GRAD SCHOOLS Business, Law & Medicine

Business, Law & Medicine
• NCSU – BS (2009-2011)
• Next fall or later:
• Engineering: MS/PhD
• Other Professional:
Alt. examples:
– Peace Corps
– Americorps
– H.S.teaching
Dental, Medical, Vet.
Pharmacy, Optometry
Business School interview - 1
Why business school?
Why did you decide to apply to this business school?
What makes you stand out among other candidates?
What can you contribute to our program?
What are your expectations of this program?
How do you plan to use your degree?
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Business School interview - 2
• Can you walk me through your resume?
• Can you give me an example of a time that you
demonstrated leadership?
• What is your definition of teamwork?
• What would you say is your biggest weakness?
• What are your greatest strengths?
• How would your colleagues describe you?
• What are your hobbies?
Law School interview - 1
• What You'll Be Asked: Potential question areas
• * your childhood, personality, family, college life, hobbies, sports
and outside interests * your professional experience and
motivation to enroll in law school * your career goals, political
views and breadth of legal knowledge
Be prepared for a wide range of questions, from casual inquiries
about your family to probing questions about ethical/legal issues.
Also be prepared for general questions about current events and
items of interest in popular culture. Nothing is more disheartening
than interviewing an "academic genius" who doesn't know who
the Vice-President is.
Medical School interview - 1
• What You'll Be Asked:
• * your childhood, personality, family, college life, hobbies, sports
and outside interests * your professional experience and
motivation to enroll in medical school * your research
experience, career goals and breadth of medical knowledge *
your views of current issues in contemporary medicine
• Be prepared for a wide range of questions, from casual inquiries
about your family to probing questions about ethical/legal issues.
Also be prepared for general questions about current events and
items of interest in popular culture. Nothing is more disheartening
than interviewing an "academic genius" who doesn't know who
the Vice-President is.
Medical School interview - 2
a) Clinical experience.
including volunteer work, and how it shaped your understanding of medicine.
b) Knowledge of the field.
– Specialty areas in medicine and their responsibilities.
– Current issues in medicine, including managed care, malpractice concerns, ethical issues and
challenges in the field.
c) Personality.
– Ability to communicate clearly, handle life and death issues, manage stress and successfully
interact with people from all walks of life.
– Happy, healthy, well-adjusted person with a strong commitment to helping other people
.d) Motivation.
– Why you want to be a doctor and what contribution you hope to make to the field.
– Your specific interest in medicine
.e) Balance.
– We seek applicants who are well-rounded and well-adjusted. Knowledge of current events,
sustained interest in hobbies and outside interests and a strong interactive role in their
General Professional School
• Questions Interviewers May Ask:
• 1. What personal characteristics do you have that would make you
an outstanding . . .?
• 2. What are the strengths of your training? Weaknesses?
• 3. Which area of . . . interests you the most?
• 4. What do you hope to be doing ten years from now?
• 5. Fifteen years from now what would you like to look back upon
as your major contribution in . . . ?
• 6. How do you feel about increasing governmental involvement in
the health professions.
• 7. How do you feel about socialized medicine?
• 8. How has a major in . . . prepared you for . . . school?
• 9. If you had your education to do over again, what would you do
General Professional School-2
10. Do you think medicine is an art or a science?
11. Describe yourself for me.
12. Tell me about your family background.
13. What experiences have you had in . .
14. Why do you want to be a . . .
15. Why should we choose you over the many other applicants we have?
16. What do you know about our school?
17. How do you feel about euthanasia? How is it similar and dlfferent from
"mercy killing?”
18. What do you know about the history of . . . ?
19. What have you read lately?
20. What special area of . . . interests you the most? The least?
21. What do think is the single greatest problem facing . . . today?
22. Would you tell a patient that he is dying? How would you go about it?
23. How do you feel about the Karen Quinlan case?