Margaret Matchett 7 Grade Overview 4 February 2009

Margaret Matchett
EDTC 3000
7th Grade Overview
First 9 Weeks
4 February 2009
WEEK 1) Data Representation - TAKS Objective 5: The student is expected to select and use an
appropriate representation for presenting and displaying relationships among collected data,
including line plot, line graph, bar graph, [stem and leaf plot,] circle graph, and Venn diagrams, and
justify the selection.
WEEK 2) Measures of Central Tendency - TAKS Objective 5: The student is expected to describe a
set of data using mean, median, mode, and range; and choose among mean, median, mode, or
range to describe a set of data and justify the choice for a particular situation.
WEEK 3) Number Line, Addition of Integers: The student is expected to use models, such as
[concrete objects,] pictorial models, and number lines, to add, subtract, multiply, and divide
integers and connect the actions to algorithms; select and use appropriate operations to solve
problems and justify the selections; and determine the reasonableness of a solution to a problem.
a. Compare and Order Integers (2 days) – TAKS Objective 1: Positive number, negative
number, opposites, number line.
b. Addition of Integers (3 days) – TAKS Objective 1: Positive integer, negative integer, zero
pairs, and compatible numbers.
WEEK 4) Addition and Subtraction of Integers: The student is expected to use models, such as
[concrete objects,] pictorial models, and number lines, to add, subtract, multiply, and divide
integers and connect the actions to algorithms; select and use appropriate operations to solve
problems and justify the selections; and determine the reasonableness of a solution to a problem.
a. Addition of Integers (1 day) – TAKS Objective 1: Positive integer, negative integer, zero
pairs, and compatible numbers.
b. Subtraction of Integers (4 days) – TAKS Objective 1: Positive integer, negative integer, zero
pairs, and compatible numbers.
WEEK 5) Multiplication and Division of Integers (5 days) ) – TAKS Objective 1: Array, opposite,
commutative property, inverse operation, and compatible numbers.
Square Numbers and Square Roots, Order of Operations – TAKS Objective 1:
a. Square Numbers and Square Roots – 2 days - The student represents and uses numbers in
a variety of equivalent forms. The student is expected to represent squares and square
roots using geometric models.
b. Order of Operations – 3 days The student is expected to simplify numerical expressions
involving order of operations and exponents; and use appropriate operations to solve
problems and justify the selections; and determine the reasonableness of a solution to a
Margaret Matchett
EDTC 3000
7th Grade Overview
First 9 Weeks
4 February 2009
WEEK 7) Ordering Integers and Rational Numbers, Percents - Numerical Reasoning – TAKS
Objective 1: The student is expected to compare and order integers and positive rational numbers;
and convert between fractions, decimals, whole numbers, and percents mentally, on paper, [or
with a calculator].
WEEK 8) Multiplying Fractions and Decimals - Numerical Reasoning – TAKS Objective 1: The
student is expected to represent multiplication and division situations involving fractions and
decimals with models, including [concrete objects,] pictures, words, and numbers;
WEEK 9) Dividing Fractions and Decimals - Numerical Reasoning – TAKS Objective 1: The student is
expected to represent multiplication and division situations involving fractions and decimals with
models, including [concrete objects,] pictures, words, and numbers; and use addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division to solve problems involving fractions and decimals.