Please read and sign the following consent form for medical treatment: Should medical care be needed for my child (Name of child) The Minnesota State University, Mankato band staff will make every effort to contact me for directions as to that care. In case of a medical emergency, I hereby authorize the Minnesota State Mankato staff to obtain urgent emergency medical care for my child during the Minnesota State, Mankato High School Honor Band on January 22, 2016. I understand that I will be responsible for the payment of any medical expenses incurred by my child during the Honor Band day. Medical Insurance Carrier: Policy Number: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Relationship to Student: _______________________________________________ Special medical needs or concerns: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Name and phone number in case of emergency: _____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Please bring the Medical Form with you on Friday, January 22, 2016.