Benedictine University Student Senate ~~~~Application~~~~ 2014-2015

Benedictine University
Student Senate
Name: _____________________________
Permanent Home Address: _________________________________________________
City: _____________________________
Phone: __________________________
State: _____ Zip Code: _________
Cell Phone: ___________________
Current Address:___________________________________________________
City: _____________________________
State: _____ Zip Code: _________
Grade Point Average (cum):________________
Major: _______________________
Class: __________________
Minor: ______________________
I, ________________________________, the undersigned, do intend to run for the
Student Senate position of 2014-2015 _________________ Senator. If I should be
elected I promise to follow and uphold the guidelines for my position outlined in the
Student Senate Constitution and Bylaws.
Please submit a short bio including your name, class year, major and why you
would like to be elected to Student Senate.
Applications are due on or before April 11, 5:00pm to Krasa 055. NO late
applications will be accepted.
*By signing this sheet you agree to abide by the Campaign guidelines as set by the
Student Senate Elections Committee.*
**By signing this sheet you agree to allow Joan Henehan to check your GPA in order to
ensure you are in good academic standing to participate in this organization.**
Signature and Date