University Planning Council Minutes from Meeting, November 20, 2013 Attendees: Ariano, Patricia; de la Camara, Maria; Gibbons, Kari; Masini, Marco; Kolich, Eileen; Stanley, Robert; Stoecker, Nancy; Robb, Mercedes; Wangler, Tom 1. Review of Minutes from Sept. 19, 2013 UPC Meeting: a. Nancy and Tom raised comments that would amend the minutes, with those changes minutes were approved. b. Eileen reviewed the committee meeting schedule. All agreed meetings will be held once mid-month on Thursdays from 1:30-2:30pm. 2. Overview and Progress on: Unit Reports; Action Plans; Year End Reports a. The comprehensive approach to requiring both Academics & University Services to participate in Three Year Action Plan and Year End Reports is going to initially be time consuming but will lead to very necessary shared communication and review/measurement necessary for University improvements and continued strategic planning. This process will help us become stronger as an AQIP university. i. Tom indicated every academic program is in the process of creating Three Year Plan (TYP). Goal is that these will be completed prior to faculty departing for winter break. Academic reports will be housed in D2L and information will be archived. ii. Robert indicated he is meeting with the University Services Division heads. He indicated a new group has been formed, the Operational Council, which the Executive VP will Chair. Operational Council, new on Charlie’s side. This group will review the unit and action plans. Robert mentioned that this level of documentation and assessment is not only what we need for AQIP but also what we need for the University’s strategic plan. iii. The group discussed how “Services” will assess their goals. And it was confirmed that all significant departmental units will be required to submit a 3 year action plan. The group addressed the need for an electronic repository which would either be D2L (which is familiar to academics but not University Services) or a new tool called Track That (which Robert is considering given its ability to extrapolate data among other benefits). University Services committee members agreed to learn D2L if that’s the desired medium for report entry and storage. All agreed we need one consistent location for all of these reports. 3. AQIP Category Writing Teams: expectations relative to the AQIP Systems Portfolio process; form subcommittees; identify key contact person/s; identify expectations and timelines; use AQIP planning document. a. Tom provided a chart which he articulated with each of the UPC members and then how those members would be split up among the 9 AQIP categories with said individuals acting as Chair of the subcommittee. b. The group discussed how the rules for the Systems Portfolio have changed in that every question must be answered and it was noted that some Categories will require student involvement. c. A tentative invite list for each of the AQIP Category Subcommittee was created and will be revised as needed in the next meeting with invites going out from the President. Please note: representatives from Mesa, Moser and Springfield campuses are included. i. Category 1 – Peter Seely, Steven Day, Wilson Chen, Wilson Chen, Cheryl Heinz, Terry Sak ii. Category 2 – Nancy Stoecker, Alicia Tait, Lou Simios, Susie Doddek iii. Category 3 – Marco Masini, Alumni Representative, Trente Arens, Kevin Broeckling, Jon Miller iv. Category 4 – Alan Gorr, Betsy Rhinesmith, Faculty Welfare Representative, FU with Kevin/Mike for Springfield and FU with Jo/Mick for Mesa v. Category 5 – Maria de la Camara, Mercy Robb, Mike, Mick, vi. Category 6 – Kari Gibbons, Kevin Sherman, Jennifer Golminas, Amy Weidner vii. Category 7 –Robert Stanley, Eileen Kolich, David Sonnenberger, Dina Ismail, Julie Cosimo viii. Category 8 – Tom Wangler, Bill Carroll, Charlie Gregory, Don Taylor ix. Category 9 – Pat Ariano, Jo Wilson, Deb Smith, Denise West, Michelle Koppitz d. Tom addressed the question Nancy, and others, had raised with respect to our plans, goals and reports addressing branch campuses. He reached out to Mary Green, HLC, and the directive was that we proceed as one institution but make specific parenthetical notes if statements refer to a specific campus. This way if HLC has questions they know where they should be directed. e. The group discussed the need for and logistics associated with a University Assessment Committee. f. Tom indicated he plans to invite UPC members/Category Subcommittee Chairs to use DropBox. DropBox will allow groups to share and store documents easily. Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for either: Thursday, December 5, 2-3pm or Monday, December 9, 10:30-11:30am Meeting recorder: Kari Gibbons