER FOR INTERNSHIP GRANTED: YES NO Date Permission to Register Entered Permission to Access Weekly Report Site Entered New Intern Email Sent (with attachments) Employer's Evaluation Sent Employer's Evaluation Received E-folio Received Change of Grade Completed for 497-01 Change of Grade Completed for 497-02 Graduation Semester and Year Initials Construction Management Department FACULTY REFERENCE PERMISSION SHEET By signing below, I give MSU, Mankato faculty members’ permission to give reference information to employers who request it. Printed name: ____________________________________ Tech. I.D.:__________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Paper clip your TYPED documents together in this order and bring to your meeting with the Internship Coordinator: Cover: CM Internship Application Form 1. Faculty Reference Permission Sheet 2. Letter of Introduction 3. Resume 4. Transcript and DARS Report 5. Graduation Application 6. Goals Construction Management Department Name: Date: PERSONAL GOALS Short Term 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Long Term 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CAREER GOALS Short Term 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Long Term 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction Management Department INTERNSHIP LEARNING ACTIVITIES Name: __________________________________________ Internship Company: Date: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Attach your JOB DESCRIPTION to this document. The Learning Activities (job duties) are taken directly from the Job Description provided by your internship employer: Learning Activities (Job Duties) Percentage of Time 1. % 2. % 3. % 4. % 5. % 6. % 7. % 8. % 9. % 10. % TOTAL 100% Note: Insert or delete rows as needed. Total percentages MUST equal 100%. Attach your JOB DESCRIPTION to this document CM 497: Construction Management Internship Internship Objectives You will provide weekly reports and upload evidence of learning to throughout your internship by documenting how the experience has: 1. Improved oral, written and interpersonal communication skills. 2. Expanded understanding of project management responsibilities. 3. Improved understanding of job costing. 4. Improved ability to accurately create quantity take-offs and complete estimates. 5. Improved understanding of contract documents. 6. Improved understanding of planning and scheduling. 7. Improved understanding of construction-specific computer technology. 8. Improved understanding of the firm’s safety policies and practices. 9. Facilitated professional development (professional association meetings/seminars, trade magazines and online newsletter). 10. Assisted in developing your reputation or niche within your company.