Word Count: 3144 nike campaign

Word Count: 3144
nike campaign
When I learned that I had to write this research paper, instead of procrastinating,
I convinced myself to JUST DO IT. This phrase also happens to be one of the signature
phrases of the leading athletic apparel company, Nike. The JUST DO IT campaign has
been very successful for Nike, but it is not he sole reason for their success. Nike’s
campaign has definitely persuaded me to go out and buy a few Nike products. So what
exactly does Nike’s persuasive campaign consist of? This paper will discuss all aspects
of Nike’s persuasive campaign. Some of the campaign’s strategies, goals, and techniques
will be revealed. Some persuasive theories that can be applied to the Nike advertising
campaign will be identified and explained. After discussing these theories, the specific
arguments of the campaign will be validated. Overall, the entire campaign will be
analyzed and it will be determined whether the campaign is a success or a failure.
The purpose of a campaign is to deliver a prospective consumer to the point of
sale. Nike uses what is classified as a product oriented advertising campaign. Nike’s
entire campaign is centered on convincing the consumer to purchase their product. The
goal of most product campaigns is to educate and prepare the consumer to exhibit
purchasing behavior, so that their company may become the leader in its market. Since
Nike is already the leading athletic apparel company, their goal is probably to stay on top.
Some of the major strategies used to achieve this goal are the use of television, magazine,
and Internet advertisements.
The developmental stages of a successful campaign help to establish the product
in the audience’s mind or consciousness. The stages of the Nike campaign can be
described by using the Yale Five-Stage Developmental Model. Yale researchers
developed this model while observing the growth of national identity. The first stage of
this model is identification. Our text states that “Many products and causes develop a
graphic symbol or logotype to create identification in the audience’s mind” (p. 264,
Larson). The logo Nike is most famous for is “The Swoosh.” This is the term given to
the symbol of winged victory that appears on Nike products. “The design of the swoosh
logo was inspired by the wing from the Greek goddess Nike” (p. 3,
http://shrike.depaul.edu /~mcoscino/word.html). The Nike logo’s presence can be noted
in almost every aspect of the athletic world. An internet article documents this presence
by stating, “In every room of every house, in every city of every state, in every country is
the check mark better known as the swoosh and even better known as the Nike symbol
that is worth billions of dollars” (p.1,
http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/academics/MS//7th/ulshafer/berman/essay.htm). Another
important aspect of identification is the name associated with the product. The name
Nike came from Greek mythology. “Nike is the Greek personification of victory. She
can run and fly at great speed” (p. 1,
http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/articles/n/nike.html). Therefore, Nike’s entire being
revolves around victory. The “Just Do It” slogan, which was introduced by Nike in
February 1995, would also fall under identification. This is one of Nike’s most
successful campaign ads. “Well as it turns out, ‘Just Do It’ wasn’t too harsh. It was, in
its cultural and commercial impact, along with Marlboro cigarettes and Volkswagen, one
of the three greatest ad campaigns in American history” (p.47, Garfield). In 1998, Nike
came up with a new slogan “I Can.” This slogan was a flop and was soon discarded.The
second stage of this model is legitimacy, which shows that the product is effective. Nike
has legitimized its campaign by getting well-known individuals to support its product.
Nike’s most famous supporter is Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is arguably the best
basketball player ever, and therefore easily convinces the consumer that Nike must be the
best product if he has chosen it. Participation is the third stage of this model, and this
would consist of the involvement or support from uncommitted persons. The advertising
of Nike by stores, who are not committed to only Nike, would fall into this category. For
example, even though Foot Locker sells almost every athletic shoe there is, it features
only Nike in many of its advertisements in magazines. Stage four, which is penetration,
means that the product has successfully cornered an area of the market. As a result, other
companies may try to market a replica of the product. Nike has definitely cornered the
market in athletic apparel. Nike has created a power brand in the athletic market. Nike
was the first shoe manufactuer to enter the clothing realm. “Nike raced ahead of the pack
by exploiting its brand power to move from athletics footwear into athletics clothing,
turning itself into a aymbol of fitness and well-being” (p. 24, Court). Other shoe
manufactuers caught onto this trend and developed their own line of athletic clothing.
The last stage of the model is distribution. The campaign needs to be able to deliver or
live up to the promises made. In this final stage, the campaign succeeds and becomes
institutionalized. The campaign must be able to give back to those who have supported
it. Nike does this with rebates, coupons, and incentives for store owners. Nike also does
not have a problem with replacing or reimbursing the consumer if there is a problem with
their purchase.
One of the first theories discussed in our text that can be applied to Nike’s
persuasive campaign is the Aristotelian Theory. This theory was developed by Aristotle,
a great librarian and researcher of Greece. The theory’s development was based on
Aristotle’s observation or persuaders at work in Athens. This theory consists of three
parts, which are ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos deals with the credibility or reputation of
the advertisee. Nike always picks people that have an ethos that would appeal to the
viewer. “Much of Nike’s clout comes from its ability to round up some of the world’s
best competitors to endorse its gear” (p. 64, Miller). Nike is able to sell this concept to the
consumer, by using testimonials from athletes that are the best in their sport. This does
not always mean that the athletes they choose to endorse their products are angels. “It’s
not afraid to bring controversial athletes into its stable. Example: basketball bad boy
Charles Barkley, who has spat on fans at an NBA game. After the incident Nike ignored
the bad manners and put him on TV saying, ‘I’m not a role model’” (p. 64). Pathos
addresses the emotional state of the audience, and is the second part of the theory. Our
text states that “In today’s terms, pathos equates with psychological appeals. Persuaders
assess the emotional state of one audience and design aartistic appeals aimed at those
states” (p. 60, Larson). Pathos consists of virtues or values. A good example of how
Nike used an ad to tap into the audience’s emotion was a 1995 advertisement featuring a
runner named Ric Munoz. The ad is described in an article in the magazine Runner’s
World. The article states, “Eight months ago, Nike contacted Munoz a 37-year old Los
Angelas runner who was diagnosed HIV positive in 1987. Purpose of the call: Nike
wanted Munoz to appear in one of it’s ‘Just Do It’ ads. The 30-second spot intersperses
shots of Munoz on a trail run with black-and-white placards. They read: ‘80miles every
week! Then ’10 marathons every year.’ And finally: ‘HIV-positive’” (p. 12, Dugard).
Even though this was a controversial issue, it was well received by the viewers.
“According to Nike spokesman Keith Peters, the ad aired 269 times on national TV by
mid-April and received a 74 percent approval rating from viewers” (p.12). The final
component of this theory is Logos. Logos appeals to the intellect or the rational side of
humans. Logos “relies on the audience’s ability to process statistical data, examples or
testimony in logical ways and to arrive at some conclusion” (p. 61, Larson). A simple
example of this is an advertisement in which Nike shows a plunger and a pair of their
shoes side by side. The caption on the advertisement reads “Always gets the job done.”
Nike uses examples how other objects perform and relate this function to their product.
In a simple way the viewers can logically assemble the information and come to a
conclusion about the product.
Another theory that can be associated with the Nike campaign is the Mass-media effects
theory. This theory can be separated in three parts. The first part is “by sharing a
common pool of experience we become vulnerable to distortion and propaganda” (p. 88,
Larson). The common pool of experience is that most people enjoy watching or
participating in sports. The viewer is then able to associate with one of the best in their
favorite sport by buying the same products. The second part of this theory is “that we are
selective about the media messages to which we expose ourselves” (p.88). The consumer
wants to be a winner. The Nike advertisements allow the viewer to associate with one of
the best in their favorite sport, and possibly be like them by buying the same products.
The last part of this theory is that “Mass-mediated messages have become so pervasive
that we are on the verge of being overwhelmed by them” (p. 88). This is definitely true
when it comes to “the swoosh.” Evidently Nike was aware of this, because they have
lightened up a little on “the swoosh.” A 1998 article in Sports Illustrated states, “Well
the sports world is about to get a little de-swooshed. Not only has the company
announced that it plans to cut endorsement spending on pro athletes by $100 million per
year, but it is also said to be planning to curtail the use of the swoosh on many of its retail
products. Instead of being displayed prominently on nearly all items, the swoosh would
appear in smaller sizes (retailers have started to refer to a ‘baby swoosh’) in lighter
shades, in less prominent locations—or not at all” (p.32, McCallum).
Within the Mass-Media Effects Theory is the Technological Determinism Theory,
which is also evident in the Nike campaign. This theory maintains that the “technology
of any given era is the major determinant of the cultural patterns of that era” (p. 88,
Larson). This is evident in Nike’s use of technology in some of its advertisements. “Nike
is an example of how to put together an integrated marketing campaign with the TV and
the Internet playing to their own – and each other’s – strengths. The fast-action TV
commercials from Wieden & Kennedy, Portland, Ore., are cliff-hangers that
urge viewers to find out how the spot ends at whatever.nike.com. People who do go to
the site to find a multimedia bonanza and can watch video clips of several different
endings” (p. 74, Carmichael).
The Uses and Gratification Theory can also be applied to Nike’s persuasive
campaign. This theory “assumes that receivers have various needs, ranging from loworder basic needs, such as food, shelter, or sex, to high-order, complex needs, such as
self-identity” (p. 90, Larson). The effects of this theory relies on the audience actively
searching for a satisfaction of their needs through the media. An originator of this theory,
Jay Blumler, identified four needs that influence people to look to the media.
The first need is surveillance, which is the necessity to keep track of the environment.
Nike takes advantage of this need by coming out with new designs and products that
people feel they need to have in order to keep up with the times. Curiosity is the second
need, and it deals with discovery and previously unknown information. A perfect
example of Nike addressing this need is the whatever.nike.com marketing scheme. This
consists of a commercial that begins on TV, but you have to go to the website to see the
ending. Many people who do not even plan to buy Nike products may visit this website
out of sheer curiosity. Thirdly, this theory consists of a need of diversion or the need to
escape. Nike sponsers many activities that people can participate in that can help them
get away from the stresses of their everyday life. An article in American Fitness,
describes how one woman attended a “Just Do It For You” fitness and fashion workshop
co-hosted by Nike. The speaker was the founder of Jazzercise, Judi Missett. The author
of the article writes, “Missets’s inspirational words were followed by a video preview of
the latest Nike advertising campaign, a lively and spirited focus on the healthy integration
of mind, body and spirit. Nike’s fitness message all started with running, the campaign
says, but remember the running is toward fulfillment, towards dreams come true” (p. 3,
Ferrari). Nike taps into the desires of the attendents of the workshop desire to do
something for themselves, and according to the author the workshop was very effective.
The last component of the uses and gratification theory is the need for personal identity.
This is the need that Nike seems to try to appeal to the most. This need deals with the
consumer wanting to have a sense of identity or belonging. “This sense of identity may
come from role models we see on television, from political views written in newspapers,
or from a certain type of music that we listen to and identify with our own lifestyle” (p.
92, Larson).
Nike’s major argument for their campaign is that wearing their shoes will enhance
one’s performance. In order to prove their argument Nike uses Effect-to-Cause
Reasoning. They show you the effect first, which is running the fastest or jumping the
highest. Then they show you the cause, which is the wearing of their shoes. I think this
has a very positive and successful effect, because everyone wants to perform at the
highest level. Ultimately, audiences are able to identify with personal experiences, and
when persuaders tap into these experiences, the result is a positive one.
Nike’s campaign has been very successful over the years.. In the past it has put
out stunning numbers For example, an article in the magazine Advertising Age reflects
some of Nike’s numbers during the year of 1998. It states “The company has since gone
from an 18% share of the domestic sport-shoe business to 43%, from $877 million in
worldwide sales to $9.2 billion” (p.1, Garfield). These are very significant numbers and
are proof that Nike’s persuasive campaign is very successful. However, Nike began to
see a drop in sales in the company’s third quarter of 1998. “The Asia economic crisis,
brown shoes, resignations, and boring ads resulted in soft markets, sagging future orders,
and sliding economies. Now Nike is a $9.5 billion company trying to get to $15 billion
with a management team that is stretched too thin. If management of Nike wants to make
Nike a $15 billion company, Nike has to make adjustments to the problems that the
company faced in fiscal 1998 (p. 27, http://shrike.depaul.edu /~mcoscino/word.html).
In order for Nike to be able to continue to stay on top, the problems referred to
above must be addressed. They must try to correct the Asia crisis as best as possible and
wait for it to pass. Also, the trend of younger people buying brown shoes has caused the
sales of the athletic shoe to decrease. Nike has to fight this trend by creating athletic
shoes that are cheaper and show more individuality. Rather than trying to come up with
new physical innovations to their products, Nike is changing it’s marketing through a
program called Alpha. Under this new program, Nike will market its most expensive
apparel, sporting goods, and sneaker products as a unit. Nike will use “Alpha Athletes”
like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, who will be dressed in Nike from head to toe.
This line of clothing is described in an article in Time magazine, “The first of those is
brand Jordan, whose Jumpman logo has replaced the swoosh on those famous sneakers.
Nike expects to sell $300 million in Jordan merchandise in fiscal 1998 and considers the
brand to have billion-dollar potential. And Nike is creating a golf division around its $40
million swinger, Woods. He has his own brand, aimed at younger, more athletic golfers,
and his togs carry his own logo, a swirling yin-yang emblem designed to reflect his
Buddhist beliefs as well as his club speed. Another line, Nike Classic Golf, will target
the country-club set” (p. 6, Saporito).
After looking at the numbers Nike has put up in the past, I believe that they do
have a successful campaign. Even with the drop of sales, they are still leading in sales in
the athletic footwear and clothing industry.
Author Unknown. “Introduction” (http://shrike.depaul.edu/~mcoscino/word.html)
Carmichael, Matt. “NIKE integration of TV, online a strong lesson” Advertising Age 31
March 2000. Vol. 71 Issue 5, p74, 1/4p, 1c
Court, David C.; Freeling, Anthony. “If Nike can ‘just do it,’ why can’t we?”
McKinsey Quarterly vol. 3 (1997): 3 March 2000
Dugard, Martin. “ One mile at a time.” Runner’s
World vol.30 (July 1995): 3 March 2000
Ferrari, Mary Beth. “Just for you, just for once.”
America Fitness May/June 1993: vol.11 3 March 2000
Garfield, Bob. “Nike’s new ‘I can’ just doesn’t do it as well.
Advertising Age 19 Jan.1998: vol.69 3 March 2000
Larson, Charles U. Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility 1998 eighth edition
Matt. “The Swoosh Dominates”
McCullum, Jack; O’Brien, Richard. “Just Don’t Overdo It” Sports Illustrated 12 October
1998, vol. 89 Issue 15, p.32, 2p
Nike Park. “Nike General Info & History” 1996
Sopaorito, Bill/ Beaverton. “ Can Nike Get Unstuck?” TIME 30 March 1998. Vol.151.
No. 12
Tuccinardi, Ryan. “Nike” http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/articles/n/nike.html
word count nike campaign when learned that write this research paper instead
procrastinating convinced myself just this phrase also happens signature phrases leading
athletic apparel company nike just campaign been very successful nike sole reason their
success campaign definitely persuaded products what exactly does persuasive consist this
paper will discuss aspects persuasive some strategies goals techniques will revealed some
persuasive theories that applied advertising will identified explained after discussing
these theories specific arguments validated overall entire analyzed determined whether
success failure purpose deliver prospective consumer point sale uses what classified
product oriented advertising entire centered convincing consumer purchase their product
goal most product campaigns educate prepare consumer exhibit purchasing behavior that
their company become leader market since already leading athletic apparel company goal
probably stay some major strategies used achieve goal television magazine internet
advertisements developmental stages successful help establish audience mind
consciousness stages described using yale five stage developmental model yale
researchers developed model while observing growth national identity first stage model
identification text states many products causes develop graphic symbol logotype create
identification audience mind larson logo most famous swoosh term given symbol winged
victory appears products design swoosh logo inspired wing from greek goddess http
shrike depaul mcoscino word html logo presence noted almost every aspect athletic world
internet article documents presence stating every room every house city state country
check mark better known swoosh even better known symbol worth billions dollars http
academics ulshafer berman essay another important aspect identification name associated
with name came from greek mythology greek personification victory great speed http
pantheon mythica articles html therefore entire being revolves around victory just slogan
which introduced february would also fall under most successful well turns wasn harsh
cultural commercial impact along with marlboro cigarettes volkswagen three greatest
campaigns american history garfield came with slogan slogan flop soon discarded second
stage legitimacy which shows effective legitimized getting well known individuals
support famous supporter michael jordan michael jordan arguably best basketball player
ever therefore easily convinces must best chosen participation third would consist
involvement support from uncommitted persons advertising stores committed only would
fall into category example even though foot locker sells almost shoe there features only
many advertisements magazines four which penetration means successfully cornered area
market result other companies market replica definitely cornered apparel created power
brand first shoe manufactuer enter clothing realm raced ahead pack exploiting brand
power move athletics footwear into athletics clothing turning itself into aymbol fitness
well being court other shoe manufactuers caught onto trend developed line clothing last
distribution needs able deliver live promises made final succeeds becomes
institutionalized must able give back those have supported does rebates coupons
incentives store owners also does have problem replacing reimbursing there problem
purchase first theories discussed text applied aristotelian theory theory developed aristotle
great librarian researcher greece theory development based aristotle observation
persuaders work athens consists three parts ethos pathos logos ethos deals credibility
reputation advertisee always picks people have ethos appeal viewer much clout comes
ability round world best competitors endorse gear miller able sell concept using
testimonials athletes sport always mean athletes they choose endorse angels afraid bring
controversial athletes stable example basketball charles barkley spat fans game after
incident ignored manners saying role pathos addresses emotional state audience second
part text states today terms pathos equates psychological appeals persuaders assess
emotional state design aartistic appeals aimed those states larson consists virtues values
good example used emotion advertisement featuring runner named munoz described
article magazine runner world article eight months contacted munoz year angelas runner
diagnosed positive purpose call wanted munoz appear second spot intersperses shots trail
black white placards they read miles week then marathons year finally positive dugard
even though controversial issue received viewers according spokesman keith peters aired
times national april received percent approval rating viewers final component logos logos
appeals intellect rational side humans relies ability process statistical data examples
testimony logical ways arrive conclusion larson simple advertisement shows plunger pair
shoes side side caption advertisement reads always gets done uses examples other objects
perform relate function simple viewers logically assemble information come conclusion
about another associated mass media effects separated three parts part sharing common
pool experience become vulnerable distortion propaganda common pool experience
people enjoy watching participating sports viewer then associate favorite sport buying
same part selective about media messages expose ourselves wants winner advertisements
allow viewer associate favorite sport possibly like them buying same last mass mediated
messages become pervasive verge being overwhelmed them definitely true when comes
evidently aware because they lightened little sports illustrated sports about little
swooshed only announced plans endorsement spending million year said planning curtail
many retail instead displayed prominently nearly items appear smaller sizes retailers
started refer baby lighter shades less prominent locations mccallum within mass media
effects technological determinism evident maintains technology given major determinant
cultural patterns evident technology together integrated marketing internet playing each
strengths fast action commercials wieden kennedy portland cliff hangers urge find spot
ends whatever people site find multimedia bonanza watch video clips several different
endings carmichael uses gratification applied assumes receivers various needs ranging
order basic needs such food shelter high order complex such self identity effects relies
actively searching satisfaction through originator blumler identified four influence look
need surveillance necessity keep track environment takes advantage need coming designs
feel need order keep times curiosity deals discovery previously unknown information
perfect addressing whatever marketing scheme consists commercial begins website
ending plan visit website sheer curiosity thirdly diversion escape sponsers activities
participate help them away stresses everyday life american fitness describes woman
attended fitness fashion workshop hosted speaker founder jazzercise judi missett author
writes missets inspirational words were followed video preview latest lively spirited
focus healthy integration mind body spirit message started running says remember
running toward fulfillment towards dreams come true ferrari taps desires attendents
workshop desire something themselves according author workshop very effective last
component gratification personal identity seems appeal deals wanting sense belonging
sense come role models television political views written newspapers certain type music
listen identify lifestyle major argument wearing shoes enhance performance prove
argument effect cause reasoning show effect running fastest jumping highest then show
cause wearing shoes think very positive effect because everyone wants perform highest
level ultimately audiences identify personal experiences when persuaders these
experiences result been over years past stunning numbers magazine reflects numbers
during since gone share domestic business million worldwide sales billion garfield these
significant numbers proof however began drop sales third quarter asia economic crisis
brown resignations boring resulted soft markets sagging future orders sliding economies
billion trying billion management team stretched thin management wants make make
adjustments problems faced fiscal shrike depaul mcoscino word html continue stay
problems referred above must addressed correct asia crisis possible wait pass trend
younger buying brown caused sales decrease fight trend creating cheaper show more
individuality rather than trying physical innovations changing marketing through
program called alpha under program expensive sporting goods sneaker unit alpha like
tiger woods michael jordan dressed head line described time those brand whose jumpman
replaced famous sneakers expects sell million merchandise fiscal considers dollar
potential creating golf division around swinger woods aimed younger more golfers togs
carry swirling yang emblem designed reflect buddhist beliefs club speed another line
classic golf target country club saporito after looking past believe drop still leading
footwear industry bibliography author unknown introduction shrike depaul mcoscino
carmichael matt integration online strong lesson march issue court david freeling anthony
mckinsey quarterly march wysiwyg bodyframe ehostv fuzzyterm dugard martin mile time
july march wysiwyg bodyframe ehostv fuzzyterm ferrari mary beth once america june
wysiwyg bodyframe ehostv fuzzyterm garfield doesn charles persuasion reception
responsibility eighth edition matt dominates academics ulshafer berman essay mccullum
jack brien richard overdo illustrated october issue park general info history nikepark
simplenet nikeinfor sopaorito bill beaverton unstuck time tuccinardi ryan pantheon
mythica articles
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