Summer PSYC Cohort S13 (C13) June 09 – August 17, 2014 ONLINE Instructor - Pat Fitzgerald Email: PRE ASSIGNMENT: Interview a police officer (a friend, relative, etc.) and ask them why they are called "Cops." Post what they tell you as part of your first discussion posting. SOCL 321 CRIME AND DELINQUENCY I. COURSE DESCRIPTION (3 hours credit) Social and psychological factors related to crime, theories of crime and delinquency, police and court systems and correctional institutions. II. TEXTBOOK AND MATERIALS Cole, Smith, DeJong, (2014) Criminal Justice in America. 7TH ED. Cengage Higher Education ISBN: 1-285067665 ISBN: 978-1285067667 III. MISSION STATEMENT Benedictine University is dedicated to the education of undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. As an academic community committed to liberal arts and professional education distinguished and guided by our Roman Catholic tradition and Benedictine heritage, we prepare our students for a lifetime as active, informed and responsible citizens and leaders in the world community. IV. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES A. Benedictine Core Goals Benedictine University's core mission is to prepare students for active participation in an increasingly interconnected world. Its Core Curriculum advances this mission by enabling students to attain a broad range of learning goals, listed below: 1. Demonstrate an effective level of cognitive, communicative, and research skills; 2. Achieve a college level of computational skills and an ability to understand and interpret numerical data; 3. Acquire a knowledge of the history and heritage of western civilization, to include: the contributions of religious faith and philosophical thought to understanding the person in community, the relationship of the individual to society: membership and participation in groups and institutions, scientific literacy through a knowledge of the history, the methods, and the impact of science on the individual, society, and the environment, artistic and literary heritage; 4. Develop an understanding of global society: cultural diversity, mutual relationships, interdependence of peoples and nations; 5. Apply liberal learning in problem-solving contexts as preparation for active participation in society; 6. Make informed ethical decisions that promote personal integrity, the legitimate rights and aspirations of individuals and groups, and the common good. B. Course Objectives/Outcomes As a distribution course within the Core Curriculum, PSYC 321 was designed with the above Core goals in mind. Thus, upon successful completion of the Crime and Delinquency course, the student will be able to demonstrate their mastery of the following objectives and student learning outcomes: 1. The student will identify historical methods of defining crime and delinquency, the evolution of social impact, milestone concepts, theories and punitive responses. 2. The student will identify various operational systems of the police, courts and correctional functions and how they interact to impact juvenile justice. 3. The student will identify current and past efforts initiated by community organizations and governments to identify and combat the problem. V. TEACHING METHODS/DELIVERY SYSTEM Course content will primarily be delivered through textbook reading and online discussions. Specific page-numbered reading assignments are not given, but students are expected to read, in advance, those sections of the text book that will pertain to the class discussions. VI. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Attendance Policy All online students are expected to complete all the course content, including viewing the Power Points, posting to the discussions, and completing the quizzes, which generally follow the Topical Course Outline. They can all be accessed through the D2L content home page. Please consult D2L online help for instructions on completing quizzes and the final exam. This course is highly accelerated, and students will need to take a great deal of responsibility for their own learning outcomes. Attendance is required in each class meeting for the full period of time. Any absence must be due to extraordinary circumstances and will require documentation for it to be considered excused. Documentation must be provided immediately in order to determine what, if any, accommodations are reasonable or possible. Class attendance will directly impact your final grade, and each undocumented absence will be considered unexcused and will result in a 20% reduction in the final grade for the course. Due to the accelerated nature of the course, should you experience a medical condition which prevents you from attending any class(es), appropriate medical documentation must be provided immediately so it may be determined what, if any, accommodations are reasonable or possible. Computer and Internet Access Each student must have the proper computer, software, and internet access to participate in this course. Many public libraries also have computers for public use. It is the student's responsibility to work with the school's IT department BEFORE a problem is encountered. Extensions of Time The discussions, quizzes, research paper, and final exam all have deadlines. Requests for extensions of time are not favored and WILL NOT BE GRANTED except for exceptional reasons. Any requests for extensions of time must be made BEFORE the deadline passes or the request will be denied. Computer problems are NOT exceptional reasons. Reading Assignments Please consult the topical outline for specific reading assignments. Powerpoint Presentations Please consult the topical outline for specific Powerpoint viewing assignments. Discussions Each student must post a 2-3 paragraph thought piece to each discussion question. These can be accessed through D2L and must be completed during the time-frame set forth in the Topical Course Outline. Quizzes Each student must take each quiz but only one attempt per quiz is permitted. There is a 120 minute limit for taking each quiz. Quizzes can be accessed through D2L and must be taken during the time-frame set forth in the topical course outline and the online instructions. Final Exam Each student must take the final exam but only one attempt is permitted. There is a 120 minute limit for taking the final exam. The final exam can be accessed through D2L and must be taken during the time-frame set forth in the topical course outline. Research Paper Each student must submit a written paper examining a topic selected by the student but approved by the instructor. Caution is urged to insure that the topic chosen is not too broad for adequate treatment. No paper submitted late will be accepted or graded. Each paper must be between 1750 and 2000 words in length. The grade is reduced if the paper is too long or too short. Each paper must be researched and written specifically for this class - no papers will be accepted if the instructor believes they have been prepared as an assignment for a different class. Students should insure that the assignment complies with the highest academic, linguistic and grammatical standards. (Yes, that means that things like grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important.) The paper must cite at least three (3) authoritative reference sources including at least one published book, one printed journal of national circulation, and one internet source. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable internet source. Papers must be submitted through Desire to Learn and must also be emailed to pfitzgerald@edu.on or before the due date listed in the topical course outline section. Benedictine University at Springfield Student Academic Honesty Policy The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university. Benedictine University at Springfield pursues these missions in an environment guided by our Roman Catholic tradition and our Benedictine heritage. Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all University students. Actions such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, forgery, falsification, destruction, multiple submission, solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these expectations and constitute unacceptable behavior in the University community. Student’s Responsibility Though there is no formal honor code at Benedictine University at Springfield, students are expected to exhibit academic honesty at all times. Violations against academic honesty are always serious and may result in sanctions that could have profound long-term effects. The final responsibility for understanding the Academic Honesty Policy of the institution, as well as the specific policies for individual courses normally found in syllabi, rests with students. If any doubt exists about what constitutes academic dishonesty, students have the responsibility to talk to the faculty member. Students should expect the members of their class to be academically honest. If students believe one or more members of the class have been deceitful to gain academic advantage in the class, students should feel comfortable to approach the faculty member of the course without prejudice. Violations of the Academic Honesty Policy will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs. Along with a verbal warning, the following are consequences a student may face for academic dishonesty: a failing grade or “zero” for the assignment; dismissal from and a failing grade for the course; or dismissal from the Institution. Legal Disclaimer This course necessarily involves the discussion of various legal issues. Any statements by the instructor are made for educational purposes only and are not intended to constitute any type of legal advice, either general or particular. The instructor does not and will not represent individuals and nothing said by him or to him creates or contemplates the existence of any attorney-client relationship and nothing said by him or to him is privileged or confidential. VII. MEANS OF EVALUATION Discussions 25% Quizzes 25% Research Paper 25% Final Exam 25% For serious reasons, students may request permission, in advance, to take the final exam at a time other than the scheduled time. In that event, a "B" is the maximum grade attainable for that exam. If the written assignment is turned in late, a "C" is the maximum grade attainable for that assignment. No credit will be given for any missed in-class quizzes or missed in-class discussions. Grade Appeal Process If a student believes that an error has been made in reporting a grade, an appeal must be made in writing to the instructor and must be initiated within 60 calendar days after the end of the term for which the grade in question was reported. The appeal should contain specific information about why it is believed the grade reported is inaccurate. See the Student Handbook for additional details. Add/Drop Dates Please refer to the current Academic Calendar for add/drop dates. Incomplete Request To qualify for an “I” grade, a minimum of 75% of the course work must be completed with a "C" or better, and a student must submit a completed "Request for an Incomplete" form to the Registrar’s Office. The form must be completed by both student and instructor, but it is the student’s responsibility (not the instructor’s) to initiate this process and obtain the necessary signatures. Student Withdrawal Procedure It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course by completing the appropriate form, with appropriate signatures, and returning the completed form to the Advising Office. Please refer to the Student Handbook for important financial information related to withdrawals. VIII. TOPICAL COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 1 The Criminal Justice System Chapter 2 Crime and Crime Causation Power Points 1 & 2 Discussion 1 Quiz 1 Week 2 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 3 Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law Chapter 4 Police Power Points 3 & 4 Quiz 2 Week 3 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 5 Policing: Contemporary Issues and Challenges Chapter 6 Police and Law Power Points 5 & 6 Discussion 2 Week 4 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 7 Courts and Adjudication Power Point 7 Quiz 3 Week 5 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 8 Pretrial Procedures, Plea Bargaining, and the Criminal Trial Power Point 8 Discussion 3 Week 6 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 9 Punishment and Sentencing Power Point 9 Quiz 4 Week 7 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 10 Corrections Chapter 11 Incarceration and Prison Society Power Points 10 & 11 Discussion 4 Week 8 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 12 Probation and Intermediate Sanctions Chapter 13 Reentry into the Community Power Points 12 & 13 Quiz 5 Week 9 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 14 Technology and Criminal Justice Power Point 14 Discussion 5 Research Paper Due Week 10 Monday (12:01 am) - Sunday (11:59 pm) Chapter 15 Juvenile Justice Power Point 15 Final Exam IX. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Benedictine University at Springfield provides individuals with disabilities reasonable accommodations to participate in educational programs, activities, and services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in campus-sponsored programs, activities, and services, or to meet course requirements, should contact the Resource Center as early as possible: or (217) 525-1420, ext. 3306. X. ASSESSMENT Goals, objectives, and learning outcomes that will be assessed in the class are stated in this syllabus. Instructor will use background knowledge probes, one-minute papers, reflective essays and/or other Classroom Assessment Techniques as deemed necessary in order to provide continuous improvement of instruction.