MSU Technology Fee - Revised process Based on MnSCU's Procedure 5.11.1 Fees for Board Policy 5.11 Subpart C Administration (ITS) LTR MSSA Appoints Faculty and Staff Reps Appoints Student Reps MSU Technology Fee Advisory Committee made up of Students (majority), Faculty, Staff and Administration develop a recommnedation for the revenue of the Technology Fee Must be for acquisition, upgrading and/or maintenance of technology for academic and student support activities and/or must provide or enhance student access to technology Education, Information and Recommendations about current Tech Fee Usage Preliminary Technology Fee Recommendation Inform LTR reviews and then provides advice and comments on the recommendation Inform Campus Student Association reviews and then provides advice and comments on the recommendation Tech Fee Advisory Committee considers MSSA and LTR comments Final Technology Fee Recommendation President makes final decision VP Technology MnSCU Policy and Procedure for Technology Fee 2.3.1 Student Involvement in Decision-Making Subpart B. Consultation. Consultation means that the administration seeks an opinion from the campus student association and considers that information in the decision making process. Consultation includes presentation of materials, discussion and an opportunity for students to ask questions. The consultation process is used to gather student input and/or recommendations and can provide a forum for developing agreements between the administration and the student association. Prior to the meeting, the student association is notified of the agenda items. Necessary background materials are provided in advance of the meeting except under very unusual circumstances as reported to the Chancellor. If a resolution or agreement is proposed, the students association shall have a reasonable amount of time to discuss and consider the issue internally. When a college or university proposal requiring consultation is to be considered by the Board of Trustees, that college or university president shall submit an authorized letter to the Office of the Chancellor from the campus student association prior to the first reading, stating the level of consultation and any position taken by the association on the issue, except under very unusual circumstances as reported to the Chancellor. (Examples of issues requiring consultation: such as but not limited to consultation on a change in tuition or fees; agreement to establish an athletic fee, presidential exemption of fees, student life/activity fees, health fees, facility fee, parking fee, student wage rates, technology fee or campus proposals to the Board that have significant impact on students.) 5.11.1 Tuition and Fees Subpart L. Technology Fee 1. Colleges and universities may establish a policy to charge a fee to students for the acquisition, upgrading and/or maintenance of technology for academic and student support activities that provide or enhance student access to technology. 2. A technology fee advisory committee shall exist for each college or university. A majority of the committee members shall be students. The committee will make recommendations to the college or university president regarding expenditure of revenues received from the technology fee. Prior to making such recommendations, the technology advisory committee will inform the campus student association(s) of the committee's recommendations and seek advice and comment. 3. The college or university president has final authority regarding expenditure of funds received from the technology fee.