EdD: Attachment E 01.10 Required Field-Based Performance Activities EDL 9810: Special Education and Advanced School Law Performance Application: Approximately sixty percent (60%) of assessed student work in this course requires performance application in a school setting. This has multiple components, reflecting the interrelation of knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary. While students are expected to identify a course-long (or, in exceptional situations, multicourse) performance application activity, the activities should focus on situated learning in productive contexts (Darling-Hammond, Hammerness, Grossman, Rust & Shulman (2005)), and specifically address: a. Knowledge: Prior to undertaking a performance application, students must reflect upon any legal and policy constraints relating to the exercise, discussing the same with the course instructor, their coach, and other individuals as the former two deem appropriate. This can include (for example): i. Assignments in which the educator will have to access student records or personally identifiable information. Is the educator sufficiently aware of potential application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (as appropriate), and any local board policy regarding accessing and disseminating student information? What safeguards will the educator take to ensure fidelity to these requirements? ii. Assignments in which the educator will be working with evaluations and other confidential personnel information. As with student records, does the educator demonstrate appropriate knowledge of laws governing the access and dissemination of information from personnel records (including, but not limited to, state law and the Americans with Disabilities Act)? How will the educator undertake his or her assignment consistently with the constraints of these laws? b. Skills: i. In each performance activity, the educator must demonstrate the ability to apply situational appropriate and relevant content-area knowledge, including synthesizing federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. Demonstrated skill level should be appropriate to the exercise, and students, coaches and instructors are encouraged to develop appropriate antecedent activities. For example, a student whose performance activity would ultimately culminate in a recommended change in school board policy that integrated ongoing and domain-specific professional development might have antecedent activities requiring reflective observation of a school board meeting, working with school officials currently assessing or revising policies, developing a financial impact statement if the policy is implemented, developing a policy impact statement (what are the anticipated and unanticipated affects of this policy change?), and ultimately culminating in the project itself. EdD: Attachment E 01.10 Similarly, an educator attempting a project to meaningfully educate educators on the requirements of the McKinney-Vento Act and appropriate responses could assess – from a policy and implementation perspective – current practice, whether current practices are perceived as effective (and if so, whether that perception was objectively accurate)), and make specific recommendations for policy development and implementation. c. Dispositions: i. In each performance activity, the educator must demonstrate appropriate appreciation of ethical and interpersonal elements of policy development and application. For example, a student attempting to educate teachers on the requirements of McKinneyVento might anticipate resistance at the perceived “preferential” treatment of children in transition and passive resistance to implementation of a policy relating to those children. The educator would have to recommend an appropriate method for addressing and overcoming that resistance. EDL 9820: Educational Planning: Policies, Practice & Transformation Education Interest Groups in Georgia (value = 20 points): The number and field of influence of education interest groups at the state and local level have increased dramatically in recent years. Identify at least two education interest groups (total of 8) affiliated with each of the four entities shown below: Businesses Government Groups Senior Citizens Groups Unions or “professional” organizations For each interest group you identify, describe what the relationship is with its associated entity, describe the membership, the organization, the mission of major area of focus, and the foremost actors within the group. Describe any issue put forth by the interest group in recent years that has become policy, if any. State your perception of the level of influence the interest group has in policy making at the state and or local level. Interview three principals (Elem, M.S., and H.S.) to determine the impact of those groups on teaching and learning for P-12 students. Develop your interview questions and your protocol. Provide copies of field notes. Interview will be anonymous. EDL 9830: Politics, Power, Policy and Performance for Educational Executives Policy Reform Assessment The Policy Reform Assessment is used to assess the policy reform assignment in the course. Candidates are required to complete a study on a policy reform which includes: identifying the nature and scope of the reform; identification of underlying assumptions about the purpose of the reform; a written analysis of the theory behind the reform; evidence on the reform; critical interpretations of the assumptions about the previous three; EdD: Attachment E 01.10 theory and how to create good practice; and application to broader political, economic or social events that facilitated or hindered the reform’s success. EDL 9840 EDL 9840 Emerging Trends in Instructional Leadership, Curriculum & Evaluation Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment Model Create a model describing the relationship among curriculum, instruction, assessment. Use a literature review to support your model. Focus the model on the following elements: Supported by research, best practices, and system assessment data illustrate in what ways the curriculum and instruction is influenced by changes in society; and describe limitations/challenges; Describe the social context of the district/school focusing on evidence of diversity and students from marginalized populations; Describe professional learning needs: organize and facilitate programs to improve faculty and staff effectiveness; Describe the characteristics and components of the performance assessment system. Develop and use appropriate qualitative and quantitative assessment data to develop a system wide strategic plan; Define style, model, method, and skills of teaching and demonstrate how each relates to the selection of instructional objectives and strategies; Using research theory and practice to develop a system wide process for assessing the use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction; and Evaluate systems curriculum, instructional, and assessment plan to ensure programs are aligned and carried out efficiently by leading others in a collaborative process to set and use benchmarks and rubrics to ensure effective teaching and learning takes place.