YORK UNIVERSITY ATKINSON FACULTY OF LIBERAL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES AK/ADMS 1010 3.0 ALL SECTIONS BUSINESS IN THE CANADIAN CONTEXT DECEMBER 12, 2007 7:00 – 10:00 P.M. FINAL EXAMINATION – FALL 2007 WEIGHTING OF GRADES – SECTIONS A, B, C, D, G, H & I E&J MID-TERM ASSIGNMENT 35% 40% PARTICIPATION FINAL EXAMINATION 10% 60% 55% TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: There are two Parts to the final examination which all students must answer. This is a CLOSED BOOK FINAL EXAMINATION. No consultation with notes, textbooks or dictionaries is permitted. No electronic aids are permitted, including cell phones, pagers, computers, etc. Extensive use and visible reference to course theoretical content are expected and necessary for a satisfactory grade. Number and answer each question separately in as much detail as possible. Write only in pen. PART 1 – THIS IS A MANDATORY QUESTION THAT ALL STUDENTS MUST ANSWER, INCLUDING DEFERRED STANDING AGREEMENT STUDENTS QUESTION 1 Short answer questions. Answer only five (5). Each question is valued at 5 marks for a total of 25 marks. Answers will be principally evaluated on theoretical explanations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Privatization Neo-conservatism Theory of Comparative Advantage Federated System of Government Rule of Law Economic Protectionism Accountability After you have answered five from the above list of topics, you have an opportunity for a 5 MARK BONUS in short answer: Explain the difference between an Institutional Interest Group and Issue-orient Interest Group. PART 2 – ALL STUDENTS WILL ANSWER THREE (3) OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. QUESTION 2 Based on your research of the Ontario provincial election campaign platforms of the three provincial political parties, that is, the Progressive Conservatives, Liberals and New Democratic Party of October 10, 2007, answer the following question. Explain the differences in the ideologies of the platforms of the three Ontario provincial political parties. Give one (1) specific example for each of the three Ontario provincial political parties that clearly defines the role(s) of government. Ensure that your answer provides an explanation of the characteristics of the ideologies. (25 marks) QUESTION 3 Since the beginning of the year, the Canadian dollar has risen approximately 25% against the US dollar. Describe the cause and effects of the rising Canadian dollar for the Canadian economy. In your answer, assess the impact of the rising dollar on Canada’s competitiveness and assess whether the government should intervene with fiscal or monetary policy measures. (25 marks) QUESTION 4 Outline Canada’s objectives and what it hoped to gain when it entered into the Free Trade Agreement with the United States in 1987. With reference to the case study The Canada-US Softwood Lumber Trade Dispute explain the effects of countervailing duties imposed by the US for both Canadian producers and American consumers. Drawing on your knowledge of the softwood lumber case, state whether Canada met its objectives for participating in the Free Trade Agreement. (25 marks) NOTE: There are two ways in which to answer this question. Either way is acceptable, but be consistent. One way to answer this question is to use A General Model of Government Intervention in which case you will need to identify both the Goal and present ONE Intervention and present a complete analysis of the Dimensions and all of the Quality Determinants. The second way is to present an essay answer that includes the principles and arguments presented from assigned articles from Required Course Textbook by Tom Wesson’s Canada And The New World Economic Order (Third Edition) for the mid-term assignment. QUESTION 5 With reference to the case study The Book Publishing Industry Development Program: An Evaluation and applying A General Model of Government Intervention, assess the effectiveness of this government intervention by presenting ONE Intervention from one of the Findings in the report and identifying which ONE Quality Determinant will determine the effectiveness of this government programme. (25 marks) QUESTION 6 With reference to The Case for a ‘Triple E Senate’, discuss whether the proposal to amend the Senate is appropriate and achievable. Justify your position with reference to the following: a. The Constitution b. Accountability c. Canadian Unity (25 marks) QUESTION 7 On February 5, 2007 the Government of Ontario implemented the Ontario Deposit Return Program which mandated that products sold at the LCBO would receive either a .10 or .20 cent deposit which would be fully refundable at the Beer Store. The programme’s goals as stated on the program web site www.bagitback.com is to “enhance the Blue Box by increasing the number of containers that are recycled, including about 25,000 to 30,000 additional tonnes of glass from landfill annually — the equivalent of about 80 million bottles. This represents a 32 to 38 per cent increase over the approximately 78,000 tonnes of wine, beer and spirit containers currently being recycled through the Blue Box program and by licensed restaurants and bars. The program will also free-up space in the Blue Box giving municipalities room to expand their recycling programs.” Making reference to Solid Waste Management in Toronto and using A General Model of Government intervention, present ONE intervention and using all five Quality Determinants explain whether this programme is successful. (25 marks)