Document 18001934

Panhellenic Council Meeting Minutes
April 2nd, 2015
The regular meeting was called to order by President Brianna Werner at 5:30pm in CSU 238.
❖ Reciting of the Panhellenic Creed
❖ Reading of the Greek Mission Statement
➢ Read by: President Brianna Werner
The roll was called by Vice President of Council Management Nikki Kramer. A quorum was
Roll Call:
❖ Alpha Sigma Alpha - yes
❖ Alpha Chi Omega - yes
❖ Gamma Phi Beta - yes
❖ Sigma Sigma Sigma - yes
❖ Mikaela Bordewick - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Lexi Stauffacher - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Samantha Rangel - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Natalie Kerr - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Amanda Graves - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Courtney Kranz - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Miranda Axen - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Marissa Carlson - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Julia Erickson - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Emerald Yeshidagne - Alpha Sigma Alpha
❖ Kacey Slattery - Alpha Chi Omega
❖ Gates Federiuk - Alpha Chi Omega
❖ Tiffany Maunu - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Katherine Sherman - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Laura Berger - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Jessie Bollig - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Kimberly Yang - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Lexi Bachmann - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Bridget Bregel - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Hailey Eide - Gamma Phi Beta
❖ Haylee Sieben - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Lisa Stevens - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Maddie Taylor - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Aleda Bisping - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Nicole Neumann - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Angie Serbus - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Allie Zakrewski - Sigma Sigma Sigma
❖ Zach Gunby - Lambda Chi Alpha
❖ Michael Jewett - Lambda Chi Alpha
Previous Minutes:
The minutes of the March 26th, 2015 meeting were approved as emailed.
Open Forum:
Executive Reports:
VP of Council Management- Nikki Kramer
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell #: (320) 583-8515
❖ Office Hours
➢ Tuesday 3:00pm-4:00pm
➢ Thursday 3:00pm-4:00pm with Colby
❖ I will be proposing the updated Constitution and Code of Ethics in new business.
❖ Chapters need to send the President of Order of Omega their Greek Banquet
attendance by tomorrow so food can be ordered. I will bill you for the Greek Banquet by
April 23rd and the bills will due by May 7th. (Preferably sooner rather than later.)
➢ That bill will also include the $10.50 per new member. Make sure all new
members are on OrgSync and show up on your final rosters.
➢ Also make sure that all new members have paid the $25.00 PHC fee with their
green cards.
❖ Final Rosters were due April 1st. (Yesterday)
➢ Please ensure that all members are updating their OrgSync and statuses are up
to date.
VP of Recruitment- Molly Polzin
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (507) 581-4344
❖ Office Hours
➢ Wednesday 12:30pm-2:30pm
❖ Recruitment Packets
➢ Have been sent! More information will be sent to recruitment chairs as needed.
➢ Remember they are due to me by July 31st! All the information is very detailed in
the packets!
❖ All Greek Cookout
➢ Officially planned for August 26th from 4:00pm-7:00pm
➢ It will be in the CSU Mall during foot traffic hours!
■ We are still finalizing this location.
➢ To make this time easier on members we are doing 2 shifts of helping set up and
mingle from 4:00pm-5:30pm and mingle from 5:30-7:00pm and helping with take
■ Not required to stay the full time, but can come for a shift instead.
➢ Recommending a minimum of 10 members from each chapter for each shift.
Bid day T-shirts:
➢ Now that the marketing plan is almost done I want each of you to bring it back to
your chapters on whether we want have each chapter design their own bid day
shirts (like last year) or have All sorority shirts (like two years ago).
Looking in to how we want to do new member and Pi Rho Chi Reveal this year
➢ Option 1: Do it like the last two years and do an all community reveal of the new
members and Pi Rho Chi’s.
➢ Option 2: What I would like to do: an intimate reveal of the new members to their
chapter alone, chat for about 10 minutes, then all gather together in Ostrander or
Hearth Lounge for Pi Rho Chi Reveal.
■ This allows this reveal to be all about the new members and for the
chapters to congratulate their new members and not wondering what
chapter someone else went to or being sad about that.
Recruitment Weekend Schedule
➢ Attached to the minutes.
Pi Rho Chi Dates
➢ Pi Rho Chi/Bro Chi Training: May 9th and 10th
➢ Pi Rho Chi’s will be disaffiliated starting Monday, August 10th at noon.
➢ Pi Rho Chi Retreat: August 14th-16th
VP of Member Education and Development- Kammie Beyer
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (320) 287-1622
❖ Office Hours
➢ Mondays 3:00pm-4:00pm with Akorede
➢ Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm
VP of Marketing and Public Relations – Ashley Brittain
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (262) 391-6912
❖ Office Hours
➢ Monday 2:00-3:00pm with Steven
➢ Wednesday 2:30-3:30pm
❖ Annual Report: if any chapter has any outstanding awards given to them in the last year
(from July 2015-current), please send to me.
➢ I am working on our first Greek Annual Report which will include items such as:
achievements, grades, and philanthropy hours.
➢ This is something that has never been done on this campus before, but is
implemented on other campuses.
We will be announcing the recruitment theme in the near future. (Hopefully next week.)
➢ Steven and I are having a meeting with the graphics team next week!
Please submit graphic requests needed for the summer and fall as soon as you can,
there will be a change in the graphic design staff on campus this summer!
➢ Especially important for any events that will occur before October.
Marketing plan will be sent out to chapters next week.
The newsletter will be emailed out to chapters after meeting today!
I will be adding to the Panhellenic website
➢ I will add achievements and updated pictures to it!
VP of Community Service and Philanthropy- Alex Simonieg
❖ Contact Info
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (701) 590-3404
❖ Office hours:
➢ Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm
❖ Dance Marathon
➢ Application is on the Dance Marathon portal on orgsync.
■ Feel free to apply and encourage others to apply for the committee.
■ Join the Dance Marathon portal!
■ In addition to the committee, each chapter will have a delegate to be
involved in planning 2016 Dance Marathon.
● This delegate will be chosen by your chapter.
➢ Have a theme for your basket for the basket auction “______ For the Kids”
❖ Send pictures and a description of what your chapter has done for community service
and philanthropy this year to Karen Anderson by April 6. Pictures will be used for the
Community Engagement office to promote National Volunteer Week.
➢ She is the Director of Community Engagement
❖ Follow @CircleofSisterhood on social media.
❖ I have been in contact with all of the Circle of Sisterhood Ambassadors, but have not
heard back from everyone and we are meeting next week.
➢ Please check in with them and ensure that they are going to and aware of the
VP of Risk Management- Hanna Peterson
❖ Contact Info
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (952) 913-7403
❖ My Office Hours:
➢ Mondays 12:00pm-1:00pm
➢ Tuesdays 11:00am-12:00pm with Connor
Sexual Assault Awareness Week (SAAW) will be April 6-10th
➢ Has everyone gotten the tabling schedule?
■ Yes.
➢ Sororities and Fraternities will be tabling together each day.
➢ Tabling schedule
■ Monday - 11:00am-2:00pm
● These Hands Don’t Hurt
◆ Actively asking people to sign the poster with their hand
● Handing out ribbons and bracelets
● Ask people to sign up for the t-shirt contest.
◆ 2 hand-print t-shirts will be given away
● Gamma Phi Beta
● Phi Kappa Theta
● Phi Delta Theta
■ Tuesday - 11:00am-2:00pm
● A Cup of Prevention
◆ Handing out cups of hot chocolate with fact koozies about
sexual assault.
● Handing out bracelets.
● Ask people to sign up for the t-shirt contest.
◆ 2 hand-print t-shirts will be given away
● Alpha Sigma Alpha
● Sigma Chi
● Sigma Alpha Epsilon
■ Wednesday - 11:00am-2:00pm
● Backdrop for a Photo Booth
◆ People can say why they stand with Greeks Against
Sexual Assault (GASA)
● Handing out ribbons and bracelets.
● Ask people to sign up for the t-shirt contest.
◆ 2 hand-print t-shirts will be given away
● Alpha Chi Omega
● Delta Chi
● Sigma Nu
● Tau Kappa Epsilon
■ Thursday - 11:00am-2:00pm
● Bro Talk Thursday
◆ Asking people to take the It’s On Us pledge.
◆ It’s On Us video playing. (IF DONE)
● Handing out ribbons and bracelets.
● Ask people to sign up for the t-shirt contest.
◆ 2 hand-print t-shirts will be given away
● Sigma Sigma Sigma
● Lambda Chi Alpha
● Phi Kappa Psi
➢ Goals for SAAW:
■ Encourage Greek Attendance to the events thrown by The Womens
● Events will be posted on the Maverick Greeks Social Media
■ 250 likes on GASA Facebook Page
❖ Thank you to all who came to All Greek and listen to To Help A Friend and another big
thank you to all those who submitted questions.
❖ Our thoughts are with Jen Houle, the U of M student who went missing 5 days ago.
➢ Reminder to please be respectful in talk about this sensitive subject and be
considerate when contacting the Pi Beta Phi chapter and Jens family
➢ Take time today to remind your sisters, friends, fellow greeks, and family that
they are love and important.
❖ Sexual Assault Policy for MSU Greeks to be covered in a Roundtable with Risk
➢ It has a mission statement for MSU Greeks on Sexual Assault and I will be
scheduling a roundtable to go over this with the Risk Management Chairs,
Presidents, Delegates, and anyone who would like to come and have input.
VP of Conduct Review- Briona Thomson
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (507) 381-8718
❖ Office Hours
➢ Thursday 2:00-4:00pm
❖ Sigma Sigma Sigma was Chapter of the Month-will receive a sundae party at next
informal meeting.
❖ John, Nikki, and I will be working on the Chapter Statistics Page
➢ Hopefully
❖ Bylaw of the Week- Pi Rho Chi’s- 4 meetings left
➢ They have to attend at least 2 PHC meetings during their term.
➢ If they attended one this semester, but were not elected yet that still counts.
■ 7.5
Appointed chairs are required to attend at least two regularly
scheduled general Panhellenic Council meetings. If unable to attend a
regularly scheduled general Panhellenic Council meeting the appointed
chair must request an approved absence by the Panhellenic President
within 48 hours of meeting.
President- Brianna Werner
❖ Contact Information
➢ Email:
➢ Cell phone: (763) 647-8046
Office Hours
➢ Tuesday 12:30pm-1:30pm
➢ Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm
All Greek Schedule
➢ April 21st in Trafton C121 will start at 8:00pm due to Basket Auctions and Greek
■ Graduates should be there by 7:45pm.
■ Basket Auctions will be after Greek Graduation
Greek Night at the Twins Game is April 30th and the deadline to purchase tickets is
Thursday, April 16th. Each delegate was given a flier for their chapter.
Reminder: Chapter Reports due Today
➢ I already have Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha Sigma Alpha
Off Week Change for April- We will discuss this in new business.
➢ This is due to Greek Week.
Asst. Director of Student Activities for Greek Life- John Bulcock
❖ Reminder that Hoodie Allen Concert will take place the evening of April 22.
➢ Student tickets are $15.00.
❖ MSSA elections are coming up if you are interested in running for any of those spots.
Greek Life Graduate Advisor- Sarah Schliesmann
❖ Understand that it is April. It is starting to get nice out and people are coming out of
hibernation so please just look out for each other, yourself, and your sisters.
➢ Do not hesitate to come talk to myself or John.
Unfinished Business:
❖ Due Increase
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to discuss due increases.
■ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): So moved. Second by
Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery).
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): After looking at what the Vice
President of Council Management laid out in different options with the current
proposed budget, our chapter decided that the dues should be increased to the
flat rate of $15.00.
➢ Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery): Our chapter decided that the increase to
$14.50 would be sufficient enough.
➢ Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu): We also thought that $15.00 was a
good number because if money is not used it stays in the pot and can be used in
the future for other items and also gives a safety cushion for unexpected financial
situations that arise.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): Our chapter also thought that
the $15.00 would be an okay increase, but if there was a way to go any lower
than we would be in favor of that as well.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): See no more discussion we will proceed to vote for
increasing the flat member rate to $15.00.
■ The motion passed with a 4-0 vote.
❖ Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Budget
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to discuss the Fall 2015Spring 2016 Budget. Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery): So moved. Second by
Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu).
➢ Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery): Our chapter thought that everything looked
good on the budget and we are okay with all of the additions to the budget.
➢ Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu): Our chapter also thought that the
budget looked good.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): We talked about the Pi Rho Chi
Nametags and how we did not think that they are necessary to have. The name
tags that are used for the potential new members are just as sufficient and much
cheaper. The Pi Rho Chis would not use these name tags except for tabling and
recruitment weekend and spending almost $100 on these is unnecessary.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): We also disagree with the
nametags and do not think that it is necessary to have them for the Pi Rho Chis.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): I move to strike the Pi Rho Chi
Nametags from the budget. Second by Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela
■ Motion failed with a 2-2 vote.
➢ Vice President of Council Management (Nikki Kramer): In the past, it has been
easiest to go position by position and make changes to the budget so everyone
can stay on the same page.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): Are there any changes that would like to be made to
the President’s budget? Seeing none those changes will be passed. Are there
any changes that would like to be made to the Vice President of Council
Management’s budget?
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): Since the chapters have
budgets for off-week in their own chapter budgets, then we do not think even the
$20 is necessary for off-week.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): It was my understanding that the
$20 in the budget for off-weeks is for the executive council not the chapters for
when they run off-week.
➢ Vice President of Council Management (Nikki Kramer): That is correct.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): Okay, we are fine with that in
the budget then.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): Are there any changes to the Vice President of
Council Management’s budget? Seeing none those changes will be passed. Are
there any changes to the Vice President of Recruitment’s Budget besides the Pi
Rho Chi Name tag motion which has failed? Seeing none those changes will be
passed. Are there any changes to the Vice President of Member Development
and Education’s budget?
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): Our chapter already has a
budget of $150 to send members of our chapter to AFLV so we do not think
another $200 is necessary.
➢ Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery): We talked to our chapter advisor and she
thought it was a great idea and would give more members an opportunity to go to
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): Our chapter really liked both
of the scholarship ideas for AFLV and UIFI.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): Our chapter would prefer the
AFLV scholarship to be more set up like the UIFI scholarship where members of
the community have to apply for the scholarship and then are chosen instead of
each chapter just given the money.
➢ Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu): We want both of the scholarships
how they are currently set up. We think it will motivate more members to want to
attend these leadership conferences and help them financially be able to attend.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick) - We thought that the alumni
event was unnecessary since most of our chapters already do events with our
alumni. We also think that the budget for the etiquette dinner is unnecessary and
that the members that wanted to attend could pay whatever the cost to partake in
this event.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): Are there any motions to strike or make
amendments to the Vice President of Member Development and Education’s
budget? Seeing none, it will be passed as is. Are there any changes to the Vice
President of Marketing and Public Relation’s Budget? Seeing none, those
changes will be passed. Are there any changes to the Vice President of
Community Service and Philanthropy’s Budget? Seeing none, those changes will
be passed. Are there any changes to the Vice President of Risk Management’s
Budget? Seeing none, those changes will be passed. Are there any changes to
the Vice President of Conduct Review’s Budget? Seeing none, those changes
will be passed. Are there any changes to the Greek Week Budget?
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): My chapter was curious about
what the Greek Week budget is used for.
➢ Vice President of Council Management (Nikki Kramer): The Greek Week budget
is used to purchase supplies for the Cookout during Greek Week, supplies for the
olympic type event during Greek Week, the lifeguards for the boat regatta which
we have to pay for by the hour, the plaques for all of the Greek Banquet awards,
some dinners for special guests such as President Davenport, Mark Constantine,
Greg Wilkins, and a few more, as well as the Greek Week t-shirts for the Greek
Week Co-Chairs. The increase is so we can possibly have Lip Sync in Bresnan
next year since the sororities are increasing in numbers and getting too big to
have many members participate but we have to pay to have the floor put down.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to pass the Fall 2015Spring 2016 budget as is. Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): So
moved. Second by Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick).
■ Motion passed with a 4-0 vote.
New Business:
❖ Panhellenic Council Constitution
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to discuss the
Panhellenic Constitution. Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu): So moved.
Second by Alpha Chi Omega Delegate (Kacey Slattery).
➢ Vice President of Council Management (Nikki Kramer): The Constitution has not
been updated since 2011 so I went through and updated a few things. Mainly
what was updated was the positions that the executive council has and pledging
was removed and replaced with the corrected terms now used. I handed out the
updated Constitution to each delegate.
➢ Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu): I we should bring this back to our
chapters just to make sure everything looks good so I move to table this until
next week. Second by Alpha Chi Omega Delegate (Kacey Slattery).
■ Motion passed with a 3-1 vote.
❖ Panhellenic Code of Ethics
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to discuss the
Panhellenic Code of Ethics. Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu): So
moved. Second by Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben).
➢ Vice President of Council Management (Nikki Kramer): I reviewed the model
Code of Ethics that the NPC website gives us and added a few portions to the
code of ethics. It is just a little more information recommended by NPC that they
would like included.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): I move to pass the additions to
the Code of Ethics. Second by Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu).
■ Motion passed with a 3-1 vote.
❖ Off-Week Change
➢ Due to Greek Week the Panhellenic Executive Board thought that it would be
more beneficial to move Off-Week to April 16th and have our last business PHC
meeting April 23rd.
➢ President (Brianna Werner): I would entertain a motion to discuss the off-week
date change. Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): So moved. Second
by Gamma Phi Beta Delegate (Tiffany Maunu).
➢ President (Brianna Werner): We need to give chapters two weeks notice if we
change off-weeks or Panhellenic held events. The executive council would like to
craft puzzle pieces to put together similar to what Tess did last semester. It would
not take that long and we know that during Greek Week we have those events to
focus on along with school so we thought by having off-week it would be more
suitable for everyone.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): I move to pass the change of
holding off-week April 16th and having an informal meeting April 23rd. Second by
Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick).
■ Motion passed with a 4-0 vote.
❖ T-Shirt Discussion
➢ Vice President of Recruitment (Molly Polzin): I would like to get some feedback
on what the chapters would like to see with the t-shirts for recruitment on whether
they would like a t-shirt that everyone gets on Bid Day including the PNMs or if
the PNMs would just receive their chapter shirts.
➢ Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery): I move to open the floor for discussion on
recruitment t-shirts. Second by Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela
➢ Alpha Chi Omega (Kacey Slattery): We have our own bid day t-shirt that is
already planned so I do not think we need to do a t-shirt that everyone gets on
Bid Day. Each chapter would be benefitted doing individual t-shirts instead.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): I would like to take this back
to our chapter. We are getting recruitment t-shirts, but I am not sure what day we
would be wearing these shirts yet.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): I move to table the discussion of
recruitment t-shirts until next week. Second by Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate
(Mikaela Bordewick).
❖ Reveal Discussion
➢ Vice President of Recruitment (Molly Polzin): I would like to possibly go back to
doing reveal how they did it a few years ago where the new members were
brought to each chapters’ room and revealed to their own chapter and then they
would get 10 minutes with them before everyone meets up in Ostrander or
Bresnan for Pi Rho Chi Reveal. Otherwise, we can continue to do it how we did it
the past two years.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick) I move to open the floor for
discussion on new member and Pi Rho Chi reveal. Second by Sigma Sigma
Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben).
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick) I like the way it used to be
when I joined and the new members were revealed to the chapter first and the
chapter could focus on them for a bit until the Pi Rho Chis were revealed.
➢ Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate (Haylee Sieben): I like the way it used to be as
well but do not think that 10 minutes is long enough.
➢ Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate (Mikaela Bordewick): I move to table this until next
week to get input from our chapters. Second by Sigma Sigma Sigma Delegate
(Haylee Sieben).
■ The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.
Chapter Reports:
❖ Alpha Sigma Alpha
➢ We had a sisterhood last night and watched the movie Tangled.
➢ Next week is our I Week with initiation on Friday.
➢ Happy Easter. We hope everyone has a great weekend.
❖ Alpha Chi Omega
➢ We have our second Alpha Week this week with reveal tonight.
➢ We have I Week next week with initiation on Saturday.
➢ Tonight we have an exchange with Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
❖ Gamma Phi Beta
➢ Last night we had our Mom Dot Reveal for our four new members.
➢ Next week is our I week with initiation on Friday.
➢ We hope everyone has safe travels this weekend.
❖ Sigma Sigma Sigma
➢ Thank you to all those who attended or donated to our philanthropy event last
weekend. We raised over $1300 which is one of our best ones yet.
The following announcements were made:
❖ The pop tab drive for the Order of Omega Greek-wide Community Service Project
started yesterday so collect those pop tabs.
➢ The container is at the student activities office desk.
❖ Dance Marathon Applications are open. Deadline is April 12th at 10:00pm.
The next meeting will be Thursday, April 9th, 2015 at 5:30pm in CSU238.
Meeting Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 6:10pm.
Nikki Kramer, Vice President of Council Management