EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Services © 2008 California State University, Fullerton

Human Resource Services
© 2008 California State University, Fullerton
To review the Staff and Management Recruitment Process
 On-Line Requisition Process
 Types of Employees & Appointments
 Requisition Approval Process
 Job Posting & Advertisement
 Forms & Documentation Requirements
 Resume Screening & Requirements
(CSUEU 9.3 Hiring Preference)
 Interview & Search Committee
 Reference Check Process
 Recommendation Process
 Offer Process
On-Line Requisition Process
 Go to the Human Resources website at:
http://hr.fullerton.edu/Employment and complete a
requisition on-line (refer to the “How to Create a
Requisition in BrassRing” on-line guide).
 The requisition goes through the HR Classification/
Review and Approval process.
 Once all listed approvers review and approve, it
will be processed for Job Posting/Announcement.
 All requisitions must be approved by 5pm Monday
to be posted that same week. Requisitions that
come in approved on Tuesday or after will be posted
the following week.
Types of Employees & Appointments
 On-going/Probationary
 Fiscal Year Temporary
 Long Term Temporary (one year or more)
 Emergency/Temporary (less than 180 days)
 Retired Annuitant, Special Consultant, Casual Worker
 At Will/MPP (Administrator)
Requisition Approval Process
 …Review approval process
 …By pass options
Job Posting & Advertising
 There is a 14 day minimum posting requirement.
 The Job Listing is updated every Thursday.
 Each job is posted on the HR website, campus
bulletin boards, the CSU-wide website,
HigherEdJobs.com, SoCalHERC website,
and sent to over 50 community organizations
(EDD, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) free of charge.
 Newspaper advertisements and ads on any other
websites are placed by HR but paid by individual
departments with a PCard (ad resources and pricing
options are available on the HR website).
 Closing Notices are sent by HR each Monday asking
if the department wants to close the job posting.
Forms & Documentation Requirements
 Applicant Screening Form
 Interview Questions
 Interview Schedule
 Candidate Interview Evaluation
 Pre-Employment Reference Check Form
 Recommendation Form
Resume Screening & Requirements
 Resume screening starts after the job posting
closes by HR or by the department (if requested).
 Resumes that meet the minimum requirements
are sent via “elink” by HR to the department for
review and screening.
 The department reviews and selects candidates to
interview by completing an on-line Applicant Screening
form for ALL applicants.
 CSUEU 9.3 Hiring Preference: What does it mean?
How will it affect your recruitment?
Interview & Search Committee
 HR gives the go ahead to start interviews
once all the screening forms are complete.
 The department submits Interview Questions and the
final Interview Schedule prior to the interviews.
 Sample interview questions are available upon request
to HR.
 Search Committee Selection
 The department completes Candidate Interview
Evaluation forms after interviews for ALL candidates
interviewed via “elink.”
Reference Check Process
 Three pre-employment reference checks are
conducted by the department.
 Obtaining the candidate’s current or most recent
employer’s reference is very important.
 For current employees, no outside references are
required, but a review of the employee’s performance
evaluation as part of this process is recommended.
A reference from the employee’s current supervisor in
lieu of the performance evaluation review is fine as well
(this may vary by division).
 Complete the pre-employment reference check form
via “elink.”
Recommendation Process
 Once all required forms are submitted and
approved by HR, a Recommendation form
will be sent via “elink.”
 The department completes the Recommendation
form for the recommended candidate. A hard copy
is printed and routed for signatures.
 Once all signatures are obtained, the signed
Recommendation form is delivered to HR.
Offer Process
 A verbal offer is made by HR.
 Additional approval may be required
if there is an increase from the original offer
(i.e., salary negotiation).
 If the candidate accepts, the offer is finalized and
recruitment is completed!
 If candidate declines, the department can move onto
the second choice or repost the position.
Questions? Comments?
HRS Employment Team
 Phenicia Allen, Employment Manager
x4637, pallen@fullerton.edu
 Disa Jean-Pierre, Employment Assistant
x7602, mjean-pierre@fullerton.edu
 Janice Lee, Recruiter
x4703, janicelee@fullerton.edu
 Leslie Oliva, Receptionist
x2425, loliva@fullerton.edu
 Anne Marie Perry, Recruiter
x2955, aperry@fullerton.edu
 Chris Schloffer, Employment Specialist
x3478, cschloffer@fullerton.edu
 Rakesha Thomas, Recruiter
x8420, rthomas@fullerton.edu