Evaluation of Dropsonde Humidity and Temperature Sensors using IHOP and DYCOMS-II data Junhong (June) Wang Hal Cole NCAR/ATD Acknowledgement: Kate Young, Dean Lauritsen, Terry Hock, and Krista Laursen (all ATD), Matthew Coleman (PennState U.) Wang (2004, submitted to JTECH) Motivations 1. Under-utilization of dropsonde humidity data in Hurricane forecasting, 2. Dry biases in dropsonde data suggested by previous studies, 3. Comparisons of dropsonde and LASE data during IHOP, 4. More field projects used dropsonde data to map moisture and validate remote sensors, 5. Our experiences with radiosonde humidity data. Thanks to James Franklin, NOAA/AOML/NHC Data courtesy Sim Aberson, HRD Humidity dry bias from pervious studies % MR difference between LASE and dropsonde CAMEX-3 ~8% RD93-TWC CAMEX-4 RD93-RS90 From Vance et al. (2004) From Kooi et al. (2002) LASE-Dropsonde Comparisons (<75 km & <75 min) • Lear dropsondes were in good agreement overall (<5%), but Falcon dropsondes were consistently drier by ~8%. Courtesy Ed Browell, NASA/LARC 5 H2O DIAL Dropsonde Altitude [km] 4 June 9, 2002, 12:51 UT 3 100.21W, 36.56N 2 Altitude [km] 5 DLR-DIAL Comparisons with Dropsondes + 4 H2O DIAL Dropsonde June 9, 2002, 13:17 UT 3 102.71W, 36.55N 2 1 6 8 10 12 H2O Mixing Ratio [g/kg] 14 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 H2O Mixing Ratio [g/kg] Courtesy Gehard Ehret (DLR) 14 Errors/Biases in Dropsonde Humidity Data 1. Contamination dry bias due to outgassing from the sensor packaging material, sensor bulk head, the outer tube and others, 2. Humidity time lag error, 3. Sensor wetting or icing. Data from two field experiments 1. IHOP_2002 (SGP, May-June 2002): • 71 pairs of co-incident dropsonde and radiosonde soundings for intercomparisons, • Comparisons of old and young sensors. 2. DYCOMS-II (NE Pacific, July 2001): DYCOMS-II • All 63 dropsondes into marine stratocumulus clouds, • Comparisons with co-incident airborne ascending and descending data. Comparisons with radiosonde data (IHOP) • Total 420 dropsondes from two aircrafts and for four types of missions • Total 2879 radiosondes from 19 fixed stations and three mobile systems • Total 158 pairs within 50 km and half hour, and 71 sampled the same air masses based on visual examination. Norman 1996-2002 VIZ-B 100 VIZ-B2 Vaisala RS80-H Number of Soundings 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 9601 9701 9801 9901 0001 Year/Month ARM-B6 1996-2002 0101 0201 June 9, 18 UTC RH T Q Mean Differences (Dropsonde-Radiosonde) RH T Q Heat conduction to explain the cold bias The bulk-head and sensor boom are warmer than the environment, so conduct heat to the sensors: 1. Inside 2. outside 3. reach equilibrium Tm > Ta and RH2 < RH1 RH2 Sensors come from colder to warmer air, so sensors lose heat to the BH/SB : Tm < Ta and RH1-RH2 4. in the flight Colder dropsonde T than radiosonde in IHOP (~0.4C) RH1 T IHOP Lear dropsonde PTU sensors (402) 350 297 300 Number of sondes Ages of PTU sensors for IHOP 250 200 150 100 48 49 50 Sonde built dates: 8 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 Manufacture Year Feb-Apr 2002 IHOP Falcon dropsonde PTU sensors (91) 100 88 90 Number of sondes 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 0 2 1999 2000 2001 0 Manufacture Year 2002 Comparisons of old and new dropsondes <20 km, < 40 min Performance in Clouds (Dycoms-II) Marine Stratus Cumulus clouds Specifications of different sensors during DYCOMS-II Instrument Variables Range Precision Accuracy RH 0-100% 1% 2%* pressure temperature wind 1080-3 hPa -90C to 60C 0-200 m/s 0.1 hPa 0.1 C 0.1 m/s 0.4 hPa* 0.2 C* +0.5 m/s NCAR Lyman-alpha hygrometer (“stub” and cross-flow) mixing ratio 0.1-25 g/m3 0.2% 5% GE 1011B Dew Point Hygrometer dew point temperature -65C to 50C 0.006C 0.5C (>0 C) 1.0 C (<0 C) Rosemount temperature sensor temperature -60C to 40C 0.006C 1.0C PMS Liquid Water Sensor liquid water content 0-5 g/ m3 0.001 g/m3 0.02 g/m3 Vaisala Dropsonde RD93: H-HUMICAP thin film capacitor BAROCAP silicon sensor THERMOCAP capacitive bead Codeless GPS receiver GPS 121 Matching dropsonde with C-130 ascending/descending profile Overshooting Descending Ascending Time-lag Error Mean estimated time constant of ~5 s is larger than 0.5 s given by the manufacture. Sensor Wetting Introduce alternative heating of twin humidity sensors to speed up the evaporation Performance of the Temperature Sensor: Wetting Error? Wetting error in airborne insitu T sensors (e.g. Eastin 2002): ~1-3C for Rosemount. Summary on Dropsonde Evaluation 1. Dry Bias: No systematic dry bias is found in dropsonde humidity data as suggested by previous studies. 2. In Clouds: The maximum RH inside clouds does not show 100% all the time, but is within the sensor accuracy range (95-100%). 3. Time Lag Errors: The dropsonde humidity sensor experienced large time-lag errors when it descended from a very dry environment above clouds into clouds. Mean estimated time-constant of the sensor is 5 s at 15C, which is much larger than 0.5 s at 20C given by the manufacture. 4. Sensor Wetting: The dropsonde humidity sensor still reported nearsaturation RH after it exited clouds because of water on the sensor. The alternative sensor heating for twin humidity sensor (not currently implemented) might help speeding up evaporation of the water. 5. Temperature: Another sensor wetting effect is on temperature data. The DYCOMS-II comparison show colder dropsonde temperatures inside and below clouds by 0.21C and 0.93 C, respectively. The IHOP data also show ~0.4 C colder dropsonde data, which might be due to the heat conduction between sensors and the bulk head and sensor boom.