Permission to Cross-list an Undergraduate Course with a Graduate Course

Permission to Cross-list an Undergraduate Course with a Graduate Course
(To be used only for courses already approved by the UPCC or GPCC)
Title of Undergraduate Course ______Environmental Chemistry________________________
Course Prefix & Number
_______________CHEM 3700
Department Offering Course
Title of Graduate Course ___Environmental Chemistry _______________________________
Course Prefix & Number _____CHEM 5700
Graduate Program _______Masters of Arts in Teaching Science (MAT-Science)__________________
Please provide a brief rationale for cross-listing these courses.
One of the primary objectives of the MAT-science degree program is to provide prospective teachers with the
appropriate depth and breadth in their subject area so that they are fully prepared to convey current, in-depth,
and accurate content knowledge to their students. This course, COURSE XXX, is intended to deepen and
broaden the graduate students’ understanding of ideas in XXX, YYY, and ZZZ, and introduce them to advanced
topics in AAA, BBB, and CCC.
Additional Course Specific Language (if appropriate):
CHEM 3700 is currently offered as an upper-level elective content course intended to expose chemistry majors to
the issues of environmental chemistry. As such, it is appropriate for graduate students enrolled in the MAT as
environmental issues are omnipresent in society and thus teachers should have the scientific knowledge to explain
the issues to students.
In what ways will there be a substantial difference between undergraduate and graduate instruction?
Undergraduate students will focus primarily on the acquisition of deep conceptual understanding of the core
concepts emphasized during this course (e.g. XXX, YYY, ZZZ) while the graduate students will seek to find
connections and intersections between this course and the state-adopted secondary science curriculum, the
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).
Additional Course Specific Language (if appropriate):
Undergraduate instruction will focus primarily on acquiring a deep conceptual understanding of the content
knowledge emphasized during the class meeting times, while graduates will search for, read, analyze, and
summarize primary research articles relevant to the literature on the topics discussed during the course. The
expectation is that the graduate student will have a stronger foundation of content knowledge and will thus be
expected to extend that understanding further than his/her undergraduate colleague.
In what ways are there substantially greater expectations for students enrolled for graduate credit?
Graduate students will be expected to write a research paper detailing a recent development in a field related to
the topics covered in this course. The graduate student will be expected to present this paper to the class as a
class lesson.
Additional Course Specific Language (if appropriate):
The graduate students will be expected to write a research paper detailing one of the following topics:
environmental transformations and degradation processes, environmental toxicology or environmental analysis,
analyzing the results, and implications in a written report. The graduate student will present the research topic
as a lesson plan that includes an activity that would promote the education of the student peers. This
presentation must be presented clearly and succinctly.
In what ways will the combined instruction of graduate and undergraduate students will be structured to
ensure appropriate attention to both groups?
Students will participate in the same classroom-based discussions, investigations, and activities. This content
knowledge is new to both groups and thus they will get the same appropriate attention.
Who will be the Instructor of Record for this course (the instructor of a cross-listed course must meet the
university requirements for Provisional or Full Graduate Faculty status).
Marina Koether, 9 years of experience at KSU
(6) Please attach an undergraduate syllabus and a graduate syllabus for the cross-listed course (the requirements
and expectations for students in each course must be identified in separate syllabi, which clearly identify evidence
of substantially greater expectations for students enrolled for graduate credit.
See attached syllabi
Please provide a summary diagram showing a comparison of requirements and expectations for
undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the course.
CHEM 3700/5700
Undergraduate Expectations
Graduate Expectations
1. Recognize the physical nature of the Earth including the flow of energy,
types of energy, the nutrient cycles, the chemistry of soil and man’s
interference in the form of fertilizers, etc.
2. Illustrate the chemistry of the earth’s atmosphere (including the
troposphere and stratosphere) and describe global warming,
photochemical smog, acid rain, the ozone layer and the ozone hole.
3. Discuss water resources, pollution, and treatment, the unique
properties of water, and calculate, draw and understand pH-pE
4. Identify toxic substances and the four generations of pesticides,
herbicides and insecticides and know how to dispose of dangerous
5. Describe Green Chemistry, Life Cycle Assessment and the principles
of toxicity.
1. Recognize the physical nature of the Earth including the flow of
energy, types of energy, the nutrient cycles, the chemistry of soil and
man’s interference in the form of fertilizers, etc.
2. Illustrate the chemistry of the earth’s atmosphere (including the
troposphere and stratosphere) and describe global warming,
photochemical smog, acid rain, the ozone layer and the ozone hole.
3. Discuss water resources, pollution, and treatment, the unique
properties of water, and calculate, draw and understand pH-pE
4. Identify toxic substances and the four generations of pesticides,
herbicides and insecticides and know how to dispose of dangerous
5. Describe Green Chemistry, Life Cycle Assessment and the principles
of toxicity.
6. Gain proficiency at searching the environmental chemistry
literature with respect to one of the following topics:
environmental transformations and degradation processes,
environmental toxicology or environmental analysis, analyzing
the results, and implications in a written report.
7. Gain proficiency in presenting the research topic as a lesson
plan that includes an activity that would promote the education
of the student peers. This presentation must be presented
clearly and succinctly to your colleagues.
___________________________Graduate Program Director
___________________________ Department Chair
___________________________ GPCC Chair
___________________________ Graduate Dean