Planning Sub Meeting and Confer Open Forum Findings and Recommendations 2nd Draft

2nd Draft
Planning Sub Meeting and Confer
Open Forum Findings and Recommendations
Planning sub meet and confer lead an effort to communicate status of the key institutional
priorities and solicit input from the campus as a whole. During the three campus wide
Open Forums we discussed with the campus a key question:
As you look at 2010 and beyond, what major directions or changes do you anticipate
in facilities, students, mission, program or technical priorities?
a) What will our campus look like?
b) How will our students change? What adjustments should we make to
accommodate these changes?
c) What directions in academic programs do you see? New initiatives?
This is a summary of what we heard during the open forum and in subsequent physical
and electronic feedback.
Overall Summary:
The forums were very well attended by a broad cross section of the University. They
were well received by both the campus and MnSCU.
We heard very positive feedback on the President’s Strategic Priorities and all that was
being accomplished on this campus in the last few years.
We received positive feedback and comments on the 2 new strategic priorities as long as
some of the current priorities had finished and are moving to a permanent sub meet and
confer or standing committee/commission status. Some mention of a tie between the
current Diversity Priority and the new International Priority could receive consideration.
The Gamma Draft Strategic Planning Document should move out of draft with some
minor revisions. A new glossy brochure and glossy summary would be a valuable
communication tool to both internal and external constituents in regards to our Strategic
Plan and Priorities. The complete alignment of Vision, Mission, Values and Priorities
should be emphasized in this document.
Consideration of how the campus can introduce new priorities should be given.
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Move toward an energy sustainable or green campus including open space, green space
and light free zones.
Continue funding of strategic priorities and consideration for funding for key goals and
initiatives as well. A plan to move the current priorities to a sustainable funding model
should be implemented. (A joint planning and budget sub meet is being planned for this
Concentrate Student Housing near campus core
Continue the move to a more pedestrian campus
Continued pursuit of the ability for MSU to offer Applied Doctorate in selected fields
focused on the needs of Greater Minnesota
Need for more classroom space and a more modular setup in these classrooms to
accommodate news ways of instruction (such as group and collaborative work). More
overall space for offices and meetings should be considered.
We should continue to review the changing demographics of our students and the unique
needs that these students may have. This includes an aging student body and
staff/faculty. Mental health issues also need to be addressed.
Capital campaign should proceed and be supported by the campus.
Continue work to Market the university with a goal to let others know who we are and
what we offer Minnesota.
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Additional Comments from Campus input:
Review student nutritional needs in lieu increased “fast food” in the CSU
Assessment or evaluation committee should continue
Observatories need to be light free
Need more GA’s and “GAship’s”
Questions on Distance learning efforts (DLTF forums followed our forums)
The need to assess quality were discussed
Community Issues vs. campus issues how do we handle i.e. needs of immigrant
population, consideration of the religious practices of our students
Financial Pressure on our students
Integration of parents and family in the student college experience
Increased career services needs – i.e. resume assistance
Focus on student retention from sophomore to junior year
Interdisciplinary Studies need to be streamlined
Addressing changes in the physical, mental, emotional well-being of our incoming
Opportunity for our students of color to reach out to local students of color in K-12
Student trends – demand for technology and distance education, centralization,
standardization and uniformity
Need to be visible to the Twin Cites
Clarify MnSCU’s role with and for MSU
Concerns about PSEO and high school student enrollment in university level course work
External Grant opportunities need to be pursued
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