cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Polygon Rendering Techniques Swapping the Loops Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 1 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Review: Ray Tracing Pipeline Ray tracer produces visible samples of scene Samples are convolved with a filter to form pixel image Ray tracing pipeline: -Traverse scene graph Acceleration Data Structure (ADS) Preprocessing Ray Tracing Post processing Andries van Dam© Scene Graph Generate ray for each sample All samples 11/12/2015 -Accumulate CTM -Spatially organize objects -traverse ADS -for nearest cell to farthest cell -intersect objects in cell with ray -return nearest intersection in cell -otherwise continue to next cell Convolve with filter suitable for ray tracing Evaluate lighting equation at sample Generate reflection rays Final image pixels 2 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Rendering Polygons Often need to render triangle meshes Ray tracing works well for implicitly defined surfaces Many existing models and modeling apps are based on polygon meshes – can we render them by ray tracing the polygons? Easy to do: ray-polygon intersection is a simple calculation (use barycentric coords) Very inefficient: common for an object to have thousands of triangles, for a scene to have hundreds of thousands or even millions of triangles – each needs to be considered in intersection tests Traditional hardware pipeline is more efficient for many triangles: Process the scene polygon by polygon, using “z-buffer” to determine visibility Local illumination model Use crude interpolation shading approximation to compute the color and/or uv of most pixels, fine for small triangles Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 3 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Traditional Fixed Function Pipeline (disappearing) Polygons (usually triangles) approximate the desired geometry One polygon at a time: Each vertex is transformed into screen space, illumination model evaluated at each vertex. No global illumination (except through ambient term hack) One pixel of the polygon at a time (pipeline is highly simplified): depth is compared against z-buffer; if the pixel is visible, color value is computed using either linear interpolation between vertex color values (Gouraud shading) or a local lighting model for each pixel (e.g., Phong shading using interpolated normals and various types of hardware assisted maps) Geometry Processing Rendering/Pixel Processing World Coordinates Selective traversal of Acc Data Str (or traverse scene graph) to get CTM) Screen Coordinates Transform vertices to canonical view volume Andries van Dam© Trivial accept/reject and backface culling 11/12/2015 Lighting: calculate light intensity at vertices (lighting model of choice) View volume clipping Imageprecision VSD: compare pixel depth (z-buffer) Shading: interpolate vertex color values (Gouraud) or normals (Phong) 4 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Visible Surface Determination - review Back face culling: View volume clipping: Often don’t need to render triangles “facing away” from camera Skip triangle if screen space vertex positions aren’t in counter clockwise order If triangle lies entirely outside of view volume, no need to render it Some special cases requiring polygon clipping: large triangles, triangles that intersect faces of the view volume Occlusion culling: Triangles that are behind other opaque triangles don’t need to be rendered Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 5 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Programmable Shader-Based Pipeline Allows programmer to fine tune and optimize various stages of pipeline This is what we have used in labs and projects this semester Shaders are fast! (They use multiple ultrafast ALU’s, or arithmetic logic units). shaders can do all the techniques mentioned in this lecture in real time For example, physical phenomena such as shadows and light refraction can be emulated using shaders Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 The image on the right is rendered with a custom shader. Note that only the right image has realistic shadows. A normal map is also used to add detail to the model. 6 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Classical Shading Models Review (1/6) Constant Shading: No interpolation, pick a single representative intensity and propagate it over entire object Loses almost all depth cues Pixar “Shutterbug” images from: www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph /scanline/shade_models/shading.htm Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 7 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Classical Shading Models Review (2/6) Faceted Shading: Single illumination value per polygon With many polygons approximating a curved surface, this creates an undesirable faceted look. Facets exaggerated by “Mach banding” effect Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 8 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Classical Shading Models Review (3/6) Gouraud Shading: Linear Interpolation of intensity across triangles to eliminate edge discontinuity Eliminates intensity discontinuities at polygon edges; still have gradient discontinuities Mach banding is largely ameliorated, not eliminated Must differentiate desired creases from tessellation artifacts (edges of cube vs. edges on tessellated sphere) Can miss specular highlights between vertices because it interpolates vertex colors instead of calculating intensity directly at each point Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 9 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Classical Shading Models Review (4/6) Gouraud shading can miss specular highlights because it interpolates vertex colors instead of calculating intensity directly at each point, or even interpolating vertex normals (Phong shading) 𝑁𝑎 and 𝑁𝑏 would cause no appreciable specular component, whereas 𝑁𝑐 would, with view ray aligned with reflection ray. Interpolating between Ia and Ib misses the highlight that evaluating I at c using 𝑁𝑐 would catch Phong shading: Interpolated normal comes close to actual normal of true curved surface at a given point Reduces temporal “jumping” effect of highlight, e.g., when rotating sphere during animation (example on next slide) Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 10 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Classical Shading Models Review (5/6) Phong Shading: Linear interpolation of normal vectors instead of color values Always captures specular highlight More computationally expensive At each pixel, interpolated normal is renormalized and used to compute lighting model Gouraud Phong Gouraud Phong Looks much better than Gouraud, but still no global effects http://www.cgchannel.com/2010/11/cg-science-for-artistspart-2-the-real-time-rendering-pipeline/ Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 11 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Classical Shading Models Review (6/6) Global illumination models: Objects enhanced using texture, shadow, bump, reflection, etc., mapping These are still hacks, but more realistic ones Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 12 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Maps Overview Originally designed for offline rendering to improve quality Now used in shader programming to provide real time quality improvements Maps can contain many different kinds of information Simplest kind contains color information, i.e., texture map Can also contain depth, normal vectors, specularity, etc. (examples coming…) Can use multiple maps in combination (e.g., use texture map to determine object color, then normal map to perform lighting calculation, etc.) Indexing into maps – what happens between pixels in the original image? Depends! OpenGL allows you to specify filtering method GL_NEAREST: returns nearest pixel GL_LINEAR: triangle filtering Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 13 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Mipmapping Choosing a texture map resolution Want high resolution textures for nearby objects But high resolution textures are inefficient for distant objects Simple idea: Mipmapping MIP: multum in parvo, “much in little” Maintain multiple texture maps at different resolutions Use lower resolution textures for objects further away Example of “level of detail” (LOD) management common in CG Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Mipmap for a brick texture http://flylib.com/books/en/1.541.1.66/1/ 14 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Shadows (1/5) – Simplest Hack Render each object twice First pass: render normally Second pass: use transformations to project object onto ground plane, render completely black Pros: Easy, can be convincing. Eye more sensitive to presence of shadow than shadow’s exact shape Cons: Becomes complex computational geometry problem in anything but simplest case Easy: projecting onto flat, infinite ground plane How to implement for projection on stairs? Rolling hills? Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~matt/courses/cs563/t alks/shadow/shadow.html 15 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Shadows (2/5) – More Advanced For each light 𝐿 For each point 𝑃 in scene If 𝑃 is in shadow cast by 𝐿 //how to compute? Only use indirect lighting (e.g., ambient term for Phong lighting) Else Evaluate full lighting model (e.g., ambient, diffuse, specular for Phong) Next: different methods for computing whether 𝑃 is in shadow cast by 𝐿 Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Stencil shadow volumes implemented by former cs123 TA and former UTA, now Ph.D. Kevin Egan and former PhD student and book co-author Prof. Morgan McGuire, on nVidia chip 16 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Shadows (3/5) – Stencil Shadow Volumes For each light + object pair, compute mesh enclosing area where the object occludes the light Find silhouette from light’s perspective Every edge shared by two triangles, such that one triangle faces light source and other faces away On torus, where angle between normal vector and vector to light becomes >90° Project silhouette along light rays Generate triangles bridging silhouette and its projection to obtain the shadow volume A point P is in shadow from light L if any shadow volume V computed for L contains P Can determine this quickly using multiple passes and a “stencil buffer” More here on Stencil Buffers, Stencil Shadow Volumes Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Silhouette Projected Silhouette Example shadow volume (yellow mesh) http://www.ozone3d.net/tutorials/images/stencil_ shadow_volumes/shadow_volume.jpg 17 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Shadows (4/5) – Another Multi-Pass Technique: Shadow Maps Render scene using each light as center of projection, saving only its z-buffer Resultant 2D images are “shadow maps”, one per light Next, render scene from camera’s POV To determine if point P on object is in shadow: compute distance dP from P to light source convert P from world coordinates to shadow map coordinates using the viewing and projection matrices used to create shadow map look up min distance dmin in shadow map P is in shadow if dP > dmin , i.e., it lies behind a closer object Shadow map (on right) obtained by rendering from light’s point of view (darker is closer) Light Camera dmin dP P Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 18 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Shadows (5/5) – Shadow Map Tradeoffs Pro: Can extend to support soft shadows Con: Naïve implementation has impressively bad aliasing problems Soft shadows: shadows with “soft” edges (e.g. via blurring) Stencil shadow volumes only useful for hard-edged shadows Hard shadows Soft shadows When the camera is closer to the scene than the light, many screen pixels may be covered by only one shadow map pixel (e.g., sun shining on Eiffel tower) Many workarounds for aliasing issues Percentage-Closer Filtering: for each screen pixel, sample shadow map in multiple places and average Cascaded Shadow Maps: multiple shadow maps, higher resolution closer to viewer Variance Shadow Maps: use statistical modeling instead of simple depth comparison Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Aliasing produced by naïve shadow mapping http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch08.html http://www-sop.inria.fr/ reves/Marc.Stamminger/psm/ 19 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Environment Mapping (for specular reflections) (1/2) Approximate reflections by creating a skybox a.k.a. environment map a.k.a. reflection map Object To create environment map, render entire scene from center of an object one face at a time A hack to approximate recursive raytracing Often represented as six faces of a cube surrounding scene Can also be a large sphere surrounding scene, etc. Skybox Can use a single environment map for a cluster of objects Can do this offline for static geometry, but must generate at runtime for moving objects Rendering environment map at runtime is expensive (compared to using a pre-computed texture) Can also use photographic panoramas (see Lab 8!) Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 20 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Environment Mapping (2/2) Environment map To sample environment map reflection at point P: Computer vector E from P to eye Reflect E about normal N to obtain R Use the direction of R to compute the intersection point with the environment map Treat P as being center of map, i.e. move environment map so P is in center See more here: http://http.developer.nvidia.com/CgTutorial/cg _tutorial_chapter07.html Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 R P N E eye 21 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Overview: Surface Detail Observation What if we replaced the 3D sphere on the right with a 2D circle? The circle would have fewer triangles (thus renders faster) If we kept the sphere’s normals, the circle would still look like a sphere! Works because human visual system infers shape from patterns of light and dark regions (“shape from shading”). Brightness at any point is determined by normal vector, not by actual geometry of model Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Image credit: Dave Kilian, ‘13 22 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Idea: Surface Detail Two ideas: use texture map either to vary normals or vary mesh geometry itself. First let’s vary normals Start with a hi-poly (high polygon count) model Decimate the mesh (remove triangles) Encode hi-poly normal information into texture Map texture (i.e., normals) onto lo-poly mesh In fragment shader: Look up normal for each pixel Use Phong shading (normal interpolation0 to calculate pixel color normal obtained from texture Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Original hi-poly model Lo-poly model with hi-poly model’s normals preserved 23 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Normal Mapping Idea: Fill a texture map with normals Easiest to render, hardest to produce Fragment shader samples 2D color texture Interprets R as Nx ; G as Ny ; B as Nz Usually need specialized modeling tools like Pixologic’s Zbrush; algorithm on slide 27 Original mesh Object-space normal map Variants Object-space: store raw, object-space normal vectors (absolute specification of normal) Tangent-space: store normals in tangent space Mesh with normal map applied (colors still there for visualization purposes) Tangent space: UVW system, where W is aligned with the original low-res normal RGB corresponds to perturbations of low-res normal Relative specification of normal Have to convert normals to world space to do lighting calculation Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Tangent space Tangent-space normal map http://www.3dvf.com/forum/3dvf/Blender-2/modelisation-organique-tutoriel-sujet_16_1.htm 24 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Normal Mapping Example Normal mapping can completely alter the perceived geometry of a model Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Image courtesy of www.anticz.com 25 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Normal Mapping Video https://youtu.be/m-6Yu-nTbUU?t=2m21s Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 26 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Creating Normal Maps PM Algorithm (“baking the texture map”) Original mesh M simplified to mesh S For each pixel in normal map for S: Find corresponding point on S: PS Find closest point on original mesh: PM Average nearby normals in M and save value in normal map Manual M PS Normal map Artist starts with S Uses specialized tools to draw directly onto normal map (‘sculpting’) Andries van Dam© S 11/12/2015 Each normal vector’s X,Y,Z components stored as R,G,B values in texture 27 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Bump Mapping: Example + Original object (plain sphere) = Bump map (height map to perturb normals - see next slide ) Sphere with bump-mapped normals http://cse.csusb.edu/tong/courses/cs520/notes/texture.php Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 28 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Bump Mapping, Another Way to Perturb Normals Idea: instead of encoding normals themselves in the map, encode relative heights (or “bumps”) Black: minimum height delta White: maximum height delta Much easier to create than normal maps How to compute a normal from a height map? Collect several height samples from texture Convert height samples to 3D coordinates to calculate the average normal vector at the given point Transform computed normal from tangent space to object space (and from there into world space) You computed normals like this for a terrain mesh in Lab 4 (terrain)! Normal vectors for triangles neighboring a point. Each dot corresponds to a pixel in the bump map. Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 Original tangent-space normal = (0, 0, 1) Nearby values in (1D) bump map Bump map visualized as tangentspace height deltas Transformed tangent-space normal 29 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Other Techniques: Displacement Mapping Actually move the vertices along their normals by looking up height deltas in a height map Displacing the vertices of the mesh will deform the mesh, producing different vertex normals because the face normals will be different Unlike bump/normal mapping, this will produce correct silhouettes and self-shadowing By default, does not provide detail between vertices like normal/bump mapping To increase detail level we can subdivide the original mesh Can become very costly since it creates additional vertices Displacement map on a plane at different levels of subdivision Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_mapping http://www.nvidia.com/object/tessellation.html https://support.solidangle.com/display/AFMUG/Displacement 30 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Other Techniques: Parallax Mapping (1/2) Extension to normal/bump mapping Distorts texture coordinates right before sampling, as a function of normal and eye vector (next slide) Example below: looking at stone sidewalk at an angle Texture coordinates stretched along the near edges of the stones, which are “facing” the viewer Similarly, texture coordinates compressed along the far edges of the stones, where you shouldn’t be able to see the “backside” of the stones Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 http://amdstaging.wpengine.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/I3D2006Tatarchuk-POM.pdf 31 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Other Techniques: Parallax Mapping (2/2) Modify original texture coordinates (u,v) to better approximate where the intersection point of eye ray with perturbed surface would be on the bumpy surface Option 1 For illustration purposes, we use a smooth curve to show the varying heights in the neighborhood of point (u,v) Option 2 Sample the height map at point (u,v) to get height h Approximate region around (u,v) with a surface of constant height h Intersect eye ray with approximate surface to get new texture coordinates (u’, v’) Sample the height map in region around (u,v) to get the normal vector N’ (use the same normal averaging technique that we used in bump mapping) Approximate region around (u,v) with the tangent plane Intersect eye ray with approximate surface to get (u’, v’) Both produce artifacts when viewed from a steep angle Other options discussed here: http://www.cescg.org/CESCG2006/papers/TUBudapest-Premecz-Matyas.pdf Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 32 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Other Techniques: Steep Parallax Mapping Traditional parallax mapping only works for low-frequency bumps, does not handle very steep, high-frequency bumps Using option 1 from previous slide: the black eye ray correctly approximates the bump surface the gray eye ray misses the first intersection point on the highfrequency bump Steep Parallax Mapping Instead of approximating the bump surface, iteratively step along eye ray at each step, check height map value to see if we have intersected the surface more costly than naïve parallax mapping Invented by Brown PhD ‘06 Morgan McGuire and Max McGuire Adds support for self-shadowing Andries van Dam© 11/12/2015 http://graphics.cs.brown.edu/games/SteepParallax/mcguire-steepparallax.pdf 33 of 34 cs123 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS Comparison Creases between bricks look flat Andries van Dam© Creases look progressively deeper 11/12/2015 Objects have self-shadowing 34 of 34