ISA Meeting on September 23 2015 Location: CSU 204 – 10:00 pm

ISA Meeting on September 23rd 2015
Location: CSU 204
Time: 9:00pm – 10:00 pm
Board Members present: Dolly Baruah, Faical Rayani, Jonas Wohlberedt, Sung Man
Kang, Marjorie Oguenda-Joseph, Shekhar Baruah, Udu Ovraiti, Salma Abdelhamid,
Firdavs Khaydorov, Parisha Rajshandasi, Subhan Khalid,Naeemul Hassan, Ruslan
Babajanou, Tomoko Matsui, Estelle Tachago, Ekaterina Voytsekkovskaya, AbdulHafeez Nakumbe, David M,
KIC Staff present: Doni Casula, Andrew Orth,
Guest Speaker
o Professor Phan addressed the ISA board tonight and welcomed us again
to Minnesota State University. Furthermore, she reminded us to use our
voice and not to be shy in order be heard. According to Professor Phan,
International students are an asset to the University and play an important
role on campus!
Homecoming Parade
o The Homecoming Parade will take place on Oct. 10 at 10am.
o Doni informed us that we have 80 volunteers signed up to walk in the
homecoming parade. Unfortunately, not every volunteer can carry their
own country’s flag because we want as many countries as possible
represented during the parade. Additionally, Doni asked all of the ISA
board members to also participate in the parade. Volunteers are asked to
meet in front of the KIC at 9:15am that Saturday morning. Lastly, RSOs
can also sign up to represent their individual group.
Americas Night
o Dolly reminded us that the Americas Night is this Saturday and she
encouraged everyone to attend the event.
Business Etiquette Dinner
o Doni informed us that the Business Etiquette Dinner will be held on Oct.
RSO Fundraising
o The Japanese Intercultural Association raised some questions regarding
fundraising. The general rules state that you have to submit a request for
fundraising with scheduling. Depending upon their decision your RSO
might be allowed to sell crafts that you have made and keep the profit.
ISA Website
o Dolly informed us that we are currently still missing names, pictures, and
email addresses from many board members. In order to have the website
done as soon as possible, Dolly has set a deadline. The deadline is
Saturday, Sept. 26th 2015. Please send all of information to Firdavs.
TV outside the ISA office
o Dolly also brought up the idea of having a TV placed outside the ISA office
in order to showcase our events from the past and attract more students
to enter the ISA office.
 Doni suggested instead that we should rather utilize the screens that are
available all over the CSU instead of purchasing a separate TV. For that
matter, we could simply have pictures from events running as a slideshow
on the TVs in the CSU.
Volunteering Opportunities
o Dolly told us about some encounters with international students who claim
that there are not enough volunteering opportunities for international
students. This is largely due to the fact that opportunities on Orgsync fill
up very quickly.
 Doni reported that the KIC has offered more volunteering
opportunities than ever before. In regards to Orgsync filling up so
quickly, Andrew mentioned that you don’t have to get your cultural
contribution hours through Orgsync. There is a list of Pre-Approved
Off campus volunteering opportunities that you can find in Orgsync
under the “Files” tab. Students can contact these organizations on
their own and set up times they wish to volunteer. But everyone
please be reminded that it is absolutely crucial that you show
up and do your job! Otherwise, these organizations will refuse our
help in the future and it will hurt future international students!
Talent Show
o Shekhar informed us that he is currently working on a poster for our talent
show. The official name for this event will be “World’s Got Talent”
o Abdul Hafeez Nakumbe represented MSUSA today at our meeting and
informed us that he is currently looking for an Issue specialist and a PR
specialist for the organization. Anyone who is interested, please contact
Abdul through his email (
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 30th at 9:00 pm