Document 18001936

Panhellenic Council Meeting Minutes
April 23rd, 2015
The regular meeting was called to order by President Brianna Werner at 5:32pm in CSU 238.
❖ Reciting of the Panhellenic Creed
❖ Reading of the Greek Mission Statement
➢ Read by: President Brianna Werner
The roll was called by Vice President of Council Management Nikki Kramer. A quorum was
Roll Call:
❖ Alpha Sigma Alpha - Yes
❖ Alpha Chi Omega - Yes
❖ Gamma Phi Beta - Yes
❖ Sigma Sigma Sigma - Yes
❖ Mikaela Bordewick - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Lexi Stauffacher - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Emerald Yeshidagne - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Marissa Carlson - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Zoey Smith - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Hailey Champa - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Samantha Staines - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Jenna Lahlum - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Kacey Slattery - Alpha Chi Omega
❖ Ingrid Karlsrud - Alpha CHi Omega
❖ Jasmine Collier - Alpha Chi Omega
❖ Tiffany Maunu - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Katherine Sherman - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Megan Strittmater - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Haylee Sieben - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Rachael Grooms - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Megan Kiehne - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Courtney Liesman - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Katie Bohn - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Tannah Zayed - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Maddie Winkler - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Jamie Dunham - Sigma Sigma Sigma
Previous Minutes:
The minutes of the April 9th, 2015 meeting were approved as emailed.
Open Forum:
❖ None
Executive Reports:
VP of Council Management- Nikki Kramer
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell #: (320) 583-8515
❖ Office Hours
➢ Tuesday 3:00pm-4:00pm
➢ Thursday 3:00pm-4:00pm with Colby
❖ Chapter Presidents, Treasurers, and Delegates received the invoices for Greek Banquet
and any new member fees.
➢ These bills are due April 30th by 5:30pm.
❖ PHC meetings will be held at 5:30pm on Thursdays next semester.
❖ There are clothes in the Greek Office next to the Mac Computers, does anyone know
what they are for? If they are still there by the end of the next Friday they will be getting
VP of Recruitment- Molly Polzin
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (507) 581-4344
❖ Office Hours
➢ Wednesday 12:30pm-2:30pm
❖ Recruitment chairs please fill out the ‘’Guide to Greek Life’’ form from the recruitment
packet within the next week if possible and get that back to me or Ashley Brittain.
➢ I messaged all of the recruitment chairs about this.
❖ Please get the names of your Chapter Recruitment Delegate to me today if possible! If
not, before the end of the semester! I need to email these girls and inform them of the
job! :)
VP of Member Education and Development- Kammie Beyer
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (320) 287-1622
❖ Office Hours
➢ Mondays 3:00pm-4:00pm with Akorede
➢ Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm
❖ Thank you to those who attended the graduation ceremony before All Greek on Tuesday
night! We have almost 60 members graduating among all the chapters. It will be sad to
see so many members leave, but I know they’ll all make us proud out in the real world.
❖ Homecoming Alumni Event
➢ I booked the Bullpen for October 10th (the Saturday of Homecoming) from noon
to 2:00pm (after the parade and before the football game). I am planning to have
pizza and bowling.
➢ Akorede and I will be in contact with your alumni chairs as well as the IFC alumni
chairs to get lists of alumni.
➢ Email invites will be sent during the summer.
❖ U-Lead
➢ Akorede and I are working to get a committee together to help us plan that event
in October.
❖ Good luck on finals! Let’s keep up those good grades and make sure to get those 3.14
GPAs or above. I want to have to buy a lot of pie in the fall!
VP of Marketing and Public Relations – Ashley Brittain
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (262) 391-6912
❖ Office Hours
➢ Monday 2-2:30 with Steven
➢ Wednesday 2:30-3:00
❖ The annual report will be out in June.
❖ Please still send me pictures to put on social media this summer.
❖ Recruitment pieces will be posted on social media before the end of the semester,
please share recruitment posts on social media sites!
❖ Any graphics that need to be done by next fall need to be submitted by May 1st!
➢ If you have any philanthropy events or other events that need posters or anything
than please get those to me or ask my assistance so they can get submitted by
May 1st.
➢ This includes events through October.
VP of Community Service and Philanthropy- Alex Simonieg
❖ Contact Info
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (701) 590-3404
❖ Office hours:
➢ Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm
❖ Dance Marathon
➢ In addition to the committee, each chapter will have a delegate to be involved in
planning 2016 Dance Marathon.
● This delegate will be chosen by your chapter after the committee
is announced.
➢ Dance Marathon Interviews have been being conducted.
❖ Follow @CircleofSisterhood on social media.
❖ I need to know the amount of money everyone has raised for each chapter’s individual.
❖ We raised over $2,000 for basket auctions so thank you!!
VP of Risk Management- Hanna Peterson
❖ Contact Info
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (952) 913-7403
■ I am again available by phone.
❖ My Office Hours:
➢ Mondays 12:00pm-1:00pm
➢ Tuesdays 11:00am-12:00pm with Connor
❖ Please take the GASA facebook page and share/like it with your chapters.
❖ Other events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month- Lets get some Greeks here!
➢ Violence Free Training Zone, Friday April 24th
■ CSU 201, 1:00pm-3:00pm
■ You have to preregister for this event.
➢ Safe Bar Initiative, Thursday April 30th
■ 8:00pm, Pub 500
■ Bystander Intervention for sexual assault and harassment
■ They will be doing some role playing situations about sexual assault and
❖ Sexual Assault Policy
➢ Sent out an email to presidents, risk management chairs, and delegates
concerning the roundtable times. There will be two roundtables on Tuesday, April
28th both in the GO one will be at noon and the other will be at 7:00pm.
■ Please let me know if neither of those times work for those expected to
attend. I just want to let you know the policy, why I am doing it, and for
you to give me any feedback if you have any.
➢ I look forward to seeing your chapters at at least one of those times!
❖ Twins Greek Night
➢ Social planning forms should all be turned in.
➢ There will be 0 tolerance for underage drinking and drinking in letters.
➢ Please do not exceed the number of passengers in vehicles than there are seat
belts. We want everyone to be transported safely. And please NO DRINKING
➢ No overly vulgar or inappropriate language when the game is on. Sports fun is
always encouraged but keep it classy :)
➢ Remember that this is a privilege, not a right.
➢ You can sign a DD (designated driver) form at this event and you will be put into
a raffle and can win some awesome twins gear!!
➢ Sober monitors are required for this event as decided by John, Brie, I, and our
➢ Also, every chapter present at this event will be recognized on the screen so
everyone will know your chapter was present at the game.
➢ John Bulcock: I understand there have been questions regarding this and
another thing I would add is that everyone has a ride with someone who will not
be consuming alcohol. I have asked Chandler Holland who is the University’s
Risk Management Vice President for assistance in regards to
❖ Summer is almost here!
➢ Remember you are still under national and chapter policies so watch your social
media and your actions over the summer months.
➢ Regardless of where you are and who you are with, you are still representing
Minnesota State University, Mankato and our Greek community.
➢ Be safe and have fun!
VP of Conduct Review- Briona Thomson
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (507) 381-8718
❖ Office Hours
➢ Thursday 2:00-4:00pm
❖ Bylaw of the Week
President- Brianna Werner
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (763) 647-8046
❖ Office Hours
➢ Tuesday 12:30pm-1:30pm
➢ Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm
❖ Tentative Study Sessions for Greeks - not mandatory
➢ Monday, April 27th & Wednesday, April 29th
➢ AH 220 5:00pm-10:00pm
➢ Quiet Study Rooms
Asst. Director of Student Activities for Greek Life- John Bulcock
❖ We are searching for Greek Week Co-Chairs so if anyone is interested. How this works
is those interested can talk to the previous Greek Week Co-Chairs to express their
interest or the IFC/PHC Presidents. The Presidents and Co-Chairs can also recommend
individuals as well. They will sit down and discuss who to choose for the next Co-Chairs.
❖ For those graduates that were not at the Graduate Ceremony on Tuesday we have lapel
pins for them to wear for Graduation so please let them know they can pick those up.
We also still have some caps and gowns that have not been picked up yet. If the
graduate is a member of Order of Omega they may pick up those cords too
❖ Basket Auctions were a success. If you purchased a basket please get myself or Amy
that money as soon as possible.
❖ Thank you so much to Sarah. Your recognition from the Panhellenic Chapters at the
Banquet was fantastic. We have really appreciated your guidance and assistance the
past two years.
❖ Marissa will be our new Graduate Assistant. She is an Alpha Phi alumna from the
University of Northern Iowa. We have not discussed what she will be doing in regards to
council responsibilities yet. She will be starting in late May.
❖ Lastly, I would like to congratulate the council on a great year so far. We have seen an
increase in many areas. Remember to work on establishing these areas and continue to
work on other areas. Thank you for your work so far and I look forward to the fall.
❖ I will be here most of the summer besides some traveling if you need me.
Greek Life Graduate Advisor- Sarah Schliesmann
❖ Thank you all for this past weekend. More importantly, thank you all for these past two
years. They have meant so much to me and I have truly enjoyed them.
❖ I will be staying in Mankato and working full time in the Admissions Office. I hope you all
know that my door will always be open.
Unfinished Business:
❖ Bylaws
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to discuss the bylaws as
emailed on Monday evening. So moved by Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate
(Mikaela Bordewick). Second by Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu).
➢ Vice President of Council Management (Nikki Kramer): The bylaws being
amended are those that involve the individual fee we voted to change from
$10.50 to $15.00 and the chapter spring fee of $35 in the Spring to $40 to cover
the NPC dues of $160. The other bylaw changes are the accountability measures
the executive council would like to change to hold ourselves accountable.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): Seeing no more discussion we will proceed to vote
by hand.
■ Motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
New Business:
❖ None
Chapter Reports:
❖ Alpha Sigma Alpha
➢ Our Phoenix Week is next week. We are excited and sad to see our seniors
➢ We have our formal next Saturday and are looking forward to it.
➢ Good luck to everyone on finals.
❖ Alpha Chi Omega
➢ We have Carnation this Saturday.
➢ This week is our O-Week. On Tuesday is our senior send off for them.
➢ Great job this semester and good luck with finals week.
❖ Gamma Phi Beta
➢ We have our last formal meeting tonight.
➢ We also have our goodbye ceremony to 14 members going alum.
➢ Saturday we will be assisting with the Girls on the Run event. We are excited
because we have been helping volunteer and train these girls all semester.
❖ Sigma Sigma Sigma
➢ This week is our Sailboat week for our members going alum. We have our send
off for them on Sunday.
➢ This Saturday we have our 25th anniversary celebration event and have many
alumnae members RSVP’d so we are very excited for this.
➢ Good luck with finals.
The following announcements were made:
❖ The pop tab drive for the Order of Omega Greek-wide Community Service Project will be
extended until next Friday, May 1st at 11:00am.
The next meeting TBD at 5:30pm in CSU238.
Meeting Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 5:51pm.
Nikki Kramer, Vice President of Council Management