Word Count: 1533

Word Count: 1533
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, one of the most significant and renowned
books in American literature, defies outright classification, showing traits of both the
realist and
naturalist movements. It is a classic, however, precisely because it does so without
unity or poignancy. The Red Badge of Courage belongs unequivocably to the naturalist
but realism is also present and used to great effect. The conflict between these styles
the bloody clash of the war described in the book – and the eternal struggle between good
evil in human nature.
There are many characteristics in Crane’s novel that would more readily fit within the
category of realism: the ordinariness of his characters, the use of dialect, the portrayal of
protagonist Henry Fleming as a complex individual, the description of nature as
disinterested in
human affairs, and the positive ending of the story. Realism, often described as
"slice of life" or
"photographic" writing, attempts to portray life exactly as it is,
without twisting it or reworking it to
fit it into preconceived notions of what is appropriate or what is aesthetically pleasing. In
book, Crane relies on neither the oversimplified rationalism of classicist literature nor the
emotional idealism of romantic prose. Instead, he offers realistic, believable characters
average abilities. The soldiers are presented neither as epic heroes nor as bloodthirsty
rather, their most noticeable trait is their overwhelming normalcy. The soldiers of
regiment curse, fight, and argue just like normal people. This down-to-earth, gritty,
style is characteristic of realism. A particular convention used by Crane in convincing the
of his characters’ existence is dialect. The distinctive speech of the soldiers enhances the
photographic effect of the novel, lending it authenticity.
Another distinctive trait of realism is complexity of character – a trait readily evident in
Fleming. As he switches between cowardice and heroism, compassion and contempt, and
optimism and pessimism, the reader observes that he is more than just a stereotype. He is
person with fears, hopes, dreams, and foibles. Lastly, nature is often portrayed as
indifferent or
disinterested in the affairs of humankind. Whereas naturalism involves emphasis on the
of nature, realism lacks this trait. For example, after fighting a battle, "the
youth [feels] a flash of
astonishment at the blue, pure sky and the sun gleaming on the trees and fields. It [is]
surprising that Nature [has] gone tranquilly on with her golden process in the midst of so
devilment" (64). Later, when Henry takes refuge in the woods, the sanctuary
of the natural
world seals out all sounds of the human conflict taking place: "It [seems] now
that Nature [has]
no ears" (79). During a different battle, "the day [grows] more
white, until the sun [shines] with
his full radiance upon the thronged forest" – a symbol of purity amid the
bloody affairs of man
(156). Similarly, the smoke of deadly battle is contrasted with the unadulterated
innocence of
nature: "A cloud of dark smoke, as from smoldering ruins, [goes] up toward
the sun now bright
and gay in the blue enameled sky" (165). Crane detaches the war from the rest
of the world,
stating that "the world [is] fully interested in other matters. Apparently, the
regiment [has] its
small affair to itself" (172).
Lastly, the positive outlook with which the book concludes points to realism. Whereas
naturalism would pit the soldiers against impossible odds, a certain victory
"[shows] them that
the proportions [are] not impossible" (191). Immersed in the sweetness of
victory, "the past
[holds] no pictures of error and disappointment" (200). At the book’s end,
Henry reconciles
himself with his feelings of guilt and shame. He abandons war, and "scars
[fade] as flowers"
(223). He retires to "an existence of soft and eternal peace" (223).
A golden ray of sun at the
book’s close symbolizes the ray of hope Crane has for mankind. However, the solitary
beam is
nearly lost amid a mass of dark thunderheads. Correspondingly, although traits of realism
very evident, ominous naturalism is always present and usually dominant.
Naturalism, the practice of using scientific theory to develop and explain characters and
events, is largely negative and pessimistic, often emphasizing man’s impotence in
affecting his
own destiny. Also, the ideas of evolution and natural selection figure prominently into
The predominant reasons why The Red Badge of Courage represents naturalism rather
realism are the portrayal of nature as hostile (even more so than it is portrayed as
indifferent), the
application of science to war, and the emphasis on the impotence and lack of self-control
Crane’s characters. These themes are stressed so heavily that the scales tip toward
Crane frequently portrays nature as hostile to man. As Henry runs from the woods,
branches, pushing against him, [threaten] to throw him" (81).
"Trees, confronting him, [stretch]
out their arms and [forbid] him to pass" (84). At many times in the book,
characters are
impeded and attacked by brambles and "cussed briers" (155).
Nature’s foliage "[seems] to veil
powers and horrors" (174). As the regiment moves through the woods,
"the forest [makes] a
terrible objection" (175). In these and many other instances, nature is
personified as evil. It
threatens, reaches out, and grabs at soldiers, taking an active, hostile role, as if it were a
enemy – even offering up a horrid, rotting corpse as a symbol of its evil (88). This is a
idea of naturalism.
Another tenet of naturalistic writing is the application of scientific theory to plot and
Crane makes extensive use of scientific parlance and references prominent theories of
throughout the novel. For example, when wondering whether or not he will run from
Henry is called "an unknown quantity" and "obliged to
experiment" and "accumulate
information," as if he were a variable in a scientific laboratory procedure (17).
He tries "to
mathematically prove to himself that he [will] not run from a battle" and
makes "ceaseless
calculations" to determine whether or not he possesses sufficient courage (22).
During a battle,
Crane makes an allusion to Darwin’s theory of "survival of the
fittest": while running, "[Henry
feels] vaguely that death must make a first choice of the men who [are] nearest; the initial
morsels for the dragons would be then those who [are] following him. So he [displays]
the zeal
of an insane sprinter in his purpose to keep them in the rear. There [is] a race."
After he
successfully escapes, Henry justifies his flight by comparing his situation to that of a
When threatened, the squirrel turns and runs, controlled solely by natural instinct. Nature,
claims, provides reinforcement to his argument with scientific
"proofs" (79).
The most convincing argument that The Red Badge of Courage is a naturalistic novel is
repeated emphasis that Henry and his military companions are powerless and guided by
beyond their control. A primary axiom of naturalism is man’s lack of free will; all is
determined for them by heredity or environment. Crane places great emphasis on human
inability to act for oneself. He makes references to mobs, crowds, and stampedes,
pointing out
how individual members are powerless to resist the will of the masses. "As
[Henry runs] with his
comrades he strenuously [tries] to think, but all he [knows] is that if he [falls] down those
from behind [will] tread upon him…He [feels] carried along by a mob" (38).
Desiring to leave
the crowd, Henry sees "that it would be impossible for him to escape from the
regiment. It
[encloses] him. And there [are] the iron laws of tradition and law on four sides. He [is] in
moving box" (38). This portrayal of man as trapped and incapable of
resistance is central to
naturalism. "[Henry] had not enlisted of his free will," Crane adds.
"He had been dragged in by
the merciless government" (38). Crane compares the regiment to
"puppets under a magician’s
hand" and "little pieces" that the officers "fit
together" (76). This lack of control is infuriating to
Henry, who complains, "‘We just get fired around from pillar to post and get
licked here and get
licked there, and nobody knows what it’s done for. It makes a man feel like a damn kitten
in a
bag’" (155). Later on, when fired upon, the soldiers "accept the
pelting of the bullets" – to resist
would be "to strive against walls…to batter themselves against
granite" (184). Crane reiterates
many times that Henry and his companions have no power over their situation. All is
for them; resistance is futile.
In summary, The Red Badge of Courage is a naturalistic work with realistic tendencies.
convincing, believable characters, the authentic-sounding dialect, the complexity of
thoughts, the occasional impartiality of nature, and the optimistic ending are
representative of
realism. However, nature is far more often shown as evil or hostile. Scientific theory is
applied to
Henry and to the events that befall him. And neither Henry nor anyone else has any
control over
his fate. All these are traits of naturalism. The naturalistic elements are predominant
most of the book, and although the ending is curiously positive for a naturalistic work, it
showcases Crane’s unique perspective as an author. The struggle between negative and
positive, optimism and pessimism, and realism and naturalism parallels the battle
between blue
and gray described in the plot as well as humanity’s dual faces of good and evil.
Rejecting pure
naturalism as overly simplistic, Crane implies that although humans are subject to the
forces of nature, there is still hope to eventually arrive at a better life. Adding a touch of
to temper the morbidity of his naturalism, Stephen Crane will be remembered far into the
as the author of one of the most influential novels in American literature.
word count badge courage stephen crane most significant renowned books american
literature defies outright classification showing traits both realist naturalist movements
classic however precisely because does without sacrificing unity poignancy badge
courage belongs unequivocably naturalist genre realism also present used great effect
conflict between these styles mirrors bloody clash described book eternal struggle
between good evil human nature there many characteristics crane novel that would more
readily within category realism ordinariness characters dialect portrayal protagonist henry
fleming complex individual description nature disinterested human affairs positive
ending story realism often described quot slice life quot quot photographic writing
attempts portray life exactly without twisting reworking into preconceived notions what
appropriate what aesthetically pleasing this book crane relies neither oversimplified
rationalism classicist literature emotional idealism romantic prose instead offers realistic
believable characters with average abilities soldiers presented neither epic heroes
bloodthirsty killers rather their most noticeable trait their overwhelming normalcy
soldiers henry regiment curse fight argue just like normal people this down earth gritty
everyday style characteristic particular convention used convincing reader characters
existence dialect distinctive speech soldiers enhances photographic effect novel lending
authenticity another distinctive trait complexity character trait readily evident henry
fleming switches between cowardice heroism compassion contempt optimism pessimism
reader observes that more than just stereotype person with fears hopes dreams foibles
lastly nature often portrayed indifferent disinterested affairs humankind whereas
naturalism involves emphasis hostility lacks this example after fighting battle youth feels
flash astonishment blue pure gleaming trees fields surprising that gone tranquilly with
golden process midst much devilment later when takes refuge woods sanctuary natural
world seals sounds human conflict taking place seems ears during different battle grows
more white until shines full radiance upon thronged forest symbol purity amid bloody
affairs similarly smoke deadly battle contrasted unadulterated innocence cloud dark
smoke from smoldering ruins goes toward bright blue enameled detaches from rest world
stating world fully interested other matters apparently regiment small affair itself lastly
positive outlook which book concludes points whereas naturalism would against
impossible odds certain victory shows them proportions impossible immersed sweetness
victory past holds pictures error disappointment reconciles himself feelings guilt shame
abandons scars fade flowers retires existence soft eternal peace golden close symbolizes
hope mankind however solitary beam nearly lost amid mass dark thunderheads
correspondingly although traits very evident ominous naturalism always present usually
dominant practice using scientific theory develop explain events largely negative
pessimistic often emphasizing impotence affecting destiny also ideas evolution natural
selection figure prominently into predominant reasons badge courage represents rather
than portrayal hostile even than portrayed indifferent application science emphasis
impotence lack self control these themes stressed heavily scales toward frequently
portrays hostile runs from woods branches pushing against threaten throw trees
confronting stretch their arms forbid pass many times impeded attacked brambles cussed
briers foliage seems veil powers horrors regiment moves through woods forest makes
terrible objection these many other instances personified evil threatens reaches grabs
taking active hostile role were enemy even offering horrid rotting corpse symbol evil
central idea another tenet naturalistic writing application scientific theory plot character
makes extensive scientific parlance references prominent theories science throughout
novel example when wondering whether will called unknown quantity obliged
experiment accumulate information were variable laboratory procedure tries
mathematically prove himself will makes ceaseless calculations determine whether
possesses sufficient during allusion darwin theory survival fittest while running feels
vaguely death must make first choice nearest initial morsels dragons would then those
following displays zeal insane sprinter purpose keep them rear there race after
successfully escapes justifies flight comparing situation squirrel when threatened squirrel
turns runs controlled solely natural instinct claims provides reinforcement argument
proofs most convincing argument naturalistic repeated emphasis military companions
powerless guided forces beyond control primary axiom lack free will supposedly
determined them heredity environment places great inability oneself references mobs
crowds stampedes pointing individual members powerless resist masses runs comrades
strenuously tries think knows falls down those coming behind tread upon feels carried
along desiring leave crowd sees impossible escape encloses there iron laws tradition four
sides moving portrayal trapped incapable resistance central enlisted free adds been
dragged merciless government compares puppets under magician hand little pieces
officers together lack control infuriating complains just fired around pillar post licked
here licked nobody knows what done feel like damn kitten later fired upon accept pelting
bullets resist strive against walls batter themselves granite reiterates times companions
have power over situation determined resistance futile summary naturalistic work
realistic tendencies convincing believable authentic sounding dialect complexity thoughts
occasional impartiality optimistic ending representative however shown applied events
befall neither anyone else over fate traits elements predominant throughout although
ending curiously positive work showcases unique perspective author struggle negative
optimism pessimism parallels blue gray described plot well humanity dual faces good
rejecting pure overly simplistic implies although humans subject savage forces still hope
eventually arrive better life adding touch temper morbidity stephen remembered into
future author influential novels american literature
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