– 2012 Technology Fee Focus: 2011 Objectives

Technology Fee Focus: 2011 – 2012
Student Technology Fee Subcommittee
Academic Computer Center
Look at extending Specialized Satellite Labs coverage to additional areas, such
as engineering and graphic design labs, with tier equipment. (elevate priority)
o Investigate desktop virtualization of specialized software packages
 Add more apps to MavAPPS; esp. MS Office
 Note graduation college needs here, too
 Virtualization of apps for satellite labs
o Continue funding of the ACC and Specialized Satellite Labs, look at additional
features that would enhance the student experience within the general lab
o Continue the comprehensive machine cycle to keep technology movement
between labs and other student areas up-to-date.
o Define faculty procedure for upgrading/requesting new software.
o Send out message to faculty to get feedback early enough
Improve the marketing and communication of IT initiatives, services and tools
o Information about labs to faculty
o Brochures and websites (ie having websites where group study areas, or
computers with certain programs) are
o Update online events page & post to social media sites
o Publicize and strongly recommend technology training for faculty and
staff in academic technologies.
o Provide information about MSU Technology and IT Initiatives for all
o In forums such as FYE, international, transfer, and graduation
orientations, open houses, information tables in CSU, etc.
o Continue “Love your computer week”/ “Tech Fair” to educate the
campus about technology and safe computer use.
o Maintain e-mail notification of new technologies and computer and
software updates; archive update information for public access.
o Promote online learning tools that are under-utilized (Smartthinking
o Promote the Campus Computer Store
Network Infrastructure
o Implement redundancy in the network and connection to Internet to reduce and
prevent service outages.
o Continue to increase network bandwidth for Internet and Internet 2 access.
o Investigate external revenue streams (MnSCU email hosting, etc.)
o Examine laptop electrical power needs in classrooms (Wissink, 7700 France,
and others)
o Provide better controls and monitoring systems to protect student computers
from viruses, worms, spam and hacking.
o Increase security and performance of networking infrastructure including wireless
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Core Technology Services
o Continue to improve MavDISK and enhance capabilities for students.
o Improve experience for guest login capabilities for networks and computers.
Investigate StarID authentication to allow visiting students to use campus
o Encourage students and faculty to reduce printing and use alternatives to printing
(New “Green Campaign” reminders)
 Towards a paperless campus
o Continue to explore the outsourcing of campus email services e.g. live.edu.
o Continue to provide reliable MavMAIL service and enhance capabilities for
 Investigate increasing general MavMAIL space or backup e-mail space
o Continue to add new technologies at the Campus Computer Store
Classroom Technology
o Continue equipping classrooms and labs with devices that enhance instruction,
student learning, and the development of technology skills.
o Continue integrating emerging instructional technologies into the curriculum.
o Provide adequate resources for the ongoing service and support necessary to
sustain reliable classroom operations.
o Continue to provide fair distribution of technology throughout campus and
o Expanded support and service of CSU presentation systems.
 Investigate implementation of TelePresence system
o Maintain a consistent maintenance and replacement cycle for classroom
multimedia presentation equipment.
Instructional Management Software (IMS)
o Assist faculty, graduate TAs and undergraduate students in the use of the
instructional management system (Desire2Learn).
o Support instructional designers on campus to the benefit of students
Student Study Areas
o Continue installing power and mobile communications support.
o Continue designing space to improve both collaboration for group study and
comfort for individual study. (Committee preference to fully implement area until
funding is gone rather than to implement something in all areas).
Possible areas for improvement:
 Memorial Library
 Minnesota room in the library (2nd floor)
 Ford Hall
 Armstrong Hall
myMNSU Portal
o Continue to move campus resources to the portal
 Promote capabilities to students/staff.
 Continue to improve search results on MSU-M website
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New Technology Initiatives
o “Suggestion Box” for student ideas for technology initiatives
o Eliminate expansion of public area electronic “billboards”
Support for the Distance Learner
o Provide non-campus based students with technology and support to meet their
needs not covered by existing services as demand requires. (i.e., MavAPPS)
o Use of technology for advising services including 7700 France
o Increase computer support for 7700 France via technology such as videophones
o Expand helpdesk hours (i.e., to cover 7700 France Saturday courses)
o Printers at 7700 France and how – to
Continued support for Library computing
o Provide ongoing commitment and support laptops for checkout to students.
o Routing of Minnesota State Mankato library material to 7700 France campus
o Increase e-books, textbooks, and online documentation and support for
associated readers (possible inclusion of InterLibraryLoan)
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