Impressive Communication, Inc.

March 21, 2002
Impressive Communication, Inc.
Teacher's College
Columbia University
Institute for Learning Technologies
Box 144
525 West 120th Street
NY, NY 10027-6626
Dear Shawna:
Thank you for introducing us to (student) the Fulbright scholar who is interning
with us.
Impressive Communications is in the early stage of development as a socially
responsible Company with a mission to produce entertaining/educational SEL
digi-edutainment products for the development of emotional intelligence (EI).
Our primary target market is children from 7-12; however the immediate
project involves the Department of Defense and the training of Army leaders.
(Student) is currently participating in this unique opportunity to work in concert
with us as we are writing a proposal to the Department of Army to develop our
core product software architecture, AISEL. This software architecture consists
of a proprietary artificial intelligence software engine to be integrated with a
proprietary database of social and emotional learning skills (SEL) content
variables. AISEL requires a substantial R & D budget. If we are awarded this
grant, we can then develop the AISEL software architecture and use the
prototype to land venture capital and partners during the commercialization in
Phase III of the work. Although this application we’re writing the grant for is for
Army leadership training, the content of games, robotic learning tools and iTV
can be established for any target audience and our proposed digital edutainment
products once the architecture is built.
In his capacity as researcher and liaison between the grant writer/PI and Dr.
Robin Stern, the project’s Co-Research Scientist, (student) is serving a very vital
role in the development of the literature search. His input is also critical to the
overall strategy and critical thinking behind the creation of the technical
proposal and the proposed design and development of the research component
to conduct this feasibility study for the Army.
 To date, (student’s) research has taken him to the Department of Defense
Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) site to search for and isolate
citations/documents which will be of use to proposal writer.
12713 Pickett Court Spotsylvania, VA 22553
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 He has also provided important research material which he located at the
university’s library and scanned and sent as e-mail attachments. This
material would not have been so easy to find in a public library setting.
This effort freed up the time of the grant writer/PI so she could save
valuable hours at the library.
 A key component of the culture which has been created at Impressive
Communications is one which embraces the subject matter of our
research, emotional intelligence. Our team seeks team players who are
flexible and capable of making fast-paced and empowered decisions.
Huang-Yoa has proven to be very skilled at working independently and in
making decisions which have made working remotely with our team a
viable work procedure. We feel that he has contributed greatly in this
 He is doing an enormous amount of reading and thought about leadership
and EI, including the newest book on EI, Primal Leadership, by Daniel
Goleman. He is also reading an Army document, the FM-200 (Field
Manual) to determine how to bridge the gap between Goleman’s cuttingedge research and the adaptation of that knowledge base to the Army
culture and their goals to motivate leaders and help them develop intrapersonal skills and emotional intelligence toward a 21 st century Army that
is founded on motivation and changes brought on by self-development.
In the following weeks prior to the submission of the proposal to the
Department of the Army, (student) will be asked to go over the writer’s key
points involving Dr. Stern’s responsibilities as they apply to the research and
design component of the feasibility study which will take place in Phase I if the
grant is awarded to Impressive Communications. After going over the key
points with Dr. Stern, he will then revise and make the written edits and discuss
with the grant writer/PI any relevant data or comments from Dr. Stern.
Overall, (student) is a valued participant in the development of the funding
prospectus of the AISEL proprietary software architecture’s Phase I prototype
R&D program. We are very pleased with (student) work and his participation in
this critical funding effort.
We look forward to discussing this with you if you have questions.
Vicki Satta
Founder and Director