YORK UNIVERSITY ATKINSON FACULTY OF LIBERAL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES ADMS 1010 3.0 ALL SECTIONS BUSINESS IN THE CANADIAN CONTEXT ________________________________________________________________ WEIGHTING OF GRADES: FOR SECTIONS A & B: MID-TEM ASSIGNMENT FINAL EXAMINATION 40% 60% FOR SECTIONS C & D: MID-TERM ASSIGNMENT PARTICIPATION FINAL EXAMINATION 35% 10% 55% TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS CLOSED BOOK FINAL EXAMINATION. No consultation with textbooks, notes, dictionaries or electronic aids, including cell phones, pagers, electronic dictionaries, etc., is permitted. ________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. There are two Parts to the final examination which all students must answer. 2. Answer each question separately in as much detail as possible making extensive and visible use of course theoretical content. 3. Number each question separately. 4. Write only in pen. PART 1 – THIS IS A MANDATORY QUESTION THAT ALL STUDENTS MUST ANSWER, INCLUDING DEFERRED STANDING AGREEMENT STUDENTS. QUESTION 1 Short answer questions. Explain and give one (1) example for five (5) of the following. Each topic is valued at 5 marks for a total of 25 marks. Answers will be principally evaluated on theoretical explanations. 1. Case Law 2. Senate of Canada 3. Canada’s National Policy 4. J.M. Keynes 5. Canadian Federalism 6. De-regulation ________________________________________________________________ After you have answered five from above, you have an opportunity for a 5 MARK BONUS to explain and answer: Porter’s Model PART 2 – ALL STUDENTS WILL ANSWER THREE (3) OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. QUESTION 2 Canada’s global competitiveness has been a major source of debate among economists. Define competitiveness and assess Canada’s global competitiveness. In your answer, identify two different approaches for measuring competitiveness. (25 marks) QUESTION 3 Explain the ideological shift that has prompted Canada and other nations to abandon their protectionist policies. (25 marks) QUESTION 4 Using the case study Commercialization of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, present the arguments for or against privatization. Applying A General Model of Government Intervention, which one Quality Determinant best supports your argument? (25 marks) QUESTION 5 Whilst it is general acknowledged that tariffs are detrimental to a nation’s economy, all governments have advocated their use at one time or other. Based on your knowledge case study The Canada – US Softwood Lumber Dispute, explain the negative effect of a tariff. How has Canada benefited from its participation in various trade liberalization agreements since World War II? (25 marks) QUESTION 6 Referring to the case study Cultivating Cash and applying the theoretical explanation developed by W.T. Stanbury and Sean Moore in Role of Interest Groups in Influencing Public Policy, present an interest group and how it advocates or lobbies government. (25 marks) QUESTION 7 In a report tabled by the Canadian Medical Association, it stated: “Changes need to be made to bring about a new vision for Medicare,” said the CMA policy statement, titled Medicare Plus.” “Canadians should be allowed to use private medical insurance to pay for health services normally available under Medicare -- if governments can't guarantee timely access to publicly-funded treatment, says a new report by the country's largest doctors' group. “The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) also said provincial governments should contract out public health services to the private sector and pay for patients to obtain treatment in other cities or countries, as a "safety valve" means of easing the strain on waiting lists in the public system.” (http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=fe42e2be-077a-4193a7c0-d6fc2e242269&k=12821) With reference to the case study The Medical Centre and applying A General Model of Government Intervention, present one intervention that supports the Canadian Medical Association’s report. Which one Quality Determinant best supports increased privatization of health care in Canada? (25 marks)