Baruch College Faculty Senate Plenary Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2014 MINUTES Senators Attending: E. Axelrod (Law), M. Carew (Eco/Fin), C. Christoforatou (ENG), A. Croker (S/CIS), S. Dishart (COMM), B. Ferns (S/CIS), W. Finke (ModLang), K. Frank (ENG), R. Freedman (ZSB), M. Goodman (COMM), A. Grein (Mkt/Int’lBus), C. Hessel (Eco/Fin), D. Howard (Math), R. Jain (S/CIS), G. Jurkevich (ModLang), S. Korenman (SPA), C. Kulatilleke (NatSci), T. Main (SPA), T. Martell (Eco/Fin), B. Murphy (HIS), J. O'Keefe Bazzoni (COMM), R. Ormsby (LIB), M. Ozbilgin (ACC), A. Pearlman (PSY), G. Petersen (Soc/Anth), L. Rath (LIB), M. Seltzer (SPA) M. Stark (SPA), A. Vora (Eco/Fin), S. Wine (S/CIS), Yin (MGT), R. Yue (S/CIS) . Senators Absent: C. Bellamy (Soc/Anth), C. Gengler (Mkt/Int’lBus ), K. Guest (Soc/Anth), S. Johnson (PSY), D. Jones (PolSci), A. Levitus (CNSLNG/PSY), W. McClellan (ENG), P. Sethi (MGT), J. Weiser (Law), J. Ye (ACC) X. Twenty-three additional members of the faculty noted their presence. The meeting was convened at 12:45 p.m. in VC 14-250 by Professor Chris. Hessel, Chair of the Faculty Senate. I. II. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved by assent. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes of Special Meeting of November 4, 2014 were approved by assent. III. Report from the Chairman Chris Hessel, reported that President Wallerstein has been elected to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science to strong applause. President Wallerstein was elected as part of the Section on Social, Economic and Political Sciences for his scholarly contributions in the fields of international peace and security, human rights, and trade security policy, and for leadership in higher education. He noted the recent comments of Chancellor Milliken concerning his emphasis of development, excellence of teaching and a more global perspective. Further, he noted Professor Martell’s posture of the need for more active executive committees of the Faculty Senate. Finally he introduced the subject of the composition of the Education Policy Committee. IV. Changes in Composition of the College-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: Chairman Hessel summarized the proposed changes. Proposal: Amendment to the Baruch College Faculty Senate By-Laws Change to the membership of the College‐wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee to broaden participation in critical areas. No change to the committee’s charge: The College-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will review and approve college-wide curricular matters including the undergraduate core curriculum and curricular mandates imposed by NYS, NYC or CUNY that have a broad impact on College 1 curricula. The committee will report at the next available opportunity to the Baruch College Faculty Senate (BCFS) plenary at least once a semester. No Change to this part of Committee Members A. School curriculum committee chairs (three): ( 1 vote each) If a school has a separate undergraduate curriculum committee, the chair of that committee will be a member; If a school does not have separate curriculum committees, the chair of the school curriculum committee will a member; B. Provost or designee (1 vote) C. Dean or designee from each of the three schools (1 vote each) Membership Changes to be voted on: 1. Three faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate. One faculty member from each of the three schools. (1 vote each), Replacing two faculty members from different schools elected by the Faculty Senate. ( 1 vote each) 2. Senior faculty member from Library (1 vote) 3. Two undergraduate students (1 vote each) 4. Registrar or designee (no vote) A motion was made and seconded to adopt the proposed changes to the composition of the Committee. Professor Susan Locke suggested that the faculty representation be elected by the General faculty not the Faculty Senate. Professor Dennis Slavin spoke in support of the motion and to recognize the position of Professor Locke. He asked that the faculty elected be experienced in curriculum matters. Professor Ashok Vora raised the issue of the representation on the committee of the three schools of Baruch and the schools select their representatives. Chairman Hessel suggested that Professor Vora’s suggested changes would be made. Professor Kenan Mohan as chairman of the Zicklin Undergraduate Curriculum Committee inquired as to the impact of the proposed changes on the individual school’s curriculum committees. Chairman Hessel responded that the proposal would not affect the positions of the school’s curriculum committees. Professor Glenn Petersen raised the issue of the impact of the “Pathways Initiative” on the operation of the committees. In response to Professor Locke’s concerns he asserted that the proposed changes would empower the faculty curriculum committees to more effectively with such processes as the “Pathways Initiative.” Professor Terrence Martell spoke in support of the motion. A vote was taken and the proposal was approved. 2 V. Presentation of the Global Strategic Plan: Dean Jeffrey Peck stated that he was not speaking as a Dean but as Vice Provost of global initiatives. He noted the many faculty and administration officers who had participated in the preparation of the Plan. He noted that the Plan had attracted the interest of Chancellor Milliken, and the President had forward the Plan to the Chancellor. He further noted the catalyst of Baruch’s own strategic plan as a source for the Global Strategic Plan. As such Baruch is substantially ahead of the other CUNY colleges in moving to a global perspective. He described the five components of the Plan and the process of implementation: GLOBAL STRATEGIC PLAN Five Strategic Priorities 1. Increase international student recruitment (on and off site) 2. Increase study abroad 3. Increase faculty collaborative research 4. Create global academic programs 5. Build institutional effectiveness, including a budget model to support global activities Implementation 1. A communication campaign that announces the Global Strategic Plan and what it means for the College. 2. A plan for the individual schools and other administrative units, led by their respective Deans, Directors of Global Initiatives, and administrative directors, to reassess the global components of their individual school’s and administrative unit’s strategic plans and to design granular school or unit plans for aligning with the College's new global strategy. 3. An assessment strategy for all five priorities in the Global Strategic Plan. 4. An enrollment plan that includes targets for international students since the matriculation of these students is essential to the financial viability and success of our global strategy. 5. A discussion and evaluation of the global organizational infrastructure to increase budgetary and administrative efficiency. He noted that the Plan did not provide for the expenditure of funds, and therefore the development of a budget including the identification of sources of revenues to permit implementation. In conclusion, he noted the crucial requirement of inclusion of the faculty in the implementation process. Professor Michael Seltzer commended the plan and noted the need to include the global perspective in all our courses; further he inquired as to the need to better prepare foreign students in written and oral communications. Professor Petersen recognized the great diligence that went into the 3 preparation of the Plan. His concern is that constant problem of balancing excellence and access for our students. Chairman Hessel noted that among the deliberation of the President’s cabinet whereby a local student is substituted with a foreign or out of state student enhancing revenue. The objective is to pursue the Plan’s implementation is to be a no net cost. Dean Peck noted that the Plan is not purposed to enhance the College’s revenues. Professor Mindy Engle-Friedman commented that the Plan should address the impact on Climate Change. Dean Peck responded the Plan was sensitive to Climate Change and incorporated sustainability criteria. Professor Katherine Pence inquired of the Plan’s consideration of global collaborative teaching and research collaboration. Student Michael Harris thanked the Dean for the proposal and inquired as to what changes would be effected regarding student recruitment. Chairman Hessel inquired of what countries and regions are being considered. Dean Peck referred to the Plan’s targeted counties are China, Peru, Brazil, Viet Nam, Argentina, India, Canada and several others. He also noted that faculty was not being constrained from individual initiatives. VI. Report from the President: President Wallerstein reported on the redesign of the 25th street plaza and requested faculty involvement in the effort. The College’s Diversity Plan being available at the Library and the web-site. Chairman Hessel noted the next meeting the first Thursday in February, and wished all a pleasant holiday. VII. VIII. New Business: None Announcements: None Meeting Adjourned at 2:12 pm Respectfully Submitted Michael G. Carew, Faculty Senate Secretary 4