Rutgers Digital Library Initiative What is a Digital Library Initiative • Employing digital technologies to support access, understanding and use of information by faculty and students to support the university’s core mission--research and education. •Provide seamless, immersive access to information--our resources and the resources of others. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative What is a Digital Library Initiative •Insure a shared understanding of information, as well as its discovery and use. •Provide core services to build a digital repository for RU information sources--both integrated and distributed •Support our users in all their roles: researcher, educator, publisher and learner --a lifelong role! Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Design Principles •User-centered - user collaboration •Supports Simple, transparent information use •Customized for user roles and information needs •Secure against misuse; intellectual property is appropriately safeguarded. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Design Principles •Sustainable -- collections and services are part of core mission. Core Applications suite supports addition of new archives and projects. Lifecycle of proposed projects are understood. •Distributed, flexible infrastructure that supports independence with integration across RU. •Seamless access to information and services •Scalable - expansion not replacement, build forward rather than rebuild Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Design Principles •Core integration - common service suite • Flexible data management - support heterogeneous metadata to support unique needs of information with a “core” that is understandable across all collections. •Interoperable - based on open standards for collaboration and data exchange Rutgers Digital Library Initiative The “Hybrid” Library Goal: Seamless integration of analog and digital information. •Ease of discovery and access regardless of format. • Building designs that encompass inviting, immersive stacks • Core integration through the metadatabase University Information Model Library Collection Discovery and Evaluation Intellectual Property Management Digital Persistence Create Once / Always maintain Collaborative Sharing “Gray Lit” Official docs Private colls Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Initial Steps: Build an Open-Architecture Repository Infrastructure • Distributed, managed digital storage providing information that is durable and secure. •Centralized database with data registry • Open protocols that support sharing information across libraries and across campus: Creating a shared, “virtual” collection of university information providers. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Open-Architecture Repository Data Ingest Database Library repository Digital Object Storage Data Export Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Initial Steps: Build a Common Service Suite • Metasearch engine across collections •METS structure map for defining parts, concatenating into collections, linking descriptive and technical information - database driven design •Multiple display and export formats from structure map •Core intellectual property management collaboration with Internet2, CNI, ViDe and others Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Initial Steps: Build a Common Service Suite •Metadata driven archives (“portals”) which support data sharing within and outside RU. • Open Archives Initiative implementation for sharing metadata--participating in other union catalog initiatives. Enabling our “information provider” users to share their metadata with their initiatives. OAI is a core “middleware” interoperability protocol required by NSF and other granting agencies. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative ALA / Role of Interoperability Protocols ALCTS OAI - Open Archives Initiative. HTTP-based protocol for simple searching and data mining across metadata repositories. METS - Metadata Encoding and Transport Standard- concatenates descriptive, administrative and rights metadata into an OAIS Nov. 2002 dissemination information package. Provides structure map for complex objects. SCORM - Shareable Content Object Reference Model. Combines IEEE LOM metadata with run-time initialization to provide data objects that can be pulled into IMS applications for use in lesson plans, syllabi, etc. Z39.50 - Data Exchange and Transport Protocol Slide 12 MPEG-7 - Multimedia Content Description Interface ALA /Rutgers ALCTS Digital Library Initiative Open Archives Initiative Protocol (OAI) G. Agnew Nov. 2002 Metadata record mining using OAI protocol commands imbedded in HTTP (GetRecord, ListRecords) Service providers pull records from data providers for union catalog implementations Limited set definitions and limited flow control Requires Archives ID, Record ID, and datestamp Slide 13 Rutgers Digital Library Initiative METS: Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard G. Agnew Provides encoding and transmission of descriptive, administrative and structural metadata using XML • Provides for transmission of metadata. • Associates structure map, file types and behaviors with digital objects to provide “intelligent” complex objects - e.g. E-Journal with machine and human recognizable “table of contents,” “abstract,” “citation,” etc. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative SCORM - Shareable Content Object Reference Model G. Agnew • Standard to create interoperable “learning objects”--can run on any compliant LMS/LCMS. Model includes: • Required run time that compliant LMS must support • required descriptive metadata - IEEE LOM application profile • Structure map for complex objects (“SCOs”) • Simple sequencing specification Rutgers Digital Library Initiative Z39.50: ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1995 (ISO 23950): • Supports data exchange between repositories • Supports federated searching by individuals across distributed repositories •Client/Server computer-to-computer communications protocol that specifies query and retrieval of information: bibliographic data, full-text documents; images, and multimedia in a distributed network environment, across disparate computer systems, databases and search engines. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative MPEG-7 Multimedia Content Description Interface Synchronization between content and description Creation of dynamic and “permanent” segments and clips Non-textual indexing - melody and speech recognition, color, shape, scene changes, etc. Textual format/Binary Format completely equal NYTSL RUCore at Rutgers Performing Arts Learning Object Iris Dynamic Portal DB 002-05-10 Agnew LCMS Luna Environmental Sciences Moving Image Collections Project Portal DB Science Education Portal Performing Arts NYTSL Iris OAI Gateway: Archives A 002-05-10 Agnew Dublin Core Luna Environmental Sciences Moving Image Gateway Core DB NJIANA JAZZ RU-ONLINE Testbed Participant in “Digital New Jersey” NJEDL IRIS Rutgers Scrapbook Project: Digital Preservation of photographs and pages LUNA Technical (“preservation” metadata) METS STRUCTURE MAP NJIANA MCS NJEDL LOM-compliant database for MCS; OAI mining for NJEDL JAZZ MARC Export of books, serials into IRIS Direct export facility to LUNA IRIS RU-ONLINE LUNA NJIANA JAZZ RU-ONLINE Convert in-house database into DC/MPEG-7. Collaborations with Music Library, other NJEDL collections (Indiana Variations, Juilliard?) IRIS LUNA Metadatabase; digitizing standards, etc. for Classics Rutgers Digital Library Initiative ALA / ALCTS Role of RUL Faculty and Staff DAWG - Digital Architecture/Infrastructure WG Developing storage and delivery infrastructure and core enabling technologies. (R. Jantz, Chair) Nov. 2002 Data Architecture WG - Developing a flexible “core” data registry for discovery and access via a “common understanding”. Key role in metadata-derived portal development (R. Marker, Chair) Digital Collection WG - Developing criteria for selecting and managing digital collections (R. Sewell, Chair) Planning Committee - Developing education and training Slide 23 -websites, in-house training, etc. Rutgers Digital Library Initiative ALA / ALCTS Role of RUL Faculty and Staff Assessment - Understanding the “information ecology” at RU: • How do core user groups use information for and education activities? Nov.research 2002 • What are their information sources? What is RUL’s “market share?” • What digital information do our core users create and manage? What potential digital information sources (analog, frequently nontraditional.” Slide 24 Rutgers Digital Library Initiative ALA / ALCTS Role of RUL Faculty and Staff Developing a Sustainability Model • Maintaining a project or collection’s durability and usefulness -- “keeping our promise.” Nov. 2002 • Developing “application suite” that enables RUL to create and manage digital collections/services and to integrate services created by others. • Develop and document minimum “best practices” for the creation and management of digital collections • Determine the “lifecycle” of a project via Slide 25 testbeds. Participate in testbeds.