Stephen Schollum
Academic Adviser, School of Business, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic,
Tauranga, New Zealand
• Paper identifies New Zealand’s recent regulation
and policy approaches to steering the tertiary
education sector/system
• Paper identifies ‘steering’ mechanisms for the
NZDipBus programme and the directions
provided in recent NZQA Guidelines as to local
paper prescriptions.
• Paper questions whether the current
opportunities for steering should be according to
national priorities and policies and/or local
• Represent personal viewpoint (not employer’s)
• Does not contain legal advice
• Given in ‘Chatham House’ rules environment
• Premise:
That teaching excellence for business success will result
from tutors influencing relevance of business content;
that local content will have relevance for local institutions
and students
• Education Amendment Act 1990
(Education Act 1989)
• ‘Enabling’ style and prescriptive detail
• Principles of
– Autonomy
– Accountability
• ‘Seamless’ education
Government ‘steering’
Fiscal measures (including Taxation)
‘persuasion (threat and exhortation’)
Summary of 15 years
• ‘Regulatory re-engagement’ by the state
• Move to centralist steering and Ministerial
determination and intervention arising from
– Concerns about financial risk to Government
– Criticism of wasteful effects of competition
– Belief that paradigm shift required
• Shift in focus from high trust ex post
accountability model to low trust ex ante
accountability environment
Legislation enables and
Players: appointments, duties and powers
Operations and operational environment
Funding mechanisms
Education Legislation:
Education Act 1989
Enacted in 1990: Education Amendment Act 1990 –
an amendment to and extension of the Education Act
1989, reinforcing the concept of ‘seamless’ education,
rather than located in a separate tertiary education act
The Education Act 1989 provides that TEIs are to be
governed by Councils made up of representatives and
appointees (S.165, 171).
The council’s first statutory duty is to appoint the Chief
Executive who is the employer of all staff (S.180(a)).
Section 181, provides that
“it is the duty of the Council of an institution, in the
performance of its functions and the exercise of its
To strive to ensure that the institution attains the
highest standards of excellence in education, training,
and research; …
To ensure that systems are established for
the coordination of, and accountability for, activities
within the institution to ensure the responsible use of
public resources
To ensure that proper standards of integrity, conduct,
and concern for– the public interest; and
– the wellbeing of students attending the institution•
are maintained”.
Section 180 lists other functions of Council, namely
• to prepare, negotiate and adopt a charter for the
• (c) to adopt a profile for the institution
• (d) to ensure that the institution is managed in
accordance with its charter and its profile:
• (e) to determine the policies of the institution in relation
to the implementation of its charter, the carrying out of its
profile, and …the management of its affairs.’
• These provisions establish a hierarchy of documentation,
as explained below.
a hierarchy of documentation
• An Institution’s Statute, Quality Management System
(QMS), Council Policies, as well as its Charter and
• Section 193(1) of The Education Act 1989 states that the
“Council of an institution has all the powers
reasonably necessary to enable it to perform its
functions efficiently and effectively.”
• Section 194 enables a Council to make statutes for various reasons,
the good government and discipline of the institution.
hierarchy of formal documentation cont’d
TEIs’ operational authority and status is usually contained
within in a hierarchy of formal documentation:
• An Institution’s Statute(s), including Academic and
Discipline Statutes,
• Council Policies,
• Quality Management System (QMS),
• Charter, Profile,
• Academic Strategic Plans,
• Programme Regulations, and
• Terms of Reference for Designated Committees/subcommittees.
‘Steering’ by regulation
• Education (Tertiary Reform) Amendment Act 2002
• Introductory note: “give effect to the government’s
decision on the reform of the whole tertiary education
• Intention:
– more strategic use of resources through a more co-operative and
collaborative sector ,
– encourage greater focus on excellence in teaching, learning and
– more constructive partnerships between key participants
– better managed institutions
Key ‘steering’ mechanisms
• New Crown entity: Tertiary Education
Commission (TEC)
• Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) NB V2 now out
for discussion and consultation
• Statement of Tertiary Education Priorities
• (more focus on) Charters
• Profiles
• Risk Assessment Criteria
• ‘Fees maxima’
Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)
Part 13A S.159A – 159K
• Part 13A: (Not Part XIIIA)
• Enable the Government to “exercise
leadership of the tertiary education sector
to ensure the strategic use of resources
• Establish TEC
– Membership 6-9
Tertiary Education Strategy (TES)
• Sets out the Government’s medium-tolong term strategy, addressing
– economic, social and environmental contexts
– development aspirations of Maori and other
population groups
– Greater alignment with national goals and
national interest
– Increased responsiveness to the needs of,
and wider access for, learners
NB New TES now open for consultation
Tertiary Education Strategy (TES)
• Minister must
– give public notice of it
– Present a copy to the House of Representatives.
• NB Copy published May 2002 (before Act) therefore no public note
or presentation to HR [May 2002 – 69 pages]
• Six strategies
• 34 Objectives
• Development of
– Outcomes and Performance Measures
Six strategies:
• Strengthen System Capability and Quality
• Contribute to the Achievement of Maori Development
Aspirations (Te Rautaki Matauranga Maori)
• Raise Foundation Skills so that all people can participate
in our Knowledge Society
• Develop the skills New Zealanders need for our
Knowledge Society
• Educate for Pacific Peoples’ Development and Success
• Strengthen Research, Knowledge Creation and Uptake
for our Knowledge Society
Statement of Tertiary Education Priorities
• Issued every three years –after
consultation with TEC
• Sets out Government’s current priorities
– http://www.minedu.govt.nz/goto/step
Public Notice
#1- NZ Gazette 7 August 2003 No. 94 p2470]
• [made Sat 2nd August 2003]
#2 - NZ Gazette 7 April 2005 No. 62 p1549]
Copy presented to HR ? [S.159AC(4)(b)]
Charters - Purpose
• [Required by all TEOs seeking funding]
• Sets out the TEI’s mission and role over
the medium- to long- term
• Provides the basis for the development of
the Profile
• Minister may prescribe contents and
assessment criteria (S.159M)
– [Public Notices set out contents and criteria]
Charters - contents
• Authority: Education (Charters for Tertiary
Education Organisations) Notice 2003
[NZ Gazette, 29 May 2003, No 57 1604]
• Contents:
– Mission
– Special character
– Contribution to NZ’s identity and economic, social
cultural development
– Contribution to the tertiary education system
– Approach to collaboration and co-operation
Charters – contents continued
Approach to fulfilling Treaty of Waitangi obligations
Approach to meeting needs of Pacific people
Approach to meeting educational needs of learners
Ensuring staff profile reflects it mission and special character
Governance and management structure and principles
Consultation undertaken in preparation of Charter
• Consultation—
• Identification of stakeholders (S.1590)
• Ministerial power of approval (S.159P)
Profiles (S.159W)
• Prepared annually (for submission to TEC)
• Sets out TEO’s
– operating plans, key policies, and proposed
activities for next 3 years
– objectives, performance measures and
– short- to medium-term strategic direction
• Identifies activities for funding
• Identifies how TE will give effect to Charter
Profiles (S.159W) continued
• Notice: Requirements and Exemptions
• Notice Education (Profiles 2007-09 for Tertiary
Education Organisations) Notice
Refer: NZ Gazette, New Zealand Gazette 02/03/2006
• Available: http://www.tec.govt.nz/funding/profiles/resources.htm
• A range of Profile resources have been developed for
different types of Tertiary Education Organisations
(TEOs). These resources include profile guidelines and templates,
criteria and content documents, plus a range of other tools, registers
and schedules.
Assessment of Strategic Relevance
(ASR) (S.159M(2))
• Minister may prescribe standards content and
criteria [for assessment] (S.159M(2))
• TEC will assess Charters against the following
gazetted [?] criteria:
• The Tertiary Education Organisation’s (TEO’s) Charter
has been the product of a robust and comprehensive
strategic planning process and in particular in preparing
its Charter the TEO has identified:
– its current and future student profile
– the medium to long term economic, demographic and other
trends likely to impact on the educational needs of its learners
and other stakeholders
– the medium to long term challenges and opportunities
facing the TEO, including the risks posed to its
– how the TEO will respond to its environmental
assessment, including the capability development
required to achieve its strategic outcomes
– the number and nature of parties that the TEO
identifies as its stakeholders are appropriate to the
TEOs portfolio, size, location and mission.
– The TEO has outlined its core set of strategic
outcomes and the strategic targets and/or
benchmarks that it will use to indicate success.
ASR by TEC continued
• The TEO has demonstrated that its mission, special
character, and strategic outcomes will contribute to the
Tertiary Education Strategy and other of the
government's national strategies.
• The TEO’s Charter articulates a strategic positioning that
is selective, focussed and clearly differentiates it from
other comparable TEOs at a local, regional or national
level as appropriate, and complements and reinforces
other activity in the tertiary system.
– http://www.tec.govt.nz/funding/charters/assessment.htm
TEC Funding Guide
• 2006 Tertiary Funding Guide
http://www.tec.govt.nz/funding/ttf/tfunding_guide.htm approx 200 pages
• Describes the legislation, policies, rules, and conditions
under which the TEC allocates and delivers funding to
the tertiary education sector
• The broad rules of the relevant funding mechanism
determined by the Minister under sections 159ZA(1) and
(2) of the Education Act 1989 (the Act).
• The detailed implementation rules
of the relevant funding mechanism
determined by the TEC under S.159ZA(5)
Funding Guide continued
• Conditions imposed by the TEC under the Minister’s
directive under S.159ZA(2)(e).
• Conditions imposed by the TEC under S.159ZD(2) .
• The financial, statistical, or other information required to
be supplied by TEOs to the TEC as a condition imposed
under S.159ZD(1).
• Other financial information and records required to be
kept or supplied under S.159ZE (non-Tertiary Education
Institutions (non-TEIs)), or S.203 (TEIs).
• Note: There may be occasions when the TEC will require additional
information under section 159ZD(1) that has not been set out in the
Funding Guide.
An Institution’s QMS now incorporates ITPNZ’s twelve
Standards which relate to the following:
• Institutional academic quality management
• Development and review of qualifications and educational
• Financial, administrative and physical resources
• Human resources, staff selection, appraisal and development
• Student information and admission to programmes
• Student guidance and support
• Programme delivery
• Off-site practical/workplace components
• Assessment and moderation
• Reporting and certification
• Research
• Internal audit and review
Other principal Government steering mechanisms
• includes Policy, Funding, Exhortation, and Networks,
often through Government appointments onto national
bodies, or local TEI Councils.
• Policy and funding are often interlinked, usually
emanating from Government Budget announcements.
Implementation and detail is often provided by
intermediary bodies, such as Tertiary Education
Commission (TEC) and NZQA.
• Funding for new developments aimed at strengthening
relationships with the local community (obviously
including the business community) are often provide by
other Government Departments and Agencies
Recent NZQA changes to the New Zealand Diploma in
Business (NZDipBus) Regulations
• April 2006, NZQA published as an Appendix to Credit
Transfer Rule change and Prescription approval
Guidelines, Guidelines on Credit Transfer and
Unspecified Credit 2006
• This made provision for a local prescription developed by
an individual TEO for use by that TEO to be recognised
as part of the 12 papers required for completion of the
• A student may complete two such local prescriptions
towards achievement of the qualification
The Guidelines require that any proposed new prescription
also requires endorsement and recommendation to
NZQA by the NACBS prescriptions sub-committee
The current approval process is:
the TEO develops a proposal for an NZDipBus prescription to be
offered by that institution.
the proposed prescription is endorsed by the NACBS (the
prescriptions sub-committee) as an unspecified credit at a
particular level.
the NACBS endorse, or not, the proposal and make a
recommendation to NZQA for approval, or not.
NZQA notifies the TEO of the outcome of the application for
Requirements in detail
Key stakeholder (industry, academic, student)
perspectives are considered.
NZDipBus qualification aims/purpose are maintained
and supported.
Timelines of decision making ensure stakeholder
expectations are met.
A clear and transparent decision-making process
against published and publicised criteria.
Also, endorsement and support of Local Advisory
Committee (LAC)
Following criteria will be applied.
Evidence must be provided for each criterion
Consistent with and contributes to the Graduate Profile
Rationale/ purpose clearly articulates the basis for the
Level and fit within NZDipBus qualification structure
Design coherent, technical accuracy, manageable,
assessable, flexible
considers principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
Industry and stakeholder endorsement.
In addition:
TEOs must have documented internal policies and
procedures relating to credit transfer as appropriate and
required by:
• Element 5.1 (b) of the Criteria, Requirements and
Guidelines for Course Approvals and Accreditation
• Element 5.3 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics
(ITP) NZ Academic Quality Standards.
Changes made by the Planning and Development subcommittee of the National Advisory Committee of
Business Studies (NACBS) on 11 April 2005.
The NZQA Board approved these changes on 21 October
Other relevant NZQA Policy –
The role of the Local Advisory Committee (LAC)
• Government policy, certainly NZQZA policy, is that a well
functioning Local Advisory Committee (LAC) is important
to ‘steer’ Institutions’ programmes
• The key policy directive is contained in the December
2005 NZQA Tertiary Assessment and Moderation
“Section 6.3 of the Assessment and Certification Rules
and Procedures For Tertiary Qualifications notes that:
LAC requirements
• “Each teaching institution accredited to offer NZDipBus
programmes is required to have one or more Local
Advisory Committees for Business Studies.
• The membership of local advisory committees shall
include members of the local business and professional
community, members of the teaching staff of the
institution (who shall overall not comprise more than one
third of the membership), and students enrolled at the
teaching institution.
• Each local advisory committee shall determine its own
LAC reporting
“NZQA requires a local advisory committee to report on its activities for
the past year. In particular on how it carried out its functions, as
noted in the rules, and any issues that arose. The report form is
provided in appendix III. This report must be sent to Tertiary
Assessment and Moderation, NZQA, by 30 January 2006 [200x]
This Report of the Local Advisory Committee requires reporting on such
matters as
• list of all LAC members, including staff and students, with mention,
where applicable, of their representation, including organisation and
• Number of meetings held during year;
• Issues discussed: viz:
– Please list matters discussed by the Committee (relevant to
(Attach at least one set of LAC meeting minutes from the current year)
Overview and Challenges for NZDipBus staff
In this paper I have endeavoured to identify essential
sources of authority in regulation and policy, relating to
the identification, development and offering of local
prescriptions to meet local industry and student needs.
I have also identified the source of steering ‘from above’
The challenge for TEOs is to use this entitlement;
they must identify, then have approved and deliver local
prescriptions which reflect teaching excellence for
business success and thus contribute to our students’
meeting the NZDipBus Graduate profile
Challenge to TEOs and staff
In meeting this challenge, TEOs have to decide whether
requirements to make the NZDipBus meaningful for its
students either will come from above,
ie from national representative bodies, perhaps reflecting
and implementing government policies and interests,
or will come from local initiatives designed to meet local
demands and requirements.
The collateral challenge is to be informed on what is in your
institution’s Charter and Profile, and to contribute to the
direction your institution is proposing to go.
Shaping and steering your vision
The Charter and Profile will invariably be written and
shaped by senior management;
thus if you want to shape and steer your NZDipBus
programme, and introduce relevant required and
respected local prescriptions,
you will have to ensure that the Profile accommodates the
intended direction and that your Local Advisory
Committee shares and supports your vision
The opinions in this paper and presentation are personal opinions and
are not to be deemed and reflect my employer’s viewpoints.
Stephen Schollum, September 2006