Interfraternity Council Application of Intent

Interfraternity Council Application of Intent
Fill out one form for each position for which you are interested. Please type or print (with black
or blue pen) clearly. Applications can be turned into the VP of Council Management
( or the IFC mailbox in the Greek Office no later than October 30,
2015 at midnight. Feel free to attach additional paper(s) as necessary.
Tech ID:
Class Year:
Initiation Date:
Expected Date of Graduation:
Position applied for:
If you are applying for the VP of Recruitment or VP of Public Relations and Marketing
position(s), will you be available for orientation and/or marketing related activities during the
summer months?
What past leadership positions have you held in your fraternity and/or on the Interfraternity
What campus leadership experiences have you had?
What qualities do you possess which would help you in the position? How would these qualities
assist you?
What goals would you set for this position in the coming year?
Additional comments:
Applicant signature*:_________________________________ Date:__________________
Outgoing Officer signature**:__________________________ Date:___________________
*Your signature acknowledges that grade check will be done to verify eligibility.
**The signature of the outgoing officer means that the applicant took time to meet with the outgoing officer about
the position. It is not an endorsement of the applicant from the outgoing officer. If the applicant meets with the
outgoing officer and discusses the position, the outgoing officer must sign this sheet.