INSS 2009 June, 18th 2009 Pittsburgh, USA OTMCL: Orientation Tracking-based Localization for Mobile Sensor Networks Marcelo Martins, Hongyang Chen and Kaoru Sezaki University of Tokyo, Japan Location awareness Localization is an important component of WSNs Interpreting data from sensors requires context Location and sampling time? Protocols Security systems (e.g., wormhole attacks) Network coverage Geocasting Location-based routing Sensor Net applications Environment monitoring Event tracking Mapping 2 How can we determine location? GNSS receiver (e.g., GPS, GLONASS) Consider cost, form factor, inaccessibility, lack of line of sight Cooperative localization algorithms Nodes cooperate with each other Anchor-based case: Reference points (anchors) help other nodes estimate their positions 3 The case of mobility in localization Static networks Mobile networks • One-time or lowfrequency activity • Refinement process • Can be terminated • Must be invoked periodically • Update process • Must exist as long as node moves 4 Our goal We are interested in positioning low-powered, resourceconstrained sensor nodes A (reasonably) accurate positioning system for mobile networks Low-density, arbitrarily placed anchors and regular nodes Range-free: no special ranging hardware Low communication and computational overhead Adapted to the MANET model 5 Probabilistic methods Classic localization algorithms (DV-Hop, Centroid, APIT, etc.) compute the location directly and do not target mobility Probabilistic approach: explicitly considers the impreciseness of location estimates Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Least Squares Kalman Filter Particle Filtering (Sequential Monte Carlo or SMC) 6 Sequential Monte Carlo Localization Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) [Hu04] Locations are probability distributions Sequentially updated using Monte Carlo sampling as nodes move and anchors are discovered (Movement) Filtering Prediction 7 MCL: Initialization Node’s actual position Node’s estimate Initialization: Node has no knowledge of its location. L0 = { set of N random locations in the deployment area } 8 MCL: Prediction Node’s actual position Node’s last estimate Prediction: New particles based on previous estimated location and maximum velocity, vmax 9 Filtering a a Direct Anchor Indirect Anchor Node is within distance r of anchor Within distance (r, 2r] of anchor 10 MCL : Filtering Node’s actual position Binary filtering: Samples which are not inside the communication range of anchors are discarded r Anchor Invalid samples 11 Re-sampling 1. Repeat prediction and filtering until we obtain a minimum number of samples N. 2. Final estimate is the average of all filtered samples 3. If no samples found, reposition at the center of deployment area (initialization) 12 Other SMC-based works MCB [Baggio08] Better prediction: smaller sampling area using neighbor coordinates MSL [Rudhafshani07] Better filtering: use information from nonanchor nodes after they are localized Samples are weighted according to reliability of neighbors (non-binary filter) 13 Issue: Sample degradation Problem 1: Predicted samples with wrong direction or velocity Problem 2: Previous location estimate is not well-localized Why don’t we tell where samples should be generated? 14 Proposal: Orientation Tracking-based Monte Carlo Localization (OTMCL) Orientation Tracking • Sensor information to predict direction of movement • Discover direction using a set of sensors (e.g. gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer) • Prediction: Generated samples move inside disc area determined by α (measured angle) and β (variance) • Re-sampling: If no samples are found, perform dead reckoning 15 Sensor bias Inertial sensor is subject to bias due to Magnetic interference Temperature variation Erroneous calibration Affects velocity and orientation estimation during movement Lower localization accuracy No assumptions about hardware Analyses use 3 categories of nodes for OTMCL based on β High-precision sensors ( β = 10o) Medium-precision sensors ( β = 30o, β = 45o) Low-precision sensors ( β = 90o) 16 Analysis – Convergence time Simulation Parameters relative to communication range stabilization phase • • • • • • • • • • Area: 500 x 500 m2 Number of nodes: 320 Number of anchors: 32 Sample set: 50 Anchor density: 1 Node density: 10 Radio range: 50 m Max velocity: 10 m/s Mobility model: RWP* Full mobile scenario ~ 7m OTMCL achieves a decent performance even when the inertial sensor is under heavy bias 17 Analysis – Communication overhead Reducing power consumption is a primary issue in WSNs Limited batteries Inhospitable scenarios Assumes no data aggregation, compression OTMCL needs less information to achieve similar accuracy to MSL 18 Analysis – Anchor density Simulation Parameters • • • • • • • • • Area: 500 x 500 m2 Number of nodes: 320 Number of anchors: 32 Sample set: 50 Node density: 10 Radio range: 50 m Max velocity: 10 m/s Mobility model: RWP* Full mobile scenario OTMCL is robust even when the anchor network is sparse 19 Analysis – Speed variance Simulation Parameters • • • • • • • • • Area: 500 x 500 m2 Number of nodes: 320 Number of anchors: 32 Sample set: 50 Anchor density: 1 Node density: 10 Radio range: 50 m Mobility model: RWP* Full mobile scenario As speed increases, the larger is the sampling area lower accuracy 20 Analysis – Communication Irregularity Degree of Irregularity [He03] OTMCL is robust to radio irregularity. Dead reckoning is responsible for maintaining accuracy 21 Conclusion Monte Carlo localization Achieves accurate localization cheaply with low anchor density Orientation data promotes higher accuracy even on adverse conditions (low density, communication errors) Our contribution: A positioning system with limited communication requirements, improved accuracy and robustness to communication failures Future work Adaptive localization (e.g., variable sampling rate, variable sample number) Feasibility in a real WSN 22 Thank you for your attention 23 APPENDIX 24 OTMCL: Necessary number of samples Estimate error fairly stable when N > 50 25 Analysis – Regular node density Simulation Parameters • • • • • • • • • Area: 500 x 500 m2 Number of nodes: 320 Number of anchors: 32 Sample set: 50 Anchor density: 1 Radio range: 50 m Max velocity: 10 m/s Mobility model: RWP* Full mobile scenario OTMCL is robust even when the anchor network is sparse 26 Is it feasible? (On computational overhead) Impact of sampling (trials until fill sample set) Algorithm Avg. # of sampling trials (DOI = 0.0) MCL 1933.1077 MCB 559.796 MSL 2401.2508 ZJL 597.8802 OTMCL (β = 10º) 391.6977 OTMCL (β = 45º) 746.1909 OTMCL (β = 90º) 1109.4819 27 Radio model Upper & lower bounds on signal strength Beyond UB, all nodes are out of communication range Within LB, every node is within the comm. range Between LB & UB, there is (1) symmetric communication, (2) unidirectional comm., or (3) no comm. Degree of Irregularity (DOI) ([Zhou04]) 28