Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda
Thursday November 3, 2011
Call to Order: 6:00pm
Roll Call:
II. Approval of Minutes: 10/20/11
III. Approval of Agenda: 11/3/11
Officer Reports:
Vice President of Community Service and Philanthropy, Mr. Mike Miller
Blood Drive Information
o Emailed all chapters (only 3 chapters had 25% of members present)
Haunted House turnout
o Very little attendance or volunteer help
Roundtable on November 22nd at 4:00pm
Vice President of Risk Management, Mr. Zach Miller:
zachary.miller@mnsu.edu (507) 327-3859
No report
Vice President of Conduct Review, Mr. Matthew Ward:
matthew.ward-1@mnsu.edu (507) 382-6379
sent out emails to all chapters to have a brief presentation on current IFC bylaws at each chapter’s
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Membership Development, Mr. Steven Sporre:
steven.sporre@mnsu.edu (507) 330-1403
New Member Workshop was November 1st CSU 253/4 at 9:00pm
o Thank you for those who attended
AFLV packet
Vice President of Recruitment, Mr. Daniel Lein
Expansion Committee is filled
AFLV packet
Vice President of Public Relations, Mr. Alex Johnson
alex.johnson-2@mnsu.edu (651) 380-7042
Mavericks After Dark – Night At The Coliseum “A Toga Affair”
o Tug of War
o November 12th 9pm
o Michael.ramirez@mnsu.edu
Survey Completed
o For AFLV
Will be sent out to the campus community
Going out next week
Vice President of Council Management, Mr. Steven Yetter:
steven.yetter@mnsu.edu (612) 306-6933
Updated Greek Website
o Updated bylaws
o Updated application
o Updated Minutes
President, Mr. Cody Buechner:
cody.buechner@mnsu.edu (507)766-0295
Transition Meeting on November 13th at 12pm
Formal Transition Ceremony December 4th
o Letter of intent due before elections next week (we will send them out to your emails whenever
they flow in)
o Make sure you have a delegate who can vote (i.e. not running for any positions)
Greek Advisor, Mr. John Bulcock:
john.bulcock@mnsu.edu (507) 389-6076
Priority Room Reservation – November 11th
Final Roster
Schedule presidents 2-1 with John once elected
Officer Installation December 4th at 4:00pm
Council Officers and Presidents Retreat – January 6th and 7th
Greek Graduate Intern, Ms. Ashley Portra:
No report
Old Business:
New Business:
Motion to open up nominations for 2012 Interfraternity Council Officer Positions.
o Matt Ward
o David Nielsen
o Zach Miller
o Greg Land
o Chris Collins
VP of Council Management
o Nick Jirik
o Kevin Whalen
o Zach Miller
o Matt Ward
o Brandon Hebig
o David Nielsen
o John Heckt
VP of Risk Management
o Lee Schroeder
o John Heckt
o Ethan Nelson
o Jake Bellows
o Jake Folly
VP of Academic Affairs and Membership Development
o Cody Nickel
VP of Conduct Review
o Nick Jirik
o Zach Miller
o Jake Folley
VP of Public Relations
o Ethan Nelson
o Tyler Stofferan
o Alex Johnson
o Jake Bellows
o Nathan Minetto
VP of Community Service and Philanthropy
o Erik Lopez
o Cody Hoffman
o Mike Miller
o Jeremy Herkenhoff
VP of Recruitment
o Cody Stegeman
o Erik Lopez
o Tony Magestro
 Will be a survey on the maverick Greeks facebook page please help out
 Lambda Chi Alpha was selected to host the regional conference in March
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25
Interfraternity Council Officer Application
Please complete this before nominations on November 09,2011
(elections are November 10, 2011 at 6pm)
(include a letter of intent)
1. Year in school Freshman________
2. Major Law Enforcement________
3. Tech ID ___00944015__________
4. Cumulative GPA__3.3__________ (all officers are required to have a 2.5)
5. Anticipated Graduation Date May 2015___________
Previous Fraternity Involvement
6. Greek affiliation and semesters active Delta Chi, Fall 2011_____
7. Offices Held (both IFC and Chapter)___None_______________
IFC Intentions
8. Position(s) you are running for. ___Risk Mangment Chair_____________
If you are running for Recruitment will you be able to be in Mankato over the summer?
9. What would be your greatest limitation (perceived difficulty) in taking on this position(s)?
_____Making sure all activities are fun and educational. _______
10. What ideas do you already have for the position(s) __Doing an activity about liability and
insurance, possibly looking into men’s health issues.___________________________
11. Why and how will you be successful? _I’m very organized and have a good work ethic. I’m
creative and like to plan activities that are fun for the fraternities yet can teach
12. What are your significant time commitments for 2012?
IFC Letter of Intent
Dear current IFC members/John Bulcock,
It is my intent to run for Vice President of Risk Management. I believe I am a good fit for this position. I
can draw on my previous experiences both in the work place and in life in general. I worked on the
Emergency Response Team at Constance Free Church in Andover, MN. This will help me in multiple ways
because it taught me to be organized and I learned about liability insurance and problems. I had to do
lots of paper work and do it right otherwise we could have been sued. I was also a police explorer in
Coon Rapids, MN. This will help me because I have contacts, which could potentially come and speak to
us when it comes to alcohol awareness week. I also think outside the box and am very creative. I think I
will be a very valuable asset when it comes to the Interfraternity Council.
Lee Schroeder
Interfraternity Council Officer Application
Please complete this before nominations on November 09,2011
(elections are November 10, 2011 at 6pm)
(include a letter of intent)
1. Year in school: Sophomore
2. Major: Undeclared
3. Tech ID: 00949211
4. Cumulative GPA: 2.72 (all officers are required to have a 2.5)
5. Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2014
Previous Fraternity Involvement
6. Greek affiliation and semesters active: Sigma Nu, Candidacy: Fall 2011
7. Offices Held (both IFC and Chapter): Reporter, Historian
IFC Intentions
8. Position(s) you are running for. Vice-President of Conduct Review
If you are running for Recruitment will you be able to be in Mankato over the summer?
9. What would be your greatest limitation (perceived difficulty) in taking on this position(s)?
The greatest difficulty I see in taking this position would be, having to take action against a
chapter who has gone against either school or state laws, but just because I feel it would be difficult
to do this does not mean I would not take action if needed.
10. What ideas do you already have for the position(s)
My ideas for this position at the moment are to learn everything I can this semester from this
position. Being Vice-President of Conduct Review to me means that you have to be honest and
take action when needed to.
11. Why and how will you be successful?
I will be successful in this position because I am able to manage my time well, enabling me to
get my tasks done on time and lets me manage other positions outside of being just a student. I
also would like to get involved with not just my chapter but the Greek community as well and
try to find ways to better both. I will be successful because when I say I am going to do
something, I am determined to get it done as soon as possible.
12. What are your significant time commitments for 2012?
My significant time commitments would be another position in my chapter pending election
into the position, and student senate until the end of spring semester.
Hi my name is Jeff Purdy and I am a sophomore in school this year. The chapter I am
part of in our Greek Community is Sigma Nu and I am currently a candidate in Sigma Nu this
semester. Positions that I have held inside my chapter are reporter and historian and I plan to run
for another position next spring to increase my knowledge of how Greek life operates.
I believe that getting on IFC can also help me get a better understanding of how Greek
life, because it shows me what is outside just my own chapter by being involved with all 7
fraternities on campus. The position on IFC would like to run for is Vice-President of Conduct
Review. This would be a good position for me because I feel that fraternities should abide by the
rules that have been set on us by the state, school, and nationals. I also believe that if we all say
that we are going to follow these rules, and do not follow them, action should be taken.
Interfraternity Council Officer Application
Please complete this before nominations on November 09,2011
(elections are November 10, 2011 at 6pm)
(include a letter of intent)
1. Year in school: Sophomore
2. Major: Automotive Engineering Technology
3. Tech ID: 00949544
4. Cumulative GPA: 2.6 (all officers are required to have a 2.5)
5. Anticipated Graduation Date: 2015
Previous Fraternity Involvement
6. Greek affiliation and semesters active: Sigma Nu, One Semester
7. Offices Held (both IFC and Chapter): Beta Pi Class President
IFC Intentions
8. Position(s) you are running for: Vice President for Council Management
9. What would be your greatest limitation (perceived difficulty) in taking on this position(s)?
My greatest perceived difficulty in taking this position would be familiarity. Although I have
been exposed to the various resources that this office utilizes, I have yet to incorporate them
in my work. However, my ability to ask questions will prevail this potential problem that
may arise.
10. What ideas do you already have for the position(s)?
A more organized and precise process for completing AFLV packets
A more streamlined budget system
One-on-one meetings with IFC executive board members
11. Why and how will you be successful?
I will be successful because of my previous experiences with resource management,
timelines, budgets, and leadership skills as outlined in my letter of intent.
12. What are your significant time commitments for 2012?
My only significant time commitments for 2012 would be the national holidays, chapter
commitments, and a few weekends per semester to visit home.
Interfraternity Council,
My name is Kevin Whalen and I am majoring in Automotive Engineering Technology. I
am a 22-year old sophomore, and I’m president of Sigma Nu’s pledge class, Beta Pi. I am
running for Vice President for Council Management due to my high interest in this position.
I came to Minnesota State University to seek opportunity and, as a returning student
from the work force, I found more than I had imagined. I already must say that “Going Greek”
has been one of the best decisions of my life. I first became interested in the Interfraternity
Council when I started thinking about the greek community as a whole on campus. That’s when
I started to ask myself questions such as “How could I become more involved to make a
difference within MSU and the greek community?” I soon found myself researching deeper
into IFC and its offered positions, and the respected students who currently hold them as well
as those who have previously held them. Among all of the officers, my interest level always
peaked when I read and talked about the Vice President for Council Management.
I am active with two volunteer fire departments at home in Iowa. I have eight active
years with Dickens Fire Department and two active years with Milford Fire Department. I have
assisted with training my fellow firefighters, served as an incident captain leading primary and
secondary attack teams in controlling and extinguishing fires and with securing wrecked
vehicles. I gained valuable skills such as resource management, leadership, and also how to
follow a budget through my experiences as a firefighter. After being elected as president for
my pledge class, I continued building upon my previously developed leadership skills by
ensuring that all of the pledge class officers were completing their necessary jobs.
I believe that I could complete the duties and fulfill the description of Vice President for
Council Management as listed in the Interfranternity Council Constitution and By-Laws. If I am
elected Vice President for Council Management, I would like to create a budget for the spring
semester right away, so it could be reviewed and accepted as soon as possible. I would then
start creating future budgets so the council can be prepared for upcoming events and
semesters. This concept would prevent late budget proposals and less stress for the new
elective when he takes office. I would then hope this pattern would continue with new elective
proposing their fall budget and the following spring budget to the council to be passed. I
believe this would create a much more organized and better prepared council for this year and
many years to follow.
Interfraternity Council Officer Application
Please complete this before nominations on November 09,2011
(elections are November 10, 2011 at 6pm)
(include a letter of intent)
Nick Jirik
1. Year in school______Sophomore________
2. Major__Accounting, Economics__________________
3. Tech ID __________10434605_________
4. Cumulative GPA____3.01________ (all officers are required to have a 2.5)
5. Anticipated Graduation Date_____May 2015________
Previous Fraternity Involvement
6. Greek affiliation and semesters active__Lambda Chi Alpha – 1 semester______________
7. Offices Held (both IFC and Chapter)___________________none________________________
IFC Intentions
8. Position(s) you are running for. ___Vice President of Council Management, Vice President of
Conduct Review______________________________________________________________
If you are running for Recruitment will you be able to be in Mankato over the summer?
9. What would be your greatest limitation (perceived difficulty) in taking on this position(s)? __The
greatest limitation I see in taking on these positions would be producing an annual budget for
the position of Council Management seeing as I am unfamiliar with current expenditures of the
IFC and as for Conduct Review the greatest limitation would be holding a mock hearing because
I am unsure of the procedure IFC follows for these but I am confident that I will be able to
become accustomed to it quickly with some studying and familiarization.
10. What ideas do you already have for the position(s)?__Ideas I have for the Council Management
would be to create a public file location possibly on MavDISK to share and distribute public files,
such as minutes, among members. An idea for the position of Conduct Review would be to
create an electronic presentation, such as a PowerPoint, to use as an aid in the judicial board
training sessions and mock hearing.
11. Why and how will you be successful? __I will be successful because I am organized, work in a
timely manner, and can operate under pressure and deadlines. Also in the case of Conduct
Review I am confident that I can and will remain unbiased. I look to apply these skills and myself
as a whole in order to best serve the IFC for the purpose of achieving excellence in the Greek
12. What are your significant time commitments for 2012?
__Significant time commitments I hold for 2012 would be my current employment which I work
on weekends and my positions as a senator with MSSA in which I attend weekly meetings on