Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 Warm-up – Day 1 Mrs. Matchett 4th period class earned a pizza party because EVERYONE passed the TAKS test. There are 15 students in her class. She wants everyone (including herself) to get an equal amount of pizza. Since there is a zero tolerance rule for knives at her school, she can’t cut the pizza herself, she just has to use the pieces that Double Dave’s provides – 8 slices per pizza. How many pizzas should Mrs. Matchett order so that everyone gets ¼ of a pizza? Worksheet – Day 1 - TBD Model fractions Compare fractions Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers Write integers as fractions – particularly and Order fractions and mixed numbers on the number line 2 – 3 fraction story problems Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 VOCABULARY – DAY 1 Definition: In my own words/characteristics: Example or List: Non-Example: In my own words/characteristics: Definition: Improper Fraction Example or List: Non-Example: Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 VOCABULARY – DAY 1 Definition: In my own words/characteristics: Mixed Number Example or List: Non-Example: In my own words/characteristics: Definition: Common denominator Example or List: Non-Example: Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 Warm up - Day 2 You have some change in your pocket – 2 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 4 pennies. How would you write the total using regular dollars and cents notation -- $_.__? How about 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, 11 pennies – show your work -- Worksheet – Day 2 - TBD Convert from fractions to decimals Convert from decimals to fractions Write decimal integers as Order fractions and decimals from least to greatest, greatest to least 2 – 3 story problems Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 VOCABULARY – DAY 2 Definition: In my own words/characteristics: Decimal Example or List: Non-Example: Definition: In my own words/characteristics: Rational Number Example or List: Non-Example: Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions Definition: 28 April 2009 In my own words/characteristics: Place Value Example or List: Non-Example: Definition: In my own words/characteristics: Digit Example or List: Non-Example: Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 Warm up - Day 3 You have some change in your pocket – 2 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 4 pennies. How many pennies or cents is this equivalent to? How about 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, 11 pennies – show your work -- Worksheet Day 3 - TBD Convert from fractions to decimals to percents Convert from percents to decimals Convert from percents to fractions Order fractions, percents and decimals from least to greatest, greatest to least 2 – 3 story problems Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 28 April 2009 VOCABULARY – DAY 3 Definition: In my own words/characteristics: Percent Example or List: Non-Example: In my own words/characteristics: Definition: % Example or List: Non-Example: Margaret Matchett 7th Grade Math (on level) Week 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions DAYS 4 & 5 – PROJECT PACKETS Music in 4-4 time Fractions in everyday life Recipe packet Quilt square designer fractions packet How much do I make salary packet Math Jeopardy packet 28 April 2009