Job Aid Ordering and Completing Non-Catalog Items Note: It is recommended that you Bookmark frequently used pages as Favorites to save navigation steps: Step Action 1. Create a new cart by navigating to the cart Icon on the left side of any BuyWays page: 2. Go to My Carts and Orders and click on View Draft Shopping Carts 3. Select the 4. button Name your cart, if you like: 5. Click the button to make sure the change holds. This is a searchable field. 6. Select the button. The Non-Catalog Item page opens. The vendor’s name goes in the Enter Vendor field (requires a minimum of 3 characters of vendor's name). If you know the supplier's name, you can start typing it in the Enter Vendor field and potential matches will display. 7. Enter a valid value; e.g. "Rem.” When the name appears, select it. Updated for the Phoenix View: 01.21.14 Page 1 Job Aid Step Action Note: If your vendor name does not appear, use the vendor search link to search for your vendor. If you still cannot find it, follow your campus policy for adding a vendor to vendor file in BuyWays. 8. To view the dispatch method for your order, select Note: 9. If the vendor’s distribution method shows as “Manual,” the purchase order will not autodispatch to the vendor. Procurement will print the purchase order and mail it unless the requisition has the Confirming/not sent to vendor checkbox selected. See the Note under Step 30. Enter the line description in the Product Description field. Enter "Consulting Services.” 10. Enter the Catalog No. in the Catalog No. field. If no catalog number is available, enter "NA." 11. Enter the Quantity in the Quantity field. Enter a valid value; e.g. "1." 12. Enter the unit price in the Price Estimate field. Enter a valid value; e.g., "6000.00." 13. Since in this exercise you have finished shopping, click the Save and Close button. The page appears. 14. IF YOU ARE A SHOPPER, YOU MAY SELECT THE BOX AND SKIP TO STEPS 36-38, or you may continue, below, to populate additional fields, if you like. 15. To select the commodity code for this product: Click the Drop-down menu and select the commodity that is appropriate for your line description. Page 2 Updated for the Phoenix View: 01.21.14 Job Aid Step Action Note: You may also assign a contract identifier for this purchase on this page if one is available in the system: 16. Click the Proceed to Checkout button. 17. The required information ribbon indicates this order is missing its Shipping and Accounting Codes information. This information must be entered before submitting the request for approval. All tabs must contain a checkmark to qualify for submittal to workflow. 18. Click the edit button on the Shipping tab. 19. Click the drop-down menu list and, Click the Favorite address 1 list item and select the address. Note: If no default or Favorites have been saved to your Profile, search for and select the desired Ship to by clicking on the 20. Click the Save button. 21. To add the required accounting information: link. Click the Accounting Codes tab in the required information ribbon. 22. To enter the Speedtype: Click the button. Updated for the Phoenix View: 01.21.14 Page 3 Job Aid Step Action 23. Click in the Required field box under Speedtype. 24. Insert the desired Speedtype: e.g., 123456-A (case sensitive) Or, You may use the Select from all values link to perform a search. 25. Insert the account code in the Required field box under Account: e.g., 757030-A (case sensitive) Or, You may use the Select from all values link to perform a search 26. You may also select a Class at this screen level. When you have finished with this page: Click the Save button. 27. Click the Final Review link. 28. The Prepared for identifier in the General Section of the Header may be changed if the Requisitioner entered the requisition and wants to identify that person (email notifications about the requisition will go to the person identified in the Prepared for) To change the Prepared for Click the edit button. 29. Click the Select a different user... link. 30. Enter specific information in the User Search fields. Or, Click the Search button to Page 4 Updated for the Phoenix View: 01.21.14 Job Aid Step Action Note: The General Information section also contains, the Confirming/not sent to vendor and Blanket Order options. If Confirming/not sent to vendor is selected, the PO will not be sent to the vendor. You may print a copy of the PO, if you like. If Blanket Order is selected, all lines on the requisition will be blanket order lines. Blanket Order lines MUST BE ENTERED WITH A QUANTITY OF 1. The system will allow greater than 1, but the resulting purchase order will not be a blanket order. 31. To select one or both of these options, Click the edit button. 32. Click the Confirming/not sent to vendor option. 33. Or, Click the Blanket Order option. 34. Click the Save button. 35. The yellow message box lets you know the required information fields have been completed. 36. Shoppers – continued from Step 14: If you are a Shopper, use the Assign Cart box to select your requisitioner and add instructions using the Note to Assignee field. 37. Click the Assign button. 38. A message appears letting you know your cart has been successfully assigned to a Requisitioner for completion and processing of your requisition. 39. Requisitioners – continued from Step 35: If you have created the cart as a Requisitioner and all the required information has been completed, you can submit the Requisition for approval. Updated for the Phoenix View: 01.21.14 Page 5 Job Aid Step 40. Action Click the Submit Requisition button. Submit the Requisition to an Approver. 41. A message appears letting you know your cart has been successfully submitted for Approval. 42. Congratulations! You have successfully ordered and completed a non-catalog item. End of Procedure. Page 6 Updated for the Phoenix View: 01.21.14