Department of English
Individual Studies and Directed Reading
Student ID #
Code Number
NOTE: an undergraduate may enroll only in English 180; a graduate may enroll in 180 or 298. The maximum number of units a student may earn in 180 is four units. A graduate student may earn four units for 298 courses and a maximum of nine units for upper division undergraduate courses including 180.
Name of Student
Street Address
3. Year in School
4. Phone #
5. Grade Point Average
Zip Code
6. Check course you wish to take:
English 180
Number of Units
English 298
7. Name of professor with whom you will work
8. Describe the project as discussed with and approved by your professor. Indicate in specific terms the nature of the work—reading, research, writing—and the amount of that work, commensurate with the number of units agreed upon. Attach a separate sheet if necessary:
Department Chair’s Approval
Professor’s Signature
Student’s Signature
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to officially add 180 or 298 courses through the university admissions and records office in addition to filing this form with the English office.
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